AGAVEAnnotFilter |
This interface defines mapping from BioJava into AGAVE format.
AGAVEAnnotFilterFactory |
AGAVEBioSeqCallbackItf |
An interface that can be tested for by nested handlers
when trying to do a callback.
AGAVECallbackItf |
An interface that can be tested for by nested handlers
when trying to do a callback.
AGAVEChromosomeCallbackItf |
An interface that can be tested for by nested handlers
when trying to do a callback.
AGAVEContigCallbackItf |
An interface that can be tested for by nested handlers
when trying to do a callback.
AGAVEDbIdCallbackItf |
this is the interface implemented by several classes
AGAVEDbIdPropCallbackItf |
AGAVEEvidenceCallbackItf |
AGAVEFeatureCallbackItf |
An interface that can be tested for by nested handlers
when trying to do a callback.
AGAVEIdAlias |
AGAVEIdAliasCallbackItf |
AGAVEMapLocation |
AGAVEMapPosition |
AGAVEMatchRegion |
AGAVEProperty |
AGAVEQueryRegion |
AGAVERelatedAnnot |
AgaveWriter.Indent |
Implements indenting for elements.
AGAVEXrefCallbackItf |
AGAVEXrefs |
DelegationManager |
Interface which exposes delegation services offered by a StAX
event source.
ElementRecognizer |
This class is copied to agave package
Simple interface for filtering SAX/StAX startElement events
SequenceHandler |
mark interface
SimpleAnnotFilter |
Basic implementation of AGAVEAnnotFilter
StAXContentHandler |
Interface for StAX content handlers.
StAXContentHandlerBase |
Simple implementation of the StAXContentHandler
interface, with empty implementations for all the methods.
StAXFeatureHandler |
StAX handler shamelessly ripped off from Thomas Down's
StAXHandlerFactory |
Factory for StAX content handlers.
StAXPropertyHandler |
StAX handler shamelessly ripped off from Thomas Down's