How can I do calculations with Atoms?
The Calc class provides a set of methods that can be used for calculations.
public double getPhi(Group a, Group b)
throws StructureException
if ( ! Calc.isConnected(a,b)){
throw new StructureException("can not calc Phi - AminoAcids are not connected!") ;
Atom a_C = a.getAtom("C");
Atom b_N = b.getAtom("N");
Atom b_CA = b.getAtom("CA");
Atom b_C = b.getAtom("C");
double phi = Calc.torsionAngle(a_C,b_N,b_CA,b_C);
return phi ;
BioJava contains a protein structure superimposition algorithm that is implemented using the BioJava structure API. To learn more about aligning protein structures go to <BioJava:CookBook:PDB:align>
Next: <BioJava:CookBook:PDB:groups> - How to work with Groups (AminoAcids,Nucleotides, Hetatom)