Graphical displays of biological sequences and associated annotations.
Interface Summary Interface Description BeadFeatureRenderer BeadFeatureRenderer
s use a 'string of beads' metaphor for displaying features.CircularFeatureRenderer CircularRenderer Render information from a CircularRendererContext onto a graphics context.CircularRendererContext A context providing information for rendering sequences into circular coordinate systems.FeatureLabelRenderer.LabelMaker FeatureRenderer FeatureSource A closure that allows AbstractPeptideDigestRenderer implementations to obtain the features of the rendered sequence.ImageMap ImageMap
represents a collection of image map hotspots.ImageMapRenderer ImageMapRenderer
s create strings representingFeature
s suitable for use in HTML image maps.LabelRenderer The interface for things that can render labels for a line of information about a sequence.OverlayMarker This is a dummy interface to permit identification of renderers whose output is to be overlaid along the lines of the Marker Interface pattern.PairwiseRenderContext PairwiseRenderContext
encapsulates information required for the rendering of a pair of sequences.PairwiseSequenceRenderer PairwiseSequenceRenderer
s render information about the relationship between two sequences.SequenceRenderContext A context within which sequence information may be rendered.SequenceRenderer The interface for things that can render a line of information about a sequence.SequenceViewerListener SequenceViewerMotionListener -
Class Summary Class Description AbiTraceRenderer Renders an ABI trace file as a chromatogram graph.AbstractBeadRenderer AbstractBeadRenderer
is a an abstract base class for the creation ofFeatureRenderer
s which use a 'string of beads' metaphor for displaying features.AbstractPeptideDigestRenderer A SequenceRenderer that renders a set of Features that match a FeatureFilter in such a way that they do not overlap in the display.AlignmentRenderer ArrowedFeatureRenderer A Feature Renderer that paints the Feature as a right facing arrow Based heavily on BasicFeatureRendererBasicFeatureRenderer BasicImapRenderer BasicImapRenderer
is a decorator forBasicFeatureRenderer
which adds the ability to create HTML image map coordinates which correspond to the feature rendering produced by theBasicFeatureRenderer
.BumpedRenderer CircularFeatureFilteringRenderer CircularFeaturesRenderer CircularMLR Renders multiple renderers, each in their own concentric rings.CircularPaddedRenderer CircularRendererPanel Renders a sequence as a circle using a CircularRenderer.CrosshairRenderer CrosshairRenderer
draws a crosshair, optionally with coordinates.EllipticalBeadRenderer EllipticalBeadRenderer
renders features as simple ellipses.FeatureBlockSequenceRenderer FeatureBlockSequenceRenderer
forms a bridge betweenSequence
rendering andFeature
rendering.FeatureLabelRenderer FeatureLabelRenderer.AnnotationLabelMaker FeatureLabelRenderer.SourceLabelMaker FeatureLabelRenderer.TypeLabelMaker FilteringRenderer GappedRenderer A renderer that will display a gapped sequence as a discontinuous series of regions.GlyphFeatureRenderer A FeatureRenderer that renders a particular Glyph for Features accepted by a particular FeatureFilterGUITools HeadlessRenderContext A stand-alone SequenceRenderContext to make it easy to render to an image.ImageMap.ClientSide ClientSide
represents a client-side style image map.ImageMap.HotSpot HotSpot
s represent an image map hotspot.ImageMap.ServerSide ServerSide
represents a server-side style image map.LabelledSequenceRenderer Renderer which draws a track of sequence with a textual label.LabelRenderer.RenderNothing LayeredRenderer LayeredRenderer
handles the lane offsets forMultiLineRender
s.LineInfo Encapsulates the rendering info for a single line of the display.MultiLineRenderer MultiLineRenderer
is aSequenceRenderer
which collects a number of otherSequenceRenderer
s each of which render their own view of aSequence
.OffsetRulerRenderer OffsetRulerRenderer can render the ruler starting from an arbitrary offset from the sequence.OverlayRendererWrapper This class wraps SequenceRenderer classes to present an Overlay Marker interface that will indicate to LayeredRenderer that subsequent renderers should overdraw the same space as the wrapped renderer.PaddingRenderer A renderer that adds padding before and after a delegate renderer.PairwiseDiagonalRenderer PairwiseDiagonalRenderer
renders a region of similarity between two sequences as a straight line.PairwiseFilteringRenderer PairwiseFilteringRenderer
wraps aPairwiseSequenceRenderer
and filters thePairwiseRenderContext
s passed to it.PairwiseOverlayRenderer PairwiseOverlayRenderer
allows a list of otherPairwiseSequenceRenderer
s to superimpose their output.PairwiseSequencePanel APairwiseSequencePanel
is a panel that displays a pair of sequences; one sequence (the primary) may be either left-to-right (HORIZONTAL) or from top-to-bottom (VERTICAL).PairwiseSequenceRenderer.PairwiseRendererForwarder PairwiseRendererForwarder
forward events to other renderers.PeptideDigestRenderer A concrete AbstractPeptideDigestRenderer.RectangularBeadRenderer RectangularBeadRenderer
renders features as simple rectangles.RectangularImapRenderer RectangularImapRenderer
is a decorator forRectangularBeadRenderer
which adds the ability to create HTML image map coordinates which correspond to the feature rendering produced by theRectangularBeadRenderer
.RoundRectangularBeadRenderer RoundRectangularBeadRenderer
renders features as rectangles with rounded corners.RulerRenderer RulerRenderer
renders numerical scales in sequence coordinates.SecondaryStructureFeatureRenderer A GlyphRenderer subclass that specificatlly handles Features pertaining to Secondary Structure (Helices, Turns and Strands).SequencePanel A panel that displays a Sequence.SequencePanelWrapper Handles multiple SequencePanels and Ranges so that a Sequence can be wrapped over more than one line on screen.SequencePoster Deprecated. This doesn't handle loads of stuff.SequenceRenderContext.Border The metric object for the 'border' area - the area between the extent of the rendered area and the beginning or end of the sequence.SequenceRenderer.RendererForwarder SequenceRendererWrapper An implementation of SequenceRenderer that delegates rendering to another renderer.SequenceViewerEvent An event indicating that a mouse gesture was recognised within a widget that renders sequences.SequenceViewerMotionSupport SequenceViewerSupport SimpleLabelRenderer SixFrameRenderer Class that handles drawing in six frames for other classes.SixFrameZiggyRenderer A feature renderer that computes the data necessary to render multi-exon transcripts without CDS data.StackedFeatureRenderer Allows you to stack multiple feature renderers up (for example a label renderer and a beaded renderer) and have them treated as a single renderer for layout.StopRenderer Compute sites of stop codons.SubCircularRendererContext A renderer context that allows some or all properties of another context to be over-ridden.SubPairwiseRenderContext SubPairwiseRenderContext
is a rendering context which wraps a delegate context and effectively hides some of the delegate's properties with its own.SubSequenceRenderContext Allows a new renderer to "wrap" another one, replacing one or more values.SymbolSequenceRenderer SymbolSequenceRenderer
renders symbols of aSymbolList
.TickFeatureRenderer TranslatedSequencePanel TranslatedSequencePanel
is a panel that displays a Sequence.ZiggyFeatureRenderer A feature renderer that draws non-contiguous features as a set of boxes joined by zig-zags.ZiggyImapRenderer ZiggyImapRenderer
is a decorator forZiggyFeatureRenderer
which adds the ability to create HTML image map coordinates which correspond to the feature rendering produced by theZiggyFeatureRenderer