Classes to support the I/O of Nexus files.
Interface Summary Interface Description CharactersBlockListener Listens to events that represent Nexus characters blocks.DataBlockListener Listens to events that represent Nexus data blocks.DistancesBlockListener Listens to events that represent Nexus distances blocks.NexusBlock Represents a Nexus block.NexusBlockBuilder Builds a Nexus block from listening to events.NexusBlockListener Listens to events from NexusBlockParser objects to create objects.NexusBlockParser Parses Nexus blocks.NexusFileListener Listens to events fired by the Nexus parser.NexusObject Represents general info about nexus objects.TaxaBlockListener Listens to events that represent Nexus taxa blocks.TreesBlockListener Listens to events that represent Nexus trees blocks. -
Class Summary Class Description CharactersBlock Represents Nexus characters blocks.CharactersBlockBuilder Builds Nexus characters blocks.CharactersBlockParser Parses Nexus characters blocks.DataBlock Represents Nexus data blocks.DataBlockBuilder Builds Nexus characters blocks.DataBlockParser Parses Nexus data blocks.DistancesBlock Represents Nexus distances blocks.DistancesBlockBuilder Builds Nexus distances blocks.DistancesBlockParser Parses Nexus distances blocks.NexusBlock.Abstract NexusBlockBuilder.Abstract This abstract version knows how to build and add comments.NexusBlockParser.Abstract All block parsers should derive from this abstract parser.NexusComment Represents a Nexus comment, possibly nested.NexusFile Represents Nexus files.NexusFileBuilder Builds a Nexus file by listening to events.NexusFileFormat Reads/writes Nexus files and fires events at a NexusFileListener object.NexusFileListener.Abstract Example abstract implementation which all others should extend.TaxaBlock Represents Nexus taxa blocks.TaxaBlockBuilder Builds Nexus taxa blocks.TaxaBlockParser Parses Nexus taxa blocks.TreesBlock Represents Nexus trees blocks.TreesBlock.NewickTreeString A simple representation of a Newick tree as a single string.TreesBlockBuilder Builds Nexus taxa blocks.TreesBlockParser Parses Nexus taxa blocks.