Can I use the (protein disorder) predictor from the command line?
BioJava module biojava3-protein-disorder can be compiled into a single
executable JAR file and run using java java -jar <jar_file_name>
command. The jar file can be downloaded from the BioJava
Alternatively if you want to integrate the predictor into your code you can use API functions to perform the calculations.
Options supported by the command line executable
JRONN version 3.1b usage 1 August 2011:
java -jar JRONN_JAR_NAME -i=inputfile <OPTIONS>
Where -i=input file
Input file can contain one or more FASTA formatted sequences.
All OPTIONS are optional
Supported OPTIONS are:
-o=output file
-d=disorder value
-f=V or H
-s=statistics file
-n=number of threads to use
-o full path to the output file, if not specified
standard out is used
-d the value of disorder, defaults to 0.5
-f output format, V for vertical, where the letters
of the sequence and corresponding disorder values are
output in two column layout. H for horizontal, where the
disorder values are provided under the letters of the
sequence. Letters and values separated by tabulation in
this case. Defaults to V.
-s the file name to write execution statistics to.
-n the number of threads to use. Defaults to the number of
cores available on the computer. n=1 mean sequential
processing. Valid values are 1 < n < (2 x num_of_cores)
Default value will give the best performance.
Predict disorder values for sequences from input file /home/input.fasta
output the results to the standard out. Use default disorder value
and utilise all cpus available on the computer.
java -jar JRONN.JAR -i=/home/input.fasta
Predict disorder values for sequences from input file /home/input.fasta
output the results in horizontal layout to the /home/jronn.out, collect
execution statistics to /home/jronn.stat.txt file and limit the number
of threads to two.
java -jar JRONN.JAR -i=/home/input.fasta -o=/home/jronn.out -d=0.6 -n=2 -f=H
The arguments can be provided in any order.