Uses of Package
Packages that use Package Description The core classes that will be used throughout the bio Classes to generate and describe sequence Interfaces and classes for chromatogram data, as produced by DNA sequencing Tools for displaying Probability distributions over HMM and Dynamic Programming Graphical interfaces for biojava Graphical displays of biological sequences and associated Classes for the handling of the layout of a The classes and interfaces in this package cover common molecular biological techniques such as restriction digests and Java wrappers for interacting with external bioinformatics ABI Trace FASTQ and variants sequence format I/ Tools for working with profile Hidden Markov Models from the HMMer Parser for Phred Support for the SCF chromatogram SSAHA sequence searching Creation of objects from SAX events using the BioJava BlastLikeDataSetCollection Event-driven parsing system for the Extensible Feature Format (XFF) Utilities to aid in performing various physical analysis of Classes and interfaces to load Amino Acid Index database Interfaces and classes for representing sequence similarity search Classes and interfaces for defining biological sequences and informatics Collections of biological sequence General purpose Sequence storage in a relational The classes and interfaces for defining sequence similarity and Standard in-memory implementations ofSequence
andFeature Classes and interfaces for processing and producing flat-file representations of Classes for converting between AGAVE XML and BioJava Event-driven parsing system for the Gene Annotation Markup Elements (GAME) Code for projecting Feature objects and systematically altering their Representation of the Symbols that make up a sequence, and locations within org.biojava.utils.regex This package is used to perform regular expression searches of SymbolLists defined in arbitrary The Biojava extensions packages, classes that extend the core biojava Interface between biojava and biosql Rich implementations of Sequences, Locations and Classes to support the I/O of RichSequence and Bioentry Classes to provide a genetic algorithm GA Default implementations and abstract Utility functions and helper classes -
Classes in used by Class Description Location A set of integers, often used to represent positions on biological sequences. -
Classes in used by Class Description AbstractSymbolList Abstract helper implementation of the SymbolList core interface.Alphabet The set of AtomicSymbols which can be concatenated together to make a SymbolList.Edit Encapsulates an edit operation on a SymbolList.FiniteAlphabet An alphabet over a finite set of Symbols.GappedSymbolList This extends SymbolList with API for manipulating, inserting and deleting gaps.Location A set of integers, often used to represent positions on biological sequences.Symbol A single symbol.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description Alphabet The set of AtomicSymbols which can be concatenated together to make a SymbolList.AtomicSymbol A symbol that is not ambiguous.IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description Symbol A single symbol. -
Classes in used by Class Description Alphabet The set of AtomicSymbols which can be concatenated together to make a SymbolList.AlphabetIndex Map between Symbols and index numbers.AtomicSymbol A symbol that is not ambiguous.FiniteAlphabet An alphabet over a finite set of Symbols.IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.ReversibleTranslationTable A translation table that can also translate from the target to source alphabet.Symbol A single symbol.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description AbstractSymbol The base-class for Symbol implementations.Alphabet The set of AtomicSymbols which can be concatenated together to make a SymbolList.AtomicSymbol A symbol that is not ambiguous.BasisSymbol A symbol that can be represented as a string of Symbols.Edit Encapsulates an edit operation on a SymbolList.FiniteAlphabet An alphabet over a finite set of Symbols.FundamentalAtomicSymbol An atomic symbol consisting only of itself.IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.Location A set of integers, often used to represent positions on biological sequences.Symbol A single symbol.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.Symbol A single symbol.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description Alphabet The set of AtomicSymbols which can be concatenated together to make a SymbolList.IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description Alphabet The set of AtomicSymbols which can be concatenated together to make a SymbolList.AtomicSymbol A symbol that is not ambiguous.FiniteAlphabet An alphabet over a finite set of Symbols.IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.Symbol A single symbol. -
Classes in used by Class Description Location A set of integers, often used to represent positions on biological sequences.RangeLocation A simple implementation of Location that contains all points between getMin and getMax inclusive.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description RangeLocation A simple implementation of Location that contains all points between getMin and getMax inclusive. -
Classes in used by Class Description IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context. -
Classes in used by Class Description AtomicSymbol A symbol that is not ambiguous.FiniteAlphabet An alphabet over a finite set of Symbols.IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.Symbol A single symbol.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description Alphabet The set of AtomicSymbols which can be concatenated together to make a SymbolList.AtomicSymbol A symbol that is not ambiguous.BasisSymbol A symbol that can be represented as a string of Symbols.IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.Symbol A single symbol. -
Classes in used by Class Description FiniteAlphabet An alphabet over a finite set of Symbols.IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.IntegerAlphabet.IntegerSymbol A single int value.Symbol A single symbol.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description IntegerAlphabet.SubIntegerAlphabet A class to represent a finite contiguous subset of the infinite IntegerAlphabetSymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description FiniteAlphabet An alphabet over a finite set of Symbols.IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.Packing An encapsulation of the way symbols map to bit-patterns.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description FiniteAlphabet An alphabet over a finite set of Symbols. -
Classes in used by Class Description FiniteAlphabet An alphabet over a finite set of Symbols.Location A set of integers, often used to represent positions on biological sequences. -
Classes in used by Class Description AtomicSymbol A symbol that is not ambiguous.FiniteAlphabet An alphabet over a finite set of Symbols.IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.Symbol A single symbol.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description Alphabet The set of AtomicSymbols which can be concatenated together to make a SymbolList.SimpleSymbolPropertyTable Class that implements the SymbolPropertyTable interfaceSymbolPropertyTable class for maintaining properties associated with a symbol -
Classes in used by Class Description AtomicSymbol A symbol that is not ambiguous.FiniteAlphabet An alphabet over a finite set of Symbols.IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description Alphabet The set of AtomicSymbols which can be concatenated together to make a SymbolList.AtomicSymbol A symbol that is not ambiguous.Edit Encapsulates an edit operation on a SymbolList.FiniteAlphabet An alphabet over a finite set of Symbols.GappedSymbolList This extends SymbolList with API for manipulating, inserting and deleting gaps.IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.Location A set of integers, often used to represent positions on biological sequences.ManyToOneTranslationTable A translation table that will handle the many-to-one mappings that you see, for example, with genetic codes.RangeLocation A simple implementation of Location that contains all points between getMin and getMax inclusive.ReversibleTranslationTable A translation table that can also translate from the target to source alphabet.Symbol A single symbol.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet.SymbolPropertyTable class for maintaining properties associated with a symbol -
Classes in used by Class Description Alphabet The set of AtomicSymbols which can be concatenated together to make a SymbolList. -
Classes in used by Class Description Alphabet The set of AtomicSymbols which can be concatenated together to make a SymbolList. -
Classes in used by Class Description Alphabet The set of AtomicSymbols which can be concatenated together to make a SymbolList.Edit Encapsulates an edit operation on a SymbolList.IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.Location A set of integers, often used to represent positions on biological sequences.Symbol A single symbol.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description AbstractSymbolList Abstract helper implementation of the SymbolList core interface.Alphabet The set of AtomicSymbols which can be concatenated together to make a SymbolList.Edit Encapsulates an edit operation on a SymbolList.GappedSymbolList This extends SymbolList with API for manipulating, inserting and deleting gaps.IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.Location A set of integers, often used to represent positions on biological sequences.SimpleGappedSymbolList This implementation of GappedSymbolList wraps a SymbolList, allowing you to insert gaps.Symbol A single symbol.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description Alphabet The set of AtomicSymbols which can be concatenated together to make a SymbolList.FiniteAlphabet An alphabet over a finite set of Symbols.IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.IntegerAlphabet.SubIntegerAlphabet A class to represent a finite contiguous subset of the infinite IntegerAlphabetLocation A set of integers, often used to represent positions on biological sequences.Symbol A single symbol.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet.SymbolListFactory This interface exists to hide implementational details of SymbolLists when making chunked symbol lists. -
Classes in used by Class Description Location A set of integers, often used to represent positions on biological sequences. -
Classes in used by Class Description Location A set of integers, often used to represent positions on biological sequences.RangeLocation A simple implementation of Location that contains all points between getMin and getMax inclusive. -
Classes in used by Class Description Location A set of integers, often used to represent positions on biological sequences.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description AbstractAlphabet An abstract implementation ofAlphabet
.AbstractLocation An abstract implementation ofLocation
.AbstractLocationDecorator AbstractLocation
decorator (wrapper).AbstractManyToOneTranslationTable an abstract class implementing basic functionality of a translation table that translates Symbols from one Alphabet to another.AbstractRangeLocation Base class for simple contiguous Location implementations.AbstractReversibleTranslationTable an abstract class implementing basic functionality of a translation table that translates Symbols from one Alphabet to another.AbstractSymbol The base-class for Symbol implementations.AbstractSymbolList Abstract helper implementation of the SymbolList core interface.AbstractSymbolList.EditScreener This adapter screens all edit events to see if they overlap with a window of interest.Alphabet The set of AtomicSymbols which can be concatenated together to make a SymbolList.AlphabetIndex Map between Symbols and index numbers.AlphabetManager Utility methods for working with Alphabets.AtomicSymbol A symbol that is not ambiguous.BasisSymbol A symbol that can be represented as a string of Symbols.CircularLocation Circular view onto an underlying Location instance.CodonPref CodonPrefFilter DoubleAlphabet An efficient implementation of an Alphabet over the infinite set of double values.DoubleAlphabet.DoubleRange A range of double values.DoubleAlphabet.DoubleSymbol A single double value.DoubleAlphabet.SubDoubleAlphabet A class to represent a contiguous range of double symbols.Edit Encapsulates an edit operation on a SymbolList.FiniteAlphabet An alphabet over a finite set of Symbols.FuzzyLocation A 'fuzzy' location a-la Embl fuzzy locations.FuzzyLocation.RangeResolver Determines how aFuzzyLocation
should be treated when used as a normalLocation
.FuzzyPointLocation FuzzyPointLocation
represents two types of EMBL-style partially-defined locations.FuzzyPointLocation.PointResolver Determines how aFuzzyPointLocation
should be treated when used as a normalLocation
.GappedSymbolList This extends SymbolList with API for manipulating, inserting and deleting gaps.IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.IntegerAlphabet An efficient implementation of an Alphabet over the infinite set of integer values.IntegerAlphabet.IntegerSymbol A single int value.IntegerAlphabet.SubIntegerAlphabet A class to represent a finite contiguous subset of the infinite IntegerAlphabetLocation A set of integers, often used to represent positions on biological sequences.ManyToOneTranslationTable A translation table that will handle the many-to-one mappings that you see, for example, with genetic codes.MergeLocation Produced by LocationTools as a result of union operations.Packing An encapsulation of the way symbols map to bit-patterns.RangeLocation A simple implementation of Location that contains all points between getMin and getMax inclusive.ReversibleTranslationTable A translation table that can also translate from the target to source alphabet.SimpleGappedSymbolList.Block An aligned block.SimpleManyToOneTranslationTable A no-frills implementation of a translation table that maps between two alphabets.SoftMaskedAlphabet Soft masking is usually displayed by making the masked regions somehow different from the non masked regions.SoftMaskedAlphabet.MaskingDetector Implementations will define how soft masking looks.SuffixTree.SuffixNode A node in the suffix tree.Symbol A single symbol.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet.SymbolListFactory This interface exists to hide implementational details of SymbolLists when making chunked symbol lists.SymbolPropertyTable class for maintaining properties associated with a symbolTranslationTable Encapsulates the mapping from a source to a destination alphabet.UkkonenSuffixTree.SuffixNode end Tree modification methodsWobbleDistribution an object to return statistics about the frequency of the wobble base in a set of synonymous codons. -
Classes in used by org.biojava.utils.automata Class Description FiniteAlphabet An alphabet over a finite set of Symbols.IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.Symbol A single symbol.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by org.biojava.utils.regex Class Description FiniteAlphabet An alphabet over a finite set of Symbols.IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.Symbol A single symbol.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by org.biojavax Class Description Alphabet The set of AtomicSymbols which can be concatenated together to make a SymbolList.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description Alphabet The set of AtomicSymbols which can be concatenated together to make a SymbolList.Edit Encapsulates an edit operation on a SymbolList.IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.Symbol A single symbol.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description Alphabet The set of AtomicSymbols which can be concatenated together to make a SymbolList.Edit Encapsulates an edit operation on a SymbolList.FiniteAlphabet An alphabet over a finite set of Symbols.IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.Location A set of integers, often used to represent positions on biological sequences.Symbol A single symbol.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description Alphabet The set of AtomicSymbols which can be concatenated together to make a SymbolList.IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.Symbol A single symbol.SymbolListFactory This interface exists to hide implementational details of SymbolLists when making chunked symbol lists. -
Classes in used by Class Description IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.PointLocation A location representing a single point.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet. -
Classes in used by Class Description AtomicSymbol A symbol that is not ambiguous.FiniteAlphabet An alphabet over a finite set of Symbols.IllegalAlphabetException The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.IllegalSymbolException The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.SymbolList A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet.