When you read in a annotated sequence file such as from GenBank or EMBL there is a lot more detailed information than just the raw sequence. If the information has a sensible location then it ends up as a Feature. Each of these features can be annotated with specific information.
The following program reads in a Genbank or EMBL file and outputs annotation information about each of the CDS features
```java /**
* Class to load an EMBL or Genbank sequence file and output annotation information about the CDS features.
//Java libraries import*; import java.util.*; //BioJava libraries import*; import*; import*; //BioJava extension libraries import org.biojavax.*; import org.biojavax.ontology.*; import*; import*;
public class ExtractInformation {
//Create the RichSequence object
RichSequence richSeq;
//ExtractInformation constructor
public ExtractInformation(String fileName){
//Load the sequence file
try {
richSeq = RichSequence.IOTools.readGenbankDNA(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName)),null).nextRichSequence();
catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe){
System.out.println("FileNotFoundException: " + fnfe);
catch(BioException bioe1){
System.err.println("Not a Genbank sequence trying EMBL");
try {
richSeq = RichSequence.IOTools.readEMBLDNA(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName)),null).nextRichSequence();
catch(BioException bioe2){
System.err.println("Not an EMBL sequence either");
catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe){
System.out.println("FileNotFoundException: " + fnfe);
//Filter the sequence on CDS features
FeatureFilter ff = new FeatureFilter.ByType("CDS");
FeatureHolder fh = richSeq.filter(ff);
//Iterate through the CDS features
for (Iterator
//Get the location of the feature
String featureLocation = rf.getLocation().toString();
//Get the annotation of the feature
RichAnnotation ra = (RichAnnotation)rf.getAnnotation();
//Use BioJava defined ComparableTerms
ComparableTerm geneTerm = new RichSequence.Terms().getGeneNameTerm();
ComparableTerm synonymTerm = new RichSequence.Terms().getGeneSynonymTerm();
//Create the required additional ComparableTerms
ComparableTerm locusTerm = RichObjectFactory.getDefaultOntology().getOrCreateTerm("locus_tag");
ComparableTerm productTerm = RichObjectFactory.getDefaultOntology().getOrCreateTerm("product");
ComparableTerm proteinIDTerm = RichObjectFactory.getDefaultOntology().getOrCreateTerm("protein_id");
//Create empty strings
String gene = "";
String locus = "";
String product = "";
String geneSynonym = "";
String proteinID = "";
//Iterate through the notes in the annotation
for (Iterator