How can I make a Genetic Algorithm with BioJava?
With the introduction of the package it is now possible to generate Genetic Algorithms using BioJava. Genetic Algorithms are a class of simulation, optimization or problem solving algorithms that attempt to evolve a solution to a problem. The solution being evolved is encoded as a ‘chromosome’ which is typically a binary string although other encodings are possible. At each generation (iteration) a population of chromosomes is available. Like real chromsomes they mutate and recombine with some frequency at each generation. Critically, after each round of potential mutation and recombination the chromosomes that encode the best solution are favoured for replication. Thus, there is a trend towards increasingly good solutions in the population.
The example below demonstrates a very simple genetic algorithm constructed using the GA framework. The framework is designed to be very flexible and uses an interchangeable parts philosophy. The core interface is the GeneticAlgorithm with its default implementation, SimpleGeneticAlgorithm. The GeneticAlgorithm takes any Population of Organisms and iterates through the generations. At each step a MutationFunction and a CrossOverFunction are responsible for introducing variation. A FitnessFunction is responsible for determining the fitness of each Organism in the context of it’s parent Population. Because fitness can be calculated in the context of a Population it is possible to model competition within a Population. The Organisms to be selected for replication are nominated by the SelectionFunction usually on the basis of their fitness. The GeneticAlgorithm will stop iterating when the GAStoppingCriteria tells it to. This may be when a suitable solution has been reached or after a finite number of generations.
The functions and stopping criteria are all Java interfaces so custom implementations are possible. The only requirement for the GeneticAlgorithm is that is has a Population, a MutationFunction, a CrossOverFunction, a FitnessFunction, a SelectionFunction and a GAStoppingCriteria. The actual implementations used are interchangeable. Further, the ‘chromosome(s)’ of the Organisms in a Population are just BioJava SymbolLists and any Alphabet could be used to encode a solution.
As biojavax is already available, you can already use the GA package. However, the example below requires the GA package as it is currently available only in SVN. So please check it out anonymously to experiment with this example (have a look on the download section). It will also be bundled with the next biojava distribution in version 1.7 when released.
```java import java.util.Iterator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import;
* Demos a very Simple GA. It will run until one organism contains a chromosome
* that is 75% ones
* @author Mark Schreiber
* @author Susanne Merz
* @author Andreas Dräger
* @version 1.1
public class GADemo {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// print the header
// a uniform Distribution over the binary Alphabet
Distribution bin_dist = new UniformDistribution(GATools.getBinaryAlphabet());
// initialize the population
Population pop = new SimplePopulation("demo population");
// add 100 organisms
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
Organism o = new SimpleOrganism("organism" + i);
// make 1 random chromosome for each organism
SymbolList[] ch = new SymbolList[1];
// the symbols are randomly sampled from bin_dist
ch[0] = new SimpleSymbolList(DistributionTools.generateSequence("",
bin_dist, 100));
// set the organisms chromosome to be ch
// add to organism to the population pop
// created a SelectionFunction
SelectionFunction sf = new ProportionalSelection();
// create a new CrossOverFunction
CrossOverFunction cf = new SimpleCrossOverFunction();
// set the max number of cross overs per chromosome
// set a uniform cross over probability of 0.01
cf.setCrossOverProbs(new double[] {0.01});
// create a new MutationFunction
MutationFunction mf = new SimpleMutationFunction();
// set a uniform MutationProbability of 0.0001
mf.setMutationProbs(new double[] {0.0001});
// set the mutation spectrum of the function to be a standard
// mutation distribution over the binary Alphabet
// make a GeneticAlgorithm with the above functions
GeneticAlgorithm genAlg = new SimpleGeneticAlgorithm(pop, mf, cf, sf);
// set its FitnessFunction
genAlg.setFitnessFunction(new DemoFitness());
// run the Algorithm until the criteria of DemoStopping are met DemoStopping());
* Basic implementation of GAStopping Criteria
static class DemoStopping implements GAStoppingCriteria {
* Determines when to stop the Algorithm
public boolean stop(GeneticAlgorithm genAlg) {
System.out.print(genAlg.getGeneration() + ",");
Population pop = genAlg.getPopulation();
int i;
double totalFit = 0.0;
FitnessFunction ff = genAlg.getFitnessFunction();
double fit[] = {0.0};
double bestFitness[] = {0.0};
for (Iterator it = pop.organisms(); it.hasNext();) {
Organism o = (Organism);
fit =, pop, genAlg);
for (i = 0; i < fit.length; i++) {
bestFitness[i] = Math.max(fit[i], bestFitness[i]);
totalFit += fit[i];
// print the average fitness
System.out.print((totalFit / (double) pop.size()) + ",");
// print the best fitness
// fitness is 75.0 so stop the algorithm
boolean good = false;
for (i = 0; (i < bestFitness.length) && !good; i++) {
if (bestFitness[i] >= 75.0) {
good = true;
System.out.println("Organism found with Fitness of 75%");
// organism is fit enough, continue the algorithm
return good;
* A fitness function bases on the most "one" rich chromosome in the organism.
static class DemoFitness implements FitnessFunction {
public double[] fitness(Organism o, Population p, GeneticAlgorithm genAlg) {
double bestfit[] = {0.0};
for (int i = 0; i < o.getChromosomes().length; i++) {
SymbolList csome = o.getChromosomes()[i];
double fit = 0.0;
for (int j = 1; j <= csome.length(); j++) {
if (csome.symbolAt(j) == fit++;
bestfit[0] = Math.max(fit, bestfit[0]);
return bestfit;
} </java>