Scala is a programming language which interoperates (mostly) seamlessly with Java. As such, it is possible to use BioJava from Scala code, or even mix Scala and java code within a single package.
In addition to using BioJava classes in Scala code, there are several libraries for bioinformatics written natively in Scala. These may feel more natural to a Scala programmer than the equivalent BioJava functions. See BioScala or ScaBio.
Including BioJava from Scala code
Make sure that the BioJava jar files are included in the classpath for your scala project. The easiest way to do this is to use Maven to build your scala project and just add BioJava as a dependency. For instance, add the following to the dependencies section of your pom.xml file.
If you are using SBT to build your Scala project just add the following to your sbt file.
libraryDependencies += "org.biojava" % "biojava3-core" % "3.1.0"
resolvers += "BioJava repository" at "[]("
Java classes can be imported and used in scala code without modification. For instance, here is a scala version of BioJava:CookBook3:PSA_DNA.
* Demo of using BioJava from scala code. Performs a simple sequence alignment.
* This shows off a few nice scala features, such as implicit methods
import org.biojava3.alignment.{Alignments,SimpleGapPenalty,SubstitutionMatrixHelper}
import org.biojava3.alignment.Alignments.PairwiseSequenceAlignerType.LOCAL
import org.biojava3.core.sequence.DNASequence
import org.biojava3.core.sequence.compound.AmbiguityDNACompoundSet
object PSA_DNA {
implicit def str2DNA(seq: String) = new DNASequence(seq,AmbiguityDNACompoundSet.getDNACompoundSet)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// Note implicit cast from strings to DNASequence
val matrix = SubstitutionMatrixHelper.getNuc4_4()
val gapP = new SimpleGapPenalty()
val psa = Alignments.getPairwiseAlignment(query, target, LOCAL, gapP, matrix)
Including ScaBio code in Java
Including Scala code from Java is equally easy. For example, ScaBio contains an implementation of the Nussinov algorithm for RNA secondary structure prediction. This algorithm is not yet present in BioJava.
First, include the ScaBio jars and dependencies in your classpath. If using maven this is quite simple. Add the required packages to your pom.xml:
Scala objects and methods can now be used from Java code. To display ScaBio’s RNA secondary structure visualization too, for instance, just call the appropriate method.
public class RNAStruct2DViewer {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Here is a more complex example to output the results of the RNA secondary structure prediction in a simple text format.
import java.util.List;
import net.gumbix.bioinf.struct.AbstractNussinov;
import net.gumbix.bioinf.struct.NussinovDecision;
import net.gumbix.bioinf.struct.NussinovEnergy;
import net.gumbix.bioinf.struct.NussinovState;
import net.gumbix.dynpro.Idx;
import net.gumbix.dynpro.PathEntry;
import scala.collection.JavaConversions;
public class RNAStructPredictor {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AbstractNussinov dp = new NussinovEnergy(s);
Idx idx = new Idx(0, dp.n()-1);
scala.collection.immutable.List<PathEntry<NussinovDecision>> solution = dp.solution(idx);
String topology = rnaTopologyString(solution, dp.n());
* Get a topology string for the given RNA secondary structure prediction
* @param s The solved RNA secondary structure from ScaBio
* @return A string of '(', ')', and '-' giving the paired RNA residues
public static String rnaTopologyString(scala.collection.immutable.List<PathEntry<NussinovDecision>> s,int len) {
//Wrap scala list as a Java collection for ease of use
List<PathEntry<NussinovDecision>> solution = JavaConversions.seqAsJavaList(s);
// All nucleotides are initially unpaired
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(len);
for(int i=0;i<len;i++) {
// Assign parentheses for paired nucleotides
for(PathEntry<NussinovDecision> entry : solution) {
NussinovDecision decision = entry.decision();
if( decision.move() == NussinovState.PAIR() ) { // focus on nucleotide pairs
Idx pair = decision.idx(); // stores indices of the bound pair
str.setCharAt(pair.i(), '(');
str.setCharAt(pair.j(), ')');
return str.toString();
Running the code produces the following output: