
How do I read a sequence file (in whatever format) with the new Biojavax extension?

Since its inception, Biojava has been able to read files in the most popular file formats used in bio-informatics. Since Biojava 1.5 and the addition of the Biojavax extension, the way of reading files has changed somewhat. Although you can still read sequence files using the SeqIOTools class, it has been marked deprecated and is now replaced by the RichSequence.IOTools class. This class keeps the mapping of the information found in a given file format, allowing better correspondance to BioSQL databases. It also enforce the use of namespaces. The Biojavax extension also allows for easy parser creation if you need to read a new file format. But for most users, this is a rather remote thing. So, how is it different? Actually, it is not that different ;-) RichSequence.IOTools allows you to read files (DNA, RNA or protein) in the following format:

  • EMBL (native or XML)
  • GenBank
  • INSDseq
  • UniProt (native or XML)

This class also has a method, readFile, that can read a file while guessing its format.

```java import; import;

import org.biojavax.SimpleNamespace; import; import;

public class ReadGES_BJ1_6{

    * - A pretty simple demo program to read a sequence file
    * with a known format using Biojavax extension found in BJ1.6. 
    * You only need to provide a file as args[0]
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       BufferedReader br = null;
       SimpleNamespace ns = null;
           br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(args[0]));
           ns = new SimpleNamespace("biojava");
           // You can use any of the convenience methods found in the BioJava 1.6 API
           RichSequenceIterator rsi = RichSequence.IOTools.readFastaDNA(br,ns);
           // Since a single file can contain more than a sequence, you need to iterate over
           // rsi to get the information.
               RichSequence rs = rsi.nextRichSequence();
       catch(Exception be){

} ```