class |
AGAVEAltIdsPropHandler |
Deals with alternate sequence IDs
class |
AGAVEAnnotationsHandler |
class |
AGAVEAssemblyHandler |
class |
AGAVEBioSeqHandler |
Handles the AGAVE <bio_sequence> element
class |
AGAVEBioSequenceHandler |
Handles the AGAVE <bio_sequence> element
class |
AGAVECdsHandler |
Handles the AGAVE <cds> element
class |
AGAVEChromosomeHandler |
Handles the AGAVE <chromosome> element
class |
AGAVEClassificationHandler |
class |
AGAVECompResultHandler |
class |
AGAVEComputationHandler |
class |
AGAVEContigHandler |
Handles the AGAVE <contig> element
class |
AGAVEDbIdPropHandler |
Deals with database crossreferences
class |
AGAVEDescPropHandler |
Deals with database crossreferences
class |
AGAVEElementIdPropHandler |
class |
AGAVEEvidenceHandler |
class |
AGAVEExonsPropHandler |
class |
AGAVEFragmentOrderHandler |
class |
AGAVEFragmentOrientationHandler |
class |
AGAVEGeneHandler |
class |
AGAVEHandler |
Handles the root AGAVE element
modified for agave format
class |
AGAVEIdAliasPropHandler |
class |
AGAVEKeywordPropHandler |
Deals with AGAVE keywords
class |
AGAVEMapLocationPropHandler |
class |
AGAVEMapPositionPropHandler |
class |
AGAVEMatchAlignPropHandler |
Deals with match_align
class |
AGAVEMatchDescPropHandler |
Deals with match_desc
class |
AGAVEMatchRegionPropHandler |
Deals with match_region
class |
AGAVEMrnaHandler |
Handles the AGAVE <mrna> element
class |
AGAVENotePropHandler |
Deals with note
class |
AGAVEPredictedProteinHandler |
Handles the AGAVE <predicted_protein> element
class |
AGAVEQualifierPropHandler |
class |
AGAVEQueryRegionPropHandler |
class |
AGAVERelatedAnnotPropHandler |
class |
AGAVEResultGroupHandler |
class |
AGAVEResultPropertyPropHandler |
class |
AGAVESciPropertyPropHandler |
class |
AGAVESeqFeatureHandler |
class |
AGAVESeqLocationPropHandler |
class |
AGAVESeqMapHandler |
class |
AGAVESeqPropHandler |
Deals with sequence code
class |
AGAVETranscriptHandler |
class |
AGAVEUnorderedFragmentsHandler |
class |
AGAVEViewPropHandler |
Moves view attributes into annotation properties.
class |
AGAVEXrefPropHandler |
handle AGAVE xref
class |
AGAVEXrefPropPropHandler |
class |
AGAVEXrefsPropHandler |
Deals with database crossreferences (xrefs)
class |
StAXFeatureHandler |
StAX handler shamelessly ripped off from Thomas Down's
class |
StAXPropertyHandler |
StAX handler shamelessly ripped off from Thomas Down's