Class FeatureFilter.StrandFilter

    • Constructor Detail

      • StrandFilter

        public StrandFilter​(StrandedFeature.Strand strand)
        Build a new filter that matches all features of a given strand.
        strand - the Strand to match
    • Method Detail

      • accept

        public boolean accept​(Feature f)
        Accept the Feature if it is an instance of StrandedFeature and matches the value of getStrand().
        Specified by:
        accept in interface FeatureFilter
        f - the Feature to check
        true if the strand matches, or false otherwise
      • isProperSubset

        public boolean isProperSubset​(FeatureFilter sup)
        Description copied from interface: OptimizableFilter
        Returns true if this filter is a proper subset of sup - that is, for every feature that matches this, it also matches sup. The empty filter is a proper subset of all filters. All filters are a proper subset of the all filter. All filters are proper subsets of themselves.
        Specified by:
        isProperSubset in interface OptimizableFilter
        sup - the potential super set
        true if sup contains all features contained by this filter
      • isDisjoint

        public boolean isDisjoint​(FeatureFilter filt)
        Description copied from interface: OptimizableFilter
        Returns true if this filter is disjoint from filt - that is, there is no Feature that is accepted by both filters. The empty filter is disjoint from all other filters. The all filter is disjoint from none.
        Specified by:
        isDisjoint in interface OptimizableFilter