How to write a plugin for Dazzle
The source code
The full source code for this example is available from the dazzle svn repository
How to set up a Reference and Annotation server
This example demonstrates how to set up a reference & annotation server for Dazzle using the BioJava sequence model. There is also a second way to provide features, which is using a simple GFF style bean object. (Documentation to follow).
Step 1: declare what we want to implement. As you can see below, we want to implement a ReferenceSource and we use the convenience class AbstractDataSource, so we safe some time for the implmementation.
java public class UniProtDataSource extends AbstractDataSource
implements DazzleReferenceSource {
These objects will collect the data: ```java
private Map seqs; // contains all the BioJava Sequence objects.
private Set allTypes; // all annotation types.
String fileName; // the filename to parse
When the DAs source is requested, Dazzle will initiate this plugin. For
this the init method is called:
` public void init(ServletContext ctx) `
` throws DataSourceException`
` {`
` super.init(ctx);`
` try {`
` `
Now we init the variables and use BioJava to parse the uniprot file:
` seqs = new HashMap();`
` allTypes = new HashSet();`
` BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(ctx.getResourceAsStream(fileName)));`
// read the SwissProt File
` SequenceIterator sequences = SeqIOTools.readSwissprot(br);`
` //iterate through the sequences`
` while(sequences.hasNext()){`
` Sequence seq = sequences.nextSequence();`
` `
` seqs.put(seq.getName(), seq);`
` }`
If something goes wrong, we throw a DataSourceException
` } catch (Exception ex) {`
` throw new DataSourceException(ex, "Couldn't load sequence file");`
` }`
` }`
` /** try to parse a score out of the feature notes`
` * `
` */`
` public String getScore(Feature f) {`
` String score = "-";`
` Annotation a = f.getAnnotation();`
` try {`
` `
` String note = (String) a.getProperty("swissprot.featureattribute");`
` `
` int scorePos =note.indexOf("Score: "); `
` if ( scorePos > 0 ) {`
` String sc = note.substring(scorePos+7,note.length());`
` //System.out.println("parsed " + sc);`
` try {`
` double scp = Double.parseDouble(sc);`
` score = "" + scp;`
` } catch (Exception e){`
` e.printStackTrace();`
` }`
` try {`
` int scp = Integer.parseInt(sc);`
` score = "" + scp;`
` } catch (Exception e){ `
` e.printStackTrace();`
` }`
` `
` }`
` `
` //score = ""+ (Double)a.getProperty(SCORE);`
` System.out.println("found score " + score);`
` } catch (NoSuchElementException e){`
` // igonre in this case...`
` }`
` return score;`
` }`
Now some simple methods to provide some data to be returned to the user.
` public String getDataSourceType() {`
` return "UniProtFile";`
` }`
` public String getDataSourceVersion() {`
` return "1.00";`
` }`
This method is called, since in dazzecfg.xml we configured the filename attribute.
` public void setFileName(String s) {`
` fileName = s;`
` }`
And this method is called when the DAS - SEQUENCE command is being called:
` public Sequence getSequence(String ref) throws DataSourceException, NoSuchElementException {`
` Sequence seq = (Sequence) seqs.get(ref);`
` if (seq == null) {`
` throw new NoSuchElementException("No sequence " + ref);`
` }`
` return seq;`
` }`
` public Set getAllTypes() {`
` return Collections.unmodifiableSet(allTypes);`
` }`
and here now the method that is used for the ENTRYPOINTS command
public Set getEntryPoints() {
return seqs.keySet();
public String getMapMaster() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public String getLandmarkVersion(String ref) throws DataSourceException, NoSuchElementException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
} ```