BioJava Maven migration and modularization
The new modularized code has been moved to the biojava-live/trunk.
The BioJava Maven repository that contains snapshot builds is available from
We are providing SNAPSHOT builds of the latest BioJava code base. For more information see the installation instructions.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] biojava ............................................... SUCCESS [1.543s]
[INFO] core .................................................. SUCCESS [16.352s]
[INFO] alignment ............................................. SUCCESS [4.123s]
[INFO] blast ................................................. SUCCESS [29.427s]
[INFO] structure ............................................. SUCCESS [22.653s]
[INFO] das ................................................... SUCCESS [27.339s]
[INFO] biojava ............................................... SUCCESS [0.174s]
[INFO] sequence-core ......................................... SUCCESS [1.161s]
[INFO] sequence-dna .......................................... SUCCESS [0.778s]
[INFO] sequence-rna .......................................... SUCCESS [0.701s]
[INFO] sequence-biosql ....................................... SUCCESS [0.661s]
[INFO] sequence-fasta ........................................ SUCCESS [0.739s]
[INFO] sequence-blastxml ..................................... SUCCESS [0.362s]
[INFO] sequencing ............................................ SUCCESS [1.840s]
[INFO] phylo ................................................. SUCCESS [1.889s]
[INFO] biosql ................................................ SUCCESS [1.997s]
[INFO] gui ................................................... SUCCESS [1.923s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The following things still need to be done:
- find solution for what to do with docs (move to relevant module or wiki)
- add '
target' properties to all the module top-level folders
- signing: re-enable the digital signature for jars
- declare code freeze (done, code freeze is over now)
- I will refactor the code into the modules and commit the new version at a new location in the SVN. (done)
- Documentation will be updated to reflect the new organization (in the process)
- All developers should obtain a new checkout
- We need to identify leaders for the development of the sub-modules. View the current list of defined modules
- Continue development on the new modules
- Finalize the new version of BioJava at the upcoming Hackaton
- release!
–Andreas 03:08, 24 August 2009 (UTC)