Classes and interfaces for processing and producing flat-file representations
of sequences.
These interfaces define how to read and write arbitrary file formats. The file format is decoupled from the type of sequence that will be produced or written. For example, you could read in entries from a Fasta database and generate ACeDB sequences within an ACeDB database for each entry just by configuring a StreamReader with a FastaFormat and an AceSequenceFactory.
Interface Summary Interface Description AlignmentFormat SeqFileFormer Deprecated. Use framework insteadSeqIOListener Notification interface for objects which listen to a sequence stream parser.SequenceBuilder Interface for objects which accumulate state via SeqIOListener, then construct a Sequence object.SequenceBuilderFactory Simple factory for constructing new SequenceBuilder objects.SequenceFormat Defines what a sequence format does.StreamParser Parse a stream of characters into BioJava symbols.SymbolReader Encapsulate a stream of Symbols being parsed from some input stream.SymbolTokenization Encapsulate a mapping between BioJava Symbol objects and some string representation. -
Class Summary Class Description AlignIOConstants AlignIOConstants
contains constants used to identify sequence formats, alphabets etc, in the context of reading and writing alignments.AlternateTokenization Implementation of SymbolTokenization which binds symbols to strings of characters.CharacterTokenization Implementation of SymbolTokenization which binds symbols to single unicode characters.ChunkedSymbolListFactory class that makes ChunkedSymbolLists with the chunks implemented as SymbolLists themselves.CrossProductTokenization Tokenization for cross-product alphabets.DoubleTokenization EmblFileFormer Deprecated. Use framework insteadEmblLikeFormat Deprecated. Use insteadEmblLikeLocationParser Deprecated. Use framework insteadEmblProcessor Deprecated. Use framework insteadEmblProcessor.Factory Factory which wraps SequenceBuilders in an EmblProcessorEmblReferenceComparator FastaAlignmentFormat This class implements the AlignmentFormat interface to read FASTA alignments.FastaDescriptionLineParser Deprecated. Use Factory which wraps SequenceBuilders in a FastaDescriptionLineParserFastaFormat Deprecated. Use Deprecated. Use framework insteadGAMEFormat A rudimentary read-only GAME 1.2 Format object.GenbankFileFormer Deprecated. Use framework insteadGenbankFormat Deprecated. Use Deprecated. Use framework insteadGenbankProcessor.Factory Factory which wraps sequence builders in a GenbankProcessorGenbankXmlFormat Deprecated. Use Deprecated. Use framework insteadGenEmblPropertyComparator Deprecated. Use framework insteadGenpeptFormat Deprecated. Use framework insteadIntegerTokenization MSFAlignmentFormat NameTokenization Simple implementation of SymbolTokenization which uses the `name' field of the symbols.OrganismParser Deprecated. Use framework insteadOrganismParser.Factory Factory which wraps SequenceBuilders in an OrganismParser.ProteinRefSeqFileFormer Deprecated. Use framework insteadProteinRefSeqProcessor Deprecated. Use framework insteadProteinRefSeqProcessor.Factory Factory which wraps sequence builders in a ProteinRefSeqProcessorReferenceAnnotation Deprecated. Use framework insteadSeqIOAdapter Adapter class for SeqIOListener that has empty methods.SeqIOConstants SeqIOConstants
contains constants used to identify sequence formats, alphabets etc, in the context of reading and writing sequences.SeqIOEventEmitter Deprecated. Use framework insteadSeqIOFilter Base-class for listeners that pass filtered events onto another listener.SeqIOTools Deprecated. use Basic SequenceBuilder implementation which accumulates all notified information.SequenceBuilderFilter Base-class for builders that pass filtered events onto another builder.SequenceDBSequenceBuilder This SequenceBuilder has a variety of modes of operation.SimpleAssemblyBuilder Basic SequenceBuilder implementation which accumulates all notified information and creates a SimpleAssembly.SimpleSequenceBuilder Basic SequenceBuilder implementation which accumulates all notified information and creates a SimpleSequence.SmartSequenceBuilder Basic SequenceBuilder implementation which accumulates all notified information and chooses a sequence implementation suited to the size of the sequence.StreamReader Parses a stream into sequences.StreamWriter Writes all of the sequences from a SequenceIterator to a stream with a particular format.SubIntegerTokenization SwissprotFileFormer Deprecated. Use framework insteadSwissprotProcessor Deprecated. Use framework insteadSwissprotProcessor.Factory Factory which wraps SequenceBuilders in a SwissprotProcessorSymbolListCharSequence SymbolListCharSequence
is aCharSequence
implementation which wraps aSymbolList
.SymbolTokenization.TokenType WordTokenization Base class for tokenizations which accept whitespace-separated `words'. -
Exception Summary Exception Description ParseException ParseException should be thrown to indicate that there was a problem with parsing sequence information.