Class BasePairParameters

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
MismatchedBasePairParameters, TertiaryBasePairParameters

public class BasePairParameters extends Object implements Serializable
This module calculates the el Hassan-Calladine Base Pairing and Base-pair Step Parameters for any nucleic acid containing structure that has the information about the core base-pair rings. Citation: The method that is usually overridden is findPairs(), this base implementation is used for a large-scale analysis of the most proper helical regions in almost 4000 protein-DNA structures, almost 2000 structures containing only DNA, or almost 1300 structures containing only RNA. (as of 7/2017). Those who study tertiary structures for RNA folding should use the TertiaryBasePairParameters, because this base class is only looking for base pairs between separate strands that exactly line up. To relax the lining up policy and allow for non-canonical base pairs, use the MismatchedBasePairParameters class, which will not consider intra-strand base pairing.
Luke Czapla
See Also:
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected static final String[]
    protected static final String[]
    protected static final Map<String,Integer>
    protected boolean
    protected boolean
    protected List<String>
    protected double[][]
    protected double[]
    protected String
    protected List<javax.vecmath.Matrix4d>
    protected static final Map<Integer,List<String>>
    static final String[]
    protected double[][]
    protected Structure
    protected boolean
  • Constructor Summary

    This constructor takes a Structure object, finds base pair and base-pair step parameters for double-helical regions within the structure for only canonical DNA pairs.
    BasePairParameters(Structure structure, boolean useRNA)
    This constructor takes a Structure object, and whether to use the RNA standard bases.
    BasePairParameters(Structure structure, boolean useRNA, boolean removeDups)
    This constructor takes a Structure object, whether to use RNA, and whether to remove duplicate sequences.
    BasePairParameters(Structure structure, boolean useRNA, boolean removeDups, boolean canonical)
    This constructor takes a Structure object, finds base pair and base-pair step parameters for double-helical regions within the structure.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method is the main function call to extract all step parameters, pairing parameters, and sequence information from the Structure object provided to the constructor.
    This method calculates the central frame (4x4 transformation matrix) of a single base pair.
    static double[]
    calculateTp(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d input)
    This method calculates pairing and step parameters from 4x4 transformation matrices (used internally) that comes out as a Matrix4d.
    protected static char
    complementBase(char base, boolean RNA)
    This method returns the complement of a base.
    findPairs(List<Chain> chains)
    This method performs a search for base pairs in the structure.
    getBuckle(int bp)
    This method returns the buckle in degrees for the given base pair
    This method returns the total number of base pairs that were found, used after the call to analyze().
    getNucleicChains(boolean removeDups)
    This method reports all the nucleic acid chains and has an option to remove duplicates if you are considering an analysis of only unique DNA or RNA helices in the Structure.
    getOpening(int bp)
    This method returns the opening in degrees for the given base pair
    This method returns the names of the pairs in terms of A, G, T/U, and C for each base pair group in the list.
    This method reports all the pair parameters, in the order of: buckle, propeller, opening (in degrees), shear, stagger, stretch (in Å).
    This method returns the primary strand's sequence where parameters were found.
    getPropeller(int bp)
    This method returns the propeller ("propeller-twist") in degrees for the given base pair
    getRise(int bp)
    This method returns the rise for the given base pair, relative to the one before it.
    getRoll(int bp)
    This method returns the roll for the given base pair, relative to the one before it.
    getShear(int bp)
    This method returns the shear in Å for the given base pair
    getShift(int bp)
    Return the shift for the given base pair, relative to the one before it.
    getSlide(int bp)
    This method returns the slide for the given base pair, relative to the one before it.
    getStagger(int bp)
    This method returns the stagger in Å for the given base pair
    This method reports all the base-pair step parameters, in the order of: tilt, roll, twist (in degrees), shift, slide, rise (in Å).
    getStretch(int bp)
    This method returns the stretch in Å for the given base pair
    getTilt(int bp)
    This method returns the tilt for the given base pair, relative to the one before it.
    getTwist(int bp)
    This method returns the twist for the given base pair, relative to the one before it.
    protected static boolean
    match(char a, char b, boolean RNA)
    This returns true if a is the complement of b, false otherwise.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • BasePairParameters

      public BasePairParameters(Structure structure, boolean useRNA, boolean removeDups, boolean canonical)
      This constructor takes a Structure object, finds base pair and base-pair step parameters for double-helical regions within the structure.
      structure - The already-loaded structure to analyze.
      useRNA - whether to look for canonical RNA pairs. By default (false) it analyzes DNA.
      removeDups - whether to only look for base-pair parameters for each unique sequence in the structure (if set to true)
      canonical - Whether to consider only Watson-Crick base pairs
    • BasePairParameters

      public BasePairParameters(Structure structure, boolean useRNA, boolean removeDups)
      This constructor takes a Structure object, whether to use RNA, and whether to remove duplicate sequences.
      structure - The already-loaded structure to analyze.
      useRNA - if true, the RNA standard bases will be used. Otherwise, if false, it will work on standard DNA bases.
      removeDups - if true, duplicate sequences will not be considered. This is for the analysis of X-ray structures from RCSB, where there may be identical or similar units.
    • BasePairParameters

      public BasePairParameters(Structure structure, boolean useRNA)
      This constructor takes a Structure object, and whether to use the RNA standard bases.
      structure - The already-loaded structure to analyze.
      useRNA - if true, the RNA standard bases will be used. Otherwise, if false, it will work on standard DNA bases.
    • BasePairParameters

      public BasePairParameters(Structure structure)
      This constructor takes a Structure object, finds base pair and base-pair step parameters for double-helical regions within the structure for only canonical DNA pairs.
      structure - The already-loaded structure to analyze.
  • Method Details

    • analyze

      This method is the main function call to extract all step parameters, pairing parameters, and sequence information from the Structure object provided to the constructor.
      This same object with the populated data, convenient for output (e.g. BasePairParameters(structure).analyze());)
    • getLength

      public int getLength()
      This method returns the total number of base pairs that were found, used after the call to analyze().
      An integer value, number of base pairs
    • getPairingParameters

      public double[][] getPairingParameters()
      This method reports all the pair parameters, in the order of: buckle, propeller, opening (in degrees), shear, stagger, stretch (in Å).
      A double[][] with length equal to number of base pairs for rows, and 6 columns
    • getStepParameters

      public double[][] getStepParameters()
      This method reports all the base-pair step parameters, in the order of: tilt, roll, twist (in degrees), shift, slide, rise (in Å).
      A double[][] with length equal to number of base pairs (the first row 0 has no step and therefore is six zeroes), and 6 columns.
    • getPairSequence

      This method returns the primary strand's sequence where parameters were found. There are spaces in the string anywhere there was a break in the helix or when it goes from one helix to another helix in the structure. (the "step" is still returned)
      String of primary sequence with spaces between gaps and new helices.
    • getPairingNames

      This method returns the names of the pairs in terms of A, G, T/U, and C for each base pair group in the list. The first character is the leading strand base and the second character is the complementary base
    • getReferenceFrames

      public List<javax.vecmath.Matrix4d> getReferenceFrames()
    • getBuckle

      public Double getBuckle(int bp)
      This method returns the buckle in degrees for the given base pair
      bp - the number of the base pair (starting with 0)
      the value as a double (in degrees)
    • getPropeller

      public Double getPropeller(int bp)
      This method returns the propeller ("propeller-twist") in degrees for the given base pair
      bp - the number of the base pair (starting with 0)
      the value as a double (in degrees)
    • getOpening

      public Double getOpening(int bp)
      This method returns the opening in degrees for the given base pair
      bp - the number of the base pair (starting with 0)
      the value as a double (in degrees)
    • getShear

      public Double getShear(int bp)
      This method returns the shear in Å for the given base pair
      bp - the number of the base pair (starting with 0)
      the value as a double (in Å)
    • getStretch

      public Double getStretch(int bp)
      This method returns the stretch in Å for the given base pair
      bp - the number of the base pair (starting with 0)
      the value as a double (in Å)
    • getStagger

      public Double getStagger(int bp)
      This method returns the stagger in Å for the given base pair
      bp - the number of the base pair (starting with 0)
      the value as a double (in Å)
    • getTilt

      public Double getTilt(int bp)
      This method returns the tilt for the given base pair, relative to the one before it.
      bp - the number of the base pair (starting with 0)
      the value as a double (in degrees)
    • getRoll

      public Double getRoll(int bp)
      This method returns the roll for the given base pair, relative to the one before it.
      bp - the number of the base pair (starting with 0)
      the value as a double (in degrees)
    • getTwist

      public Double getTwist(int bp)
      This method returns the twist for the given base pair, relative to the one before it.
      bp - the number of the base pair (starting with 0)
      the value as a double (in degrees)
    • getShift

      public Double getShift(int bp)
      Return the shift for the given base pair, relative to the one before it.
      bp - the number of the base pair (starting with 0)
      the value as a double (in Å)
    • getSlide

      public Double getSlide(int bp)
      This method returns the slide for the given base pair, relative to the one before it.
      bp - the number of the base pair (starting with 0)
      the value as a double (in Å)
    • getRise

      public Double getRise(int bp)
      This method returns the rise for the given base pair, relative to the one before it.
      bp - the number of the base pair (starting with 0)
      the value as a double (in Å)
    • getNucleicChains

      public List<Chain> getNucleicChains(boolean removeDups)
      This method reports all the nucleic acid chains and has an option to remove duplicates if you are considering an analysis of only unique DNA or RNA helices in the Structure.
      removeDups - If true, it will ignore duplicate chains
      A list of all the nucleic acid chains in order of the Structure
    • findPairs

      public List<Pair<Group>> findPairs(List<Chain> chains)
      This method performs a search for base pairs in the structure. The criteria is alignment of sequences and the canonical base pairs of DNA or RNA. Use MismatchedBasePairParameters or TertiaryBasePairParameters for finding higher-order associations.
      chains - The list of chains already found to be nucleic acids
      The list of corresponding Watson-Crick groups as pairs, as a Pair of nucleic acid Groups
    • basePairReferenceFrame

      public javax.vecmath.Matrix4d basePairReferenceFrame(Pair<Group> pair)
      This method calculates the central frame (4x4 transformation matrix) of a single base pair.
      pair - An array of the two groups that make a hypothetical pair
      The middle frame of the center of the base-pair formed
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • calculateTp

      public static double[] calculateTp(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d input)
      This method calculates pairing and step parameters from 4x4 transformation matrices (used internally) that comes out as a Matrix4d.
      input - the 4x4 matrix representing the transformation from strand II -> strand I or pair i to pair i+1
      Six parameters as double[6]
    • complementBase

      protected static char complementBase(char base, boolean RNA)
      This method returns the complement of a base. (used internally)
      base - The letter of the base
      RNA - Whether it is RNA (if false, it is DNA)
      The character representing the complement of the base
    • match

      protected static boolean match(char a, char b, boolean RNA)
      This returns true if a is the complement of b, false otherwise. (used internally)
      a - First letter
      b - Potential matching letter
      RNA - Whether it is RNA (if false, DNA rules are used)
      True if the bases are complementary.