Annotation wrapped
ChangeTable changer
Map<K,V> properties
Annotation wrapped
PropertyChanger mapper
Map<K,V> properties
Annotation parent
Map<K,V> overlay
int identicals
int queryStart
int queryEnd
int nGapsQ
int nGapsS
Sequence query
int subjectStart
int subjectEnd
int similars
Sequence subject
SubstitutionMatrix subMatrix
long time
Map<K,V> rowSymbols
Map<K,V> colSymbols
short[][] matrix
short min
short max
FiniteAlphabet alphabet
String description
String name
Method method
Alphabet alphabet
Alphabet firstA
Alphabet lastA
Distribution nullModel
private Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException
Alphabet alpha
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException
FiniteAlphabet alpha
Distribution first
Distribution second
Alphabet alphabet
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException
Distribution nullModel
FiniteAlphabet alpha
Distribution dis
Map<K,V> c
Distribution other
Distribution delegate
ReversibleTranslationTable table
FiniteAlphabet alphabet
Distribution nullModel
SymbolList sym
int index
private Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException
int columns
EmissionState[] matchStates
matchStates[0] == matchStates[columns+1] == magicalState().
EmissionState[] insertStates
From 0 .. columns().
DotState[] deleteStates
From 0 .. columns()-1 corresponding to indexes 1..columns().
Distribution dis
String name
Annotation ann
int[] advance
Alphabet matches
MarkovModel model
double score
Alignment delegate
Distribution[] columns
Alphabet alpha
TransitionTrainer trainer
State from
State to
WeightMatrix matrix
double threshold
ScoreType scoreType
String wmID
WeightMatrix wm
FiniteAlphabet stateAlpha
MagicalState magicalState
EmissionState[] states
Map<K,V> transFrom
Map<K,V> transTo
Map<K,V> transWeights
State[] states
MarkovModel model
SymbolList[] symList
double[][] scores
double score
DP dp
State[] states
SymbolList[] seqs
double[][][] scores
MarkovModel model
double finalScore
HashMap<K,V> emissionCache
CellCalculatorFactory ccFactory
Distribution dist
LogoPainter logoPainter
SymbolStyle style
boolean scaleByInformation
BlockPainter blockPainter
RenderingHints renderingHints
FeatureSource source
FeatureFilter digestFilter
Map<K,V> laneMap
int laneCount
int distanceBetween
String label
BasicFeatureRenderer renderer
ImageMap imageMap
URLFactory urlFactory
CircularRendererContext ctxt
SymbolList symList
double radius
CircularRenderer renderer
double offset
double dimensionRatio
FeatureFilter filter
boolean recurse
CacheMap contextCache
Set<E> flushers
SequenceRenderer renderer
double padding
Line2D.Float line
is the line to be drawn for each feature.Paint outline
is the line colour.FeatureFilter filter
is the filter applied to both
s.boolean recurse
indicates whether the filter should
recurse through any subfeatures.CacheMap subContextCache
Set<E> cacheFlushers
PairwiseSequenceRenderer renderer
Sequence sequence
int translation
int direction
Sequence secSequence
int secTranslation
int secDirection
double scale
PairwiseSequenceRenderer renderer
RenderingHints hints
SequenceRenderContext.Border leadingBorder
SequenceRenderContext.Border trailingBorder
PropertyChangeListener propertyListener
ChangeListener repaintListener
ChangeListener layoutListener
SequenceViewerSupport svSupport
MouseListener mouseListener
SequenceViewerMotionSupport svmSupport
MouseMotionListener mouseMotionListener
Paint defaultPaint
Rectangle2D rect
boolean scaleHeight
RectangularBeadRenderer renderer
ImageMap imageMap
URLFactory urlFactory
RoundRectangle2D rect
double arcWidth
double arcHeight
SymbolList sequence
RangeLocation range
int direction
double scale
double pixelOffset
SequenceRenderContext.Border leadingBorder
SequenceRenderContext.Border trailingBorder
SequenceRenderer renderer theMonitor
RenderingHints hints
SequenceViewerSupport svSupport
MouseListener mouseListener
SequenceViewerMotionSupport svmSupport
MouseMotionListener mouseMotionListener
ChangeListener layoutListener
ChangeListener repaintListener
PropertyChangeSupport pcs
double size
int alignment
SequencePanel[] seqPanels
RangeLocation range
Sequence sequence
SequenceRenderer renderer
double scale
RenderingHints hints
int direction
TrackLayout trackLayout
List<E> viewerListeners
List<E> motionListeners
Sequence sequence
int direction
double scale
int lines
int spacer
SequenceRenderContext.Border leadingBorder
SequenceRenderContext.Border trailingBorder
SequenceRenderer renderer
double[] offsets
int realLines
double alongDim
double acrossDim
int symbolsPerLine theMonitor
RenderingHints renderingHints
SequenceViewerSupport svSupport
MouseListener mouseListener
SequenceViewerMotionSupport svmSupport
MouseMotionListener mouseMotionListener
ChangeListener layoutListener
ChangeListener repaintListener
PropertyChangeSupport pcs
double size
int alignment
double size
int alignment
SequenceRenderer renderer
List<E> path
Object target
MouseEvent mouseEvent
int pos
SixFrameRenderer pane
SymbolList sequence
int translation
int direction
double scale
SequenceRenderer renderer
double rendererBorders
RenderingHints hints
SequenceRenderContext.Border leadingBorder
SequenceRenderContext.Border trailingBorder
PropertyChangeListener propertyListener
ChangeListener repaintListener
ChangeListener layoutListener
SequenceViewerSupport svSupport
MouseListener mouseListener
SequenceViewerMotionSupport svmSupport
MouseMotionListener mouseMotionListener
ZiggyFeatureRenderer renderer
ImageMap imageMap
URLFactory urlFactory
String name
SymbolList site
int cutType
int[] dsCutPositions
int[] usCutPositions
double size
String forwardRegex
String reverseRegex
String summary
RestrictionEnzyme prototype
RestrictionEnzyme enzyme
field.EmissionState j
EmissionState c
EmissionState n
ModelInState hmmState
protected Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
SymbolList cleavageResidues
SymbolList notCleaveResidues
boolean endoProtease
String name
TriState cachedOutcome
Object key
FilterTest test
Object key
FilterTest test
Object key
FilterTest test
BlastLikeSearchFilter.AbstractBlastLikeSearchFilter filter
FeatureFilter c1
FeatureFilter c2
FeatureFilter filter
AnnotationType type
FeatureFilter filter
String cname
FeatureFilter filter
Feature feature
double minScore
double maxScore
double score
int hashCode
FeatureFilter filter
String seqName
String source
String type
Location loc
FramedFeature.ReadingFrame frame
Object key
FeatureFilter child
FeatureFilter filter
FeatureFilter filter
FeatureFilter c1
FeatureFilter c2
Location loc
Location loc
Location loc
StrandedFeature.Strand strand
String text
int frame
FramedFeature.ReadingFrame readingFrame
List<E> regions
RemoteFeature.Resolver resolver
List<E> features
FeatureFilter schema
List<E> templateToImpl
FeatureRealizer fallBack
private Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException
String text
int value
char token
StrandedFeature.Strand strand
SequenceDB parent
SequenceAnnotator annotator
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private Object writeReplace() throws IOException
private Object writeReplace() throws IOException
IDMaker idMaker
IndexStore indexStore
SequenceDB parent
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
File storeFile
File indexFile
String name
Set<E> files
File[] seqFileIndex
SequenceFormat format
SequenceBuilderFactory sbFactory
SymbolTokenization symbolParser
Homology homology
SimilarityPairFeature sibling
field. May be null if the reciprocal
has not yet been
created.Alignment alignment
field.double score
of the search which produced the
alignment.ProjectedFeatureHolder pfh
Sequence origSeq
SimpleFeatureHolder featureHolder
Location loc
String type
String source
FeatureHolder parent
Annotation annotation
Term typeTerm
Term sourceTerm
FramedFeature.ReadingFrame readingFrame
Sequence sequence
MergeFeatureHolder features
SimpleFeatureHolder localFeatures
FeatureHolder projectedFeatures
boolean createOnUnderlying
Homology homology
List<E> regions
RemoteFeature.Resolver resolver
RestrictionEnzyme enzyme
int position
Annotation annotation
SimpleFeatureHolder featureHolder
String name
SymbolList symList
String urn
FeatureRealizer realizer
SimilarityPairFeature sibling
Alignment alignment
double score
StrandedFeature.Strand strand
Sequence parent
SymbolList symbols
String name
String uri
Annotation annotation
RangeLocation parentLocation
RangeLocation parentLocation
FeatureFilter remoteLocationFilter
FeatureFilter clippingFilter
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
Sequence seqDelegate
MergeFeatureHolder exposedFeatures
SimpleFeatureHolder addedFeatures
String name
String urn
Annotation anno
SequenceBuilderFactory delegateFactory
SequenceBuilderFactory delegateFactory
SequenceBuilderFactory delegateFactory
SAXParser m_xmlParser m_handler
boolean m_parsed
int m_sequenceIndex
boolean caseSensitive
SequenceBuilderFactory delegateFactory
String sciNameKey
String commonNameKey
String ncbiTaxonKey
TaxonFactory taxonFactory
TaxonParser taxonParser
SequenceBuilderFactory delegateFactory
SequenceBuilderFactory delegateFactory
Alphabet alphabet
ProjectionContext context
FeatureHolder topLevelFeatures
FeatureHolder parent
FeatureHolder wrapped
int translation
boolean oppositeStrand
protected Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
SymbolList[] chunks
int chunkSize
Alphabet alpha
int length
Symbol[] syms
byte placeHolder
private Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException
List<E> alphabets
WeakValueHashMap doubleToSym
double minVal
double maxVal
Alphabet matches
double val
Alphabet matches
protected Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
double min
double max
String name
int pos
int length
SymbolList replacement
String name
Annotation annotation
int outerMin
int innerMin
int innerMax
int outerMax
boolean mIsMinFuzzy
boolean mIsMaxFuzzy
FuzzyLocation.RangeResolver resolver
int min
int max
FuzzyPointLocation.PointResolver resolver
Symbol sym
private Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException
WeakValueHashMap intToSym
int val
Alphabet matches
int min
int max
String name
Packing packing
long[] syms
int length
byte symsPerElement
byte mask
int currentMin
int currentMax
long currentWord
int wordsize
int point
int min
int max
private Object writeReplace()
Alphabet alpha
SymbolList source
List<E> blocks
int length
int sourceStart
int sourceEnd
int viewStart
int viewEnd
int table_num
String description
Alphabet alphabet
Symbol[] symbols
int length
boolean isView
int viewOffset
SymbolList referenceSymbolList
Map<K,V> transMap
FiniteAlphabet source
Alphabet target
AtomicSymbol sym
List<E> alphabets
FiniteAlphabet alphabet
SuffixTree.SuffixNode root
AlphabetIndex indexer
List<E> counts
Map<K,V> terms
Set<E> triples
Map<K,V> subjectTriples
Map<K,V> objectTriples
Map<K,V> relationTriples
Map<K,V> remoteTerms
Set<E> localRemoteTerms
String name
String description
OntologyOps ops
String name
Ontology ontology
Annotation annotation
Set<E> synonyms
SVMKernel nested
double order
double a
double c
double width
int size
int[] keys
double[] values
SparseVector s
SuffixTreeKernel.DepthScaler depthScaler
BitSet bSet
ChangeType type
Object change
Object previous
ChangeEvent chain
private Object writeReplace()
String name
Field ourField
ChangeType superType
ChangeEvent change
String mMessage
int returnCode
Object obj
Object[] mappings
int numMappings
public Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
private Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException
Note[] emptyNotes
Method isNotNull
Method isNull
BioSQLFeatureFilter c1
BioSQLFeatureFilter c2
String name
Note note
ComparableTerm term
int rank
String seqName
ComparableTerm sourceTerm
String sourceTermName
RichLocation.Strand str
ComparableTerm typeTerm
String typeTermName
RichLocation loc
BioSQLFeatureFilter child
BioSQLFeatureFilter c1
BioSQLFeatureFilter c2
RichLocation loc
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