Uses of Interface
Packages that use ComparableTerm Package Description org.biojavax The Biojava extensions packages, classes that extend the core biojava Classes to represent biological entities and their Interface between biojava and biosql Rich implementations of Sequences, Locations and Classes to support the I/O of RichSequence and Bioentry Extensions to the biojava ontology model that represent BioSQL ontology. -
Uses of ComparableTerm in org.biojavax
Methods in org.biojavax that return ComparableTerm Modifier and Type Method Description ComparableTerm
Note. getTerm()
Gets the term that defines this note.ComparableTerm
SimpleNote. getTerm()
Gets the term that defines this note.Methods in org.biojavax with parameters of type ComparableTerm Modifier and Type Method Description void
Note. setTerm(ComparableTerm term)
Sets the term for this note.void
SimpleNote. setTerm(ComparableTerm term)
Sets the term for this note.Constructors in org.biojavax with parameters of type ComparableTerm Constructor Description SimpleNote(ComparableTerm term, String value, int rank)
Creates a new instance of SimpleNote with a given term, value and rank. -
Uses of ComparableTerm in
Methods in that return ComparableTerm Modifier and Type Method Description ComparableTerm
BioEntryRelationship. getTerm()
Returns the term describing the relationship.ComparableTerm
SimpleBioEntryRelationship. getTerm()
Returns the term describing the relationship.Constructors in with parameters of type ComparableTerm Constructor Description SimpleBioEntryRelationship(BioEntry object, BioEntry subject, ComparableTerm term, Integer rank)
Creates a new instance of SimpleBioEntryRelationship. -
Uses of ComparableTerm in
Methods in that return ComparableTerm Modifier and Type Method Description ComparableTerm
BioSQLFeatureFilter.BySourceTerm. getSourceTerm()
BioSQLFeatureFilter.ByNoteTermOnly. getTerm()
BioSQLFeatureFilter.ByTypeTerm. getTypeTerm()
Constructors in with parameters of type ComparableTerm Constructor Description ByNoteTermOnly(ComparableTerm term)
BySourceTerm(ComparableTerm sourceTerm)
Create a BySourceTerm filter that filters in all features with sourceTerm fields equal to source.ByTypeTerm(ComparableTerm typeTerm)
Create a ByTypeTerm filter that filters in all features with typeTerm fields equal to typeTerm. -
Uses of ComparableTerm in
Fields in declared as ComparableTerm Modifier and Type Field Description protected ComparableTerm
SimpleRichLocation. term
Methods in that return ComparableTerm Modifier and Type Method Description static ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getAdditionalAccessionTerm()
Getter for the secondary/tertiary/additional accession termstatic ComparableTerm
SimpleRichFeatureRelationship. getContainsTerm()
Gets the default CONTAINS term used for defining the relationship between features.static ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getCopyrightTerm()
Getter for the copyright termstatic ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getDataClassTerm()
Getter for the DataClass termstatic ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getDateAnnotatedTerm()
Getter for the date annotated termstatic ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getDateCreatedTerm()
Getter for the date created termstatic ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getDateUpdatedTerm()
Getter for the date updated termstatic ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getFeatureDescTerm()
Getter for the FeatureDesc termstatic ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getFTIdTerm()
Getter for the FTId termstatic ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getGeneNameTerm()
Getter for the GeneName termstatic ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getGeneSynonymTerm()
Getter for the GeneSynonym termstatic ComparableTerm
CompoundRichLocation. getJoinTerm()
Getter for the "join" termstatic ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getKeywordTerm()
Getter for the keyword termstatic ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getMolTypeTerm()
getter for the MolType termstatic ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getOrderedLocusNameTerm()
Getter for the OrderedLocusName termstatic ComparableTerm
CompoundRichLocation. getOrderTerm()
Getter for the "order" termstatic ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getORFNameTerm()
Getter for the ORFName termstatic ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getOrganelleTerm()
Getter for the Organelle termstatic ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getPlasmidTerm()
Getter for the Plasmid termstatic ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getRelAnnotatedTerm()
Getter for the release annotated termstatic ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getRelCreatedTerm()
Getter for the release created termstatic ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getRelUpdatedTerm()
Getter for the release updated termstatic ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getSpeciesTerm()
Getter for the Species termstatic ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getStrainTerm()
Getter for the Strain termstatic ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getStrandedTerm()
Getter for the Strand term; legal values are "single", "double", and "mixed".ComparableTerm
EmptyRichLocation. getTerm()
Retrieves the term associated with this location.ComparableTerm
RichFeatureRelationship. getTerm()
Gets the term that describes this relationship.ComparableTerm
RichLocation. getTerm()
Retrieves the term associated with this location.ComparableTerm
SimpleRichFeatureRelationship. getTerm()
Gets the term that describes this relationship.ComparableTerm
SimpleRichLocation. getTerm()
Retrieves the term associated with this location.static ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getTissueTerm()
Getter for the Tissue termstatic ComparableTerm
RichSequence.Terms. getTransposonTerm()
Getter for the Transposon termMethods in with parameters of type ComparableTerm Modifier and Type Method Description void
CompoundRichLocation. setTerm(ComparableTerm term)
Sets the term for this location.void
EmptyRichLocation. setTerm(ComparableTerm term)
Sets the term for this location.void
RichLocation. setTerm(ComparableTerm term)
Sets the term for this location.void
SimpleRichLocation. setTerm(ComparableTerm term)
Sets the term for this location.Constructors in with parameters of type ComparableTerm Constructor Description CompoundRichLocation(ComparableTerm term, Collection members)
Constructs a CompoundRichLocation from the given set of members.MultiSourceCompoundRichLocation(ComparableTerm term, Collection members)
Constructs a MultiSourceCompoundRichLocation from the given set of members.SimpleRichFeatureRelationship(RichFeature object, RichFeature subject, ComparableTerm term, int rank)
Creates a new instance of SimpleRichFeatureRelationship. -
Uses of ComparableTerm in
Methods in that return ComparableTerm Modifier and Type Method Description static ComparableTerm
EMBLFormat.Terms. getDataClassTerm()
Getter for the Ensembl-specific 'dataClass' termstatic ComparableTerm
EMBLxmlFormat.Terms. getDataClassTerm()
Getter for the Ensembl-specific 'dataClass' termstatic ComparableTerm
EMBLFormat.Terms. getEMBLTerm()
Getter for the EMBL termstatic ComparableTerm
EMBLxmlFormat.Terms. getEMBLxmlTerm()
Getter for the EMBLxml termstatic ComparableTerm
UniProtXMLFormat.Terms. getEvidenceAttrTerm()
Getter for the evidence attr termstatic ComparableTerm
UniProtXMLFormat.Terms. getEvidenceCategoryTerm()
Getter for the evidence category termstatic ComparableTerm
UniProtXMLFormat.Terms. getEvidenceDateTerm()
Getter for the evidence date termstatic ComparableTerm
UniProtXMLFormat.Terms. getEvidenceTypeTerm()
Getter for the evidence type termstatic ComparableTerm
UniProtXMLFormat.Terms. getFeatureOriginalTerm()
Getter for the feature original termstatic ComparableTerm
UniProtXMLFormat.Terms. getFeatureRefTerm()
Getter for the feature ref termstatic ComparableTerm
UniProtXMLFormat.Terms. getFeatureStatusTerm()
Getter for the feature status termstatic ComparableTerm
UniProtXMLFormat.Terms. getFeatureVariationTerm()
Getter for the feature variation termstatic ComparableTerm
GenbankFormat.Terms. getGenBankTerm()
Getter for the Genbank termstatic ComparableTerm
EMBLFormat.Terms. getGenomicTerm()
Getter for the Ensembl-specific 'genomic' termstatic ComparableTerm
INSDseqFormat.Terms. getINSDseqTerm()
Getter for the INSDseq termstatic ComparableTerm
UniProtXMLFormat.Terms. getLocationSequenceTerm()
Getter for the location seq termstatic ComparableTerm
INSDseqFormat.Terms. getOtherSeqIdTerm()
Getter for the INSDseq termstatic ComparableTerm
EMBLxmlFormat.Terms. getProjectAccessionTerm()
Getter for the ProjectAccession termstatic ComparableTerm
UniProtFormat.Terms. getProteinExistsTerm()
Getter for the protein exists termstatic ComparableTerm
UniProtXMLFormat.Terms. getProteinExistsTerm()
Getter for the protein exists termstatic ComparableTerm
UniProtXMLFormat.Terms. getProteinTypeTerm()
Getter for the protein type termstatic ComparableTerm
EMBLFormat.Terms. getRelUpdatedRecordVersionTerm()
Getter for the RelUpdatedRecordVersion termstatic ComparableTerm
EMBLxmlFormat.Terms. getStatusDateTerm()
Getter for the StatusDate termstatic ComparableTerm
EMBLxmlFormat.Terms. getStatusTerm()
Getter for the Status termstatic ComparableTerm
EMBLxmlFormat.Terms. getSubmitterAccessionTerm()
Getter for the SubmitterAccession termstatic ComparableTerm
EMBLxmlFormat.Terms. getSubmitterVersionTerm()
Getter for the SubmitterVersion termstatic ComparableTerm
EMBLxmlFormat.Terms. getSubmitterWgsVersionTerm()
Getter for the SubmitterWgsVersion termstatic ComparableTerm
UniProtFormat.Terms. getUniProtDBNameTerm()
Getter for the UniProt combined database termstatic ComparableTerm
UniProtFormat.Terms. getUniProtTerm()
Getter for the UniProt termstatic ComparableTerm
UniProtXMLFormat.Terms. getUniProtXMLTerm()
Getter for the UniProtXML termstatic ComparableTerm
EMBLFormat.Terms. getVersionLineTerm()
Getter for the Ensembl-specific 'versionLine' term -
Uses of ComparableTerm in org.biojavax.ontology
Classes in org.biojavax.ontology that implement ComparableTerm Modifier and Type Class Description class
A Term object that can be compared and thus sorted.Methods in org.biojavax.ontology that return ComparableTerm Modifier and Type Method Description ComparableTerm
ComparableOntology. getOrCreateTerm(String name)
Looks for a term with the given name and returns it.ComparableTerm
SimpleComparableOntology. getOrCreateTerm(String name)
Looks for a term with the given name and returns it.ComparableTerm
ComparableOntology. getOrImportTerm(Term term)
Looks for a term with the same name as the given term and returns it.ComparableTerm
SimpleComparableOntology. getOrImportTerm(Term term)
Looks for a term with the same name as the given term and returns it.Methods in org.biojavax.ontology with parameters of type ComparableTerm Modifier and Type Method Description void
ComparableTriple. addDescriptor(ComparableTerm desc)
Adds a descriptor.void
SimpleComparableTriple. addDescriptor(ComparableTerm desc)
Adds a descriptor.boolean
ComparableTriple. removeDescriptor(ComparableTerm desc)
Removes a descriptor.boolean
SimpleComparableTriple. removeDescriptor(ComparableTerm desc)
Removes a descriptor.