AtomSite |
AtomSites |
A class containing the _atom_sites data.
AuditAuthor |
Cell |
ChemComp |
A definition for a Chemical Component, as maintained by the wwPDB.
ChemCompAtom |
stores these fields:
ChemCompBond |
ChemCompDescriptor |
Container object for _pdbx_chem_comp_descriptor
DatabasePDBremark |
DatabasePDBrev |
DatabasePdbrevRecord |
Entity |
A simple class to represent Entity records in mmCif files
EntityPoly |
Container for _entity_poly records
EntityPolySeq |
Container for _entity_poly_seq records
EntitySrcGen |
Data items in the ENTITY_SRC_GEN category record details of
the source from which the entity was obtained in cases
where the source was genetically manipulated.
EntitySrcNat |
Data items in the ENTITY_SRC_NAT category record details of
the source from which the entity was obtained in cases
where the entity was isolated directly from a natural tissue.
EntitySrcSyn |
PDBX_ENTITY_SRC_SYN records the details about each chemically
synthesized molecule (entity) in the asymmetric unit.
Exptl |
PdbxAuditRevisionHistory |
Bean to hold data for _pdbx_audit_revision_history mmCIF category.
PdbxChemCompDescriptor |
PdbxChemCompIdentifier |
PdbxDatabaseStatus |
Bean to hold data for _pdbx_database_status mmCIF category.
PdbxEntityNonPoly |
A bean for the Pdbx_entity_nonpoly category.
PdbxNonPolyScheme |
A bean for the PDBX_NONPOLY_SCHEME category, which provides residue level nomenclature
mapping for non-polymer entities.
PdbxPolySeqScheme |
A bean for the PDBX_POLY_SEQ_SCHEME category, which provides residue level nomenclature
mapping for polymer entities.
PdbxStructAssembly |
PdbxStructAssemblyGen |
PdbxStructOperList |
The bean for pdbx_struct_oper_list category
Refine |
Struct |
a bean to contain the data of the _struct lines
StructAsym |
Contains the data for _struct_asym
StructConn |
A bean that stores data from the mmcif category _struct_conn
StructKeywords |
StructNcsOper |
A class containing the _struct_ncs_oper data
StructRef |
A class to containt the _struct_ref field data
StructRefSeq |
StructRefSeqDif |
A class to store sequence mismatch annotations
StructSite |
Created by Matt on 11/1/2015.
StructSiteGen |
Created by Matt on 10/31/2015.
Symmetry |