How do I read a PDB file?
The easiest way - AtomCache and StructureIO
The easiest way is to use the AtomCache class for accessing PDB files:
` // by default PDB files will be stored in a temporary directory`
` // there are two ways of configuring a directory, that can get re-used multiple times:`
` // A) set the environment variable PDB_DIR`
` // B) call cache.setPath(path) `
` AtomCache cache = new AtomCache();`
` `
` try {`
` // alternative: try d4hhba_ 4hhb.A 4hhb.A:1-100`
` Structure s = cache.getStructure("4hhb");`
` System.out.println(s);`
` } catch (Exception e) {`
` `
` e.printStackTrace();`
` }`
As of BioJava 3.0.5 there is also a new StructureIO utility class. ```java import org.biojava.nbio.structure.StructureIO;
Structure s1 = StructureIO.getStructure("4hhb");
Structure bioAssembly = StructureIO.getBiologicalAssembly("1stp",1);
// set the PDB path in StructureIO
Getting more control
BioJava provides a PDB file parser, that reads the content of a PDB file
into a flexible data model for managing protein structural data. It is
possible to
- parse individual PDB files, or
- work with local PDB file installations.
The class providing the core functionality for this is the
Short Example: how to read a local file
`// also works for gzip compressed files`
`String filename = "path/to/pdbfile.ent" ;`
`PDBFileReader pdbreader = new PDBFileReader();`
` Structure struc = pdbreader.getStructure(filename);`
` `
`} catch (Exception e){`
` e.printStackTrace();`
Example: How to work with a local installation of PDB
BioJava can work with local installations of PDB files. It can also automatically download and install missing PDB files. Here an example for how to do that:
public void basicLoad(String pdbId){
` try {`
` PDBFileReader reader = new PDBFileReader();`
` // the path to the local PDB installation`
` reader.setPath("/tmp");`
` // are all files in one directory, or are the files split,`
` // as on the PDB ftp servers?`
` reader.setPdbDirectorySplit(true);`
` // should a missing PDB id be fetched automatically from the FTP servers?`
` reader.setAutoFetch(true);`
` // configure the parameters of file parsing`
` `
` FileParsingParameters params = new FileParsingParameters();`
` `
` // should the ATOM and SEQRES residues be aligned when creating the internal data model?`
` params.setAlignSeqRes(true);`
` // should secondary structure get parsed from the file`
` params.setParseSecStruc(false);`
` params.setLoadChemCompInfo(true);`
` `
` reader.setFileParsingParameters(params);`
` `
` Structure structure = reader.getStructureById(pdbId);`
` `
` System.out.println(structure);`
` `
` for (Chain c: structure.getChains()){`
` System.out.println("Chain " + c.getName() + " details:");`
` System.out.println("Atom ligands: " + c.getAtomLigands());`
` System.out.println(c.getSeqResSequence());`
` }`
` `
` } catch (Exception e){`
` e.printStackTrace();`
` }`
Will give this output:
structure 4HHB Authors: G.FERMI,M.F.PERUTZ IdCode: 4HHB Classification: OXYGEN TRANSPORT DepDate: Wed Mar 07 00:00:00 PST 1984 Technique: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 1.74 ModDate: Tue Feb 24 00:00:00 PST 2009 Title: THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN DEOXYHAEMOGLOBIN AT 1.74 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION
length SEQRES: 141 length ATOM: 198 aminos: 141 hetatms: 57 nucleotides: 0
length SEQRES: 146 length ATOM: 205 aminos: 146 hetatms: 59 nucleotides: 0
length SEQRES: 141 length ATOM: 201 aminos: 141 hetatms: 60 nucleotides: 0
length SEQRES: 146 length ATOM: 197 aminos: 146 hetatms: 51 nucleotides: 0
DBRefs: 4
DBREF 4HHB A 1 141 UNP P69905 HBA_HUMAN 1 141
DBREF 4HHB B 1 146 UNP P68871 HBB_HUMAN 1 146
DBREF 4HHB C 1 141 UNP P69905 HBA_HUMAN 1 141
DBREF 4HHB D 1 146 UNP P68871 HBB_HUMAN 1 146
Compound: 1 HEMOGLOBIN (DEOXY) (ALPHA CHAIN) Chains: ChainId: A C Engineered: YES OrganismScientific: HOMO SAPIENS OrganismTaxId: 9606 OrganismCommon: HUMAN
Compound: 2 HEMOGLOBIN (DEOXY) (BETA CHAIN) Chains: ChainId: B D Engineered: YES OrganismScientific: HOMO SAPIENS OrganismTaxId: 9606 OrganismCommon: HUMAN
Chain A details:
Atom ligands: [Hetatom 142 HEM true atoms: 43]
Chain B details:
Atom ligands: [Hetatom 147 PO4 true atoms: 1, Hetatom 148 HEM true atoms: 43]
Chain C details:
Atom ligands: [Hetatom 142 HEM true atoms: 43]
Chain D details:
Atom ligands: [Hetatom 147 PO4 true atoms: 1, Hetatom 148 HEM true atoms: 43]
What do the parameters for the file parsing mean?
The FileParsingParameters class allows to configure various aspects of the file parser:
Should the AminoAcid sequences from the SEQRES and ATOM records of a PDB file be aligned? (default:yes) This alignment is done in order to map the ATOM records onto the SEQRES sequence.
Should the definitions of chemical components be downloaded from the PDB? The chemical components provide the chemically correct definition of the various groups. There are quite a few chemically modified amino acids in PDB files which can be represented as amino acids, rather than Hetatom groups, based on these definitions. This has an impact on the sequence alignment that is done during the alignSeqRes process. Without the correct representations, those groups would be flagged as “X”, or might be missing
This tells the parser to ignore ATOM records and only parse the header of the file.
Parse only the Atom records for C-alpha atoms
A flag if the secondary structure information from the PDB file (author’s assignment) should be parsed. If true the assignment can be accessed through AminoAcid.getSecStruc();
Caching of structure data
If you are running a script that is frequently re-using the same PDB structures, there is a new utility class that keeps an in-memory cache of the files for quicker access, the AtomCache. The cache is a soft-cache, this means it won’t cause out of memory exceptions, but garbage collects the data if the Java virtual machine needs to free up space. The AtomCache is thread-safe.
```java public void loadStructureFromCache(){
String pdbId = "4hhb";
String chainName = "4hhb.A";
String entityName = "4hhb:0";
// split PDB file installation?
boolean isPdbDirectorySplit = true;
String pdbFilePath = "/tmp/";
// we can set a flag if the file should be cached in memory
// This will enhance IO massively if the same files have to be accessed over and over again.
// This property is actually not necessary to provide, since this will be set automatically by the Atom Cache.
// The default is "true" if the AtomCache is being used.
System.setProperty(InputStreamProvider.CACHE_PROPERTY, "true");
AtomCache cache = new AtomCache(pdbFilePath,isPdbDirectorySplit);
try {
Structure s = cache.getStructure(pdbId);
System.out.println("Full Structure:" + s);
Atom[] ca = cache.getAtoms(chainName);
System.out.println("got " + ca.length + " CA atoms");
Structure firstEntity = cache.getStructure(entityName);
System.out.println("First entity: " + firstEntity);
} catch (Exception e){
Example: How to parse a local file
This example shows how to read a PDB file from your file system, obtain
a [Structure
and iterate over the
that are contained in the file. For more examples of how to access the
please go to <BioJava:CookBook:PDB:atoms>. For more info on how the
parser deals with SEQRES and ATOM records please see
<BioJava:CookBook:PDB:seqres> ```java
`// also works for gzip compressed files`
`String filename = "path/to/pdbfile.ent" ;`
`PDBFileReader pdbreader = new PDBFileReader();`
`// configure the parameters of file parsing`
`FileParsingParameters params = new FileParsingParameters();`
`// parse the C-alpha atoms only, default = false`
`// align the SEQRES and ATOM records, default = true `
`// slows the parsing speed slightly down, so if speed matters turn it off.`
`// the parser can read the secondary structure`
`// assignment from the PDB file header and add it to the amino acids`
` `
`// download missing PDB files automatically from EBI ftp server, default = false`
` Structure struc = pdbreader.getStructure(filename);`
` `
` System.out.println(struc);`
` GroupIterator gi = new GroupIterator(struc);`
` while (gi.hasNext()){`
` Group g = (Group);`
` `
` if ( g instanceof AminoAcid ){`
` AminoAcid aa = (AminoAcid)g;`
` Map sec = aa.getSecStruc();`
` Chain c = g.getParent();`
` System.out.println(c.getName() + " " + g + " " + sec);`
` } `
` }`
`} catch (Exception e) {`
` e.printStackTrace();`
To learn how to serialize a Structure object to a database see <BioJava:CookBook:PDB:hibernate>
Next: <BioJava:CookBook:PDB:atoms> - How to access atoms.