All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Error Summary
Class |
Description |
AAindex |
Symbol property table based on the Amino Acid Index Database.
AAindexStreamReader |
Iterator over AAindex objects that
are stored in a stream in the AAindex1 file format.
ABIFChromatogram |
An implementation of Chromatogram to
encapulsulate chromatogram data extracted from the files produced by ABI
sequencers, such as the the 377 and the 3700.
ABIFParser |
A general base parser for files produced by ABI software.
ABIFParser.DataAccess |
ABIFParser.TaggedDataRecord |
An aggregate immutable type for an ABIF tagged data record.
ABITools |
Useful functionality for working with fasta files where the quality of the
DNA is encoded as upper and lower case DNA characters.
ABITrace |
Title: ABITrace
ABITrace is a class for managing ABI file information,
it is capable of opening an ABI file and storing
the most important fields, which can be recalled as simple java types.
AbiTraceRenderer |
Renders an ABI trace file as a chromatogram graph.
AbstractAlignmentStyler |
Abstract implementation of AlignmentStyler , contains
utility methods for generating a set of HTML styles from a list of
RGB colours.
AbstractAlphabet |
An abstract implementation of Alphabet .
AbstractAnnotation |
A utility class to ease the problem of implementing an Annotation to that of
providing an apropreate implementation of Map.
AbstractBeadRenderer |
AbstractBeadRenderer is a an abstract base class
for the creation of FeatureRenderer s which use a
'string of beads' metaphor for displaying features.
AbstractBioEntryDB |
An abstract implementation of BioEntryDB that provides the getBioEntryIterator
AbstractChangeable |
Useful base-class for objects implementing Changeable
AbstractChromatogram |
AbstractCrossOverFunction |
Abstract implementation of CrossOverFunction .
AbstractDistribution |
An abstract implementation of Distribution.
AbstractFeatureHolder |
An abstract implementation of FeatureHolder.
AbstractGeneticAlgorithm |
Base class from which most implementations of GeneticAlgorithm will inherit.
AbstractLocation |
An abstract implementation of Location .
AbstractLocationDecorator |
Abstract Location decorator (wrapper).
AbstractManyToOneTranslationTable |
an abstract class implementing basic functionality
of a translation table that translates Symbols from
one Alphabet to another.
AbstractMatrixPairDPCursor |
AbstractMutationFunction |
Abstract implementation of MutationFunction all custom
implementations should inherit from here.
AbstractOrderNDistribution |
Simple base class for OrderNDistributions.
AbstractOrganism |
Abstract implementation of Organism.
AbstractOrthologueSet |
AbstractOrthoPairCollection |
An abstract implementation of the OrthoPairCollection
AbstractOrthoPairSet |
represents the Homologene Group.
AbstractPeptideDigestRenderer |
A SequenceRenderer that renders a set of Features that match a FeatureFilter in such a way that
they do not overlap in the display.
AbstractPopulation |
Most Population implementations will want to inherit from here.
AbstractRangeLocation |
Base class for simple contiguous Location implementations.
AbstractReversibleTranslationTable |
an abstract class implementing basic functionality
of a translation table that translates Symbols from
one Alphabet to another.
AbstractRichSequenceDB |
An abstract implementation of RichSequenceDB that provides the getRichSequenceIterator
AbstractSequenceDB |
An abstract implementation of SequenceDB that provides the sequenceIterator
AbstractSVMClassifierModel |
Abstract implementation of SVMClassifierModel.
AbstractSVMTarget |
An abstract implementation of an SVMModel.
AbstractSymbol |
The base-class for Symbol implementations.
AbstractSymbolList |
Abstract helper implementation of the SymbolList core interface.
AbstractTaxon |
AbstractTerm |
Abstract implementation of term
This provides basic change-forwarding functionality from
the annotation and ontology properties.
AbstractTrainer |
An abstract implementation of TrainingAlgorithm that provides a framework
for plugging in per-cycle code for parameter optimization.
AbstractULAlignment |
AbstractWrapper |
An abstract TagValueWrapper that does nothing!
AcnumHitReader |
AcnumHitReader reads the "acnum.hit" file of an EMBL
CD-ROM format binary index.
AcnumTrgReader |
AcnumTrgReader reads the "acnum.trg" file of an EMBL
CD-ROM format binary index.
ActivityListener |
Interface for object which monitor long-running activities.
Agave2AgaveAnnotFilter |
Dumping the data from biojava with source of agave into agave format
AGAVEAltIdsPropHandler |
Deals with alternate sequence IDs
AGAVEAnnotationsHandler |
AGAVEAnnotFilter |
This interface defines mapping from BioJava into AGAVE format.
AGAVEAnnotFilterFactory |
AGAVEAssemblyHandler |
AGAVEBioSeqCallbackItf |
An interface that can be tested for by nested handlers
when trying to do a callback.
AGAVEBioSeqHandler |
Handles the AGAVE <bio_sequence> element
AGAVEBioSequenceHandler |
Handles the AGAVE <bio_sequence> element
AGAVECallbackItf |
An interface that can be tested for by nested handlers
when trying to do a callback.
AGAVECdsHandler |
Handles the AGAVE <cds> element
AGAVEChromosomeCallbackItf |
An interface that can be tested for by nested handlers
when trying to do a callback.
AGAVEChromosomeHandler |
Handles the AGAVE <chromosome> element
AGAVEClassificationHandler |
AGAVECompResultHandler |
AGAVEComputationHandler |
AGAVEContigCallbackItf |
An interface that can be tested for by nested handlers
when trying to do a callback.
AGAVEContigHandler |
Handles the AGAVE <contig> element
AGAVEDbIdCallbackItf |
this is the interface implemented by several classes
AGAVEDbIdPropCallbackItf |
AGAVEDbIdPropHandler |
Deals with database crossreferences
AGAVEDescPropHandler |
Deals with database crossreferences
AGAVEElementIdPropHandler |
AGAVEEvidenceCallbackItf |
AGAVEEvidenceHandler |
AGAVEExonsPropHandler |
AGAVEFeatureCallbackItf |
An interface that can be tested for by nested handlers
when trying to do a callback.
AGAVEFragmentOrderHandler |
AGAVEFragmentOrientationHandler |
AGAVEGeneHandler |
AGAVEHandler |
Handles the root AGAVE element
modified for agave format
AGAVEIdAlias |
AGAVEIdAliasCallbackItf |
AGAVEIdAliasPropHandler |
AGAVEKeywordPropHandler |
Deals with AGAVE keywords
AGAVEMapLocation |
AGAVEMapLocationPropHandler |
AGAVEMapPosition |
AGAVEMapPositionPropHandler |
AGAVEMatchAlignPropHandler |
Deals with match_align
AGAVEMatchDescPropHandler |
Deals with match_desc
AGAVEMatchRegion |
AGAVEMatchRegionPropHandler |
Deals with match_region
AGAVEMrnaHandler |
Handles the AGAVE <mrna> element
AGAVENotePropHandler |
Deals with note
AGAVEPredictedProteinHandler |
Handles the AGAVE <predicted_protein> element
AGAVEProperty |
AGAVEQualifierPropHandler |
AGAVEQueryRegion |
AGAVEQueryRegionPropHandler |
AGAVERelatedAnnot |
AGAVERelatedAnnotPropHandler |
AGAVEResultGroupHandler |
AGAVEResultPropertyPropHandler |
AGAVESciPropertyPropHandler |
AGAVESeqFeatureHandler |
AGAVESeqLocationPropHandler |
AGAVESeqMapHandler |
AGAVESeqPropHandler |
Deals with sequence code
AGAVETranscriptHandler |
AGAVEUnorderedFragmentsHandler |
AGAVEViewPropHandler |
Moves view attributes into annotation properties.
AgaveWriter |
Writes Sequence into AGAVE XML document.
AGAVEXrefCallbackItf |
AGAVEXrefPropHandler |
handle AGAVE xref
AGAVEXrefPropPropHandler |
AGAVEXrefs |
AGAVEXrefsPropHandler |
Deals with database crossreferences (xrefs)
Aggregator |
Joins multipel values into single values.
AlignIOConstants |
AlignIOConstants contains constants used to identify
sequence formats, alphabets etc, in the context of reading and
writing alignments.
Alignment |
An alignment containing multiple SymbolLists.
Alignment.SymbolListIterator |
Iterator implementation looping over symbol lists in an alignment using
the labels.
AlignmentAlgorithm |
This Interface provides methods for the alignment of bio-sequences.
AlignmentElement |
AlignmentElement is a class which represents a SymbolList and its
location within an Alignment This is for use in
UnequalLengthAlignments and ARAlignments.
AlignmentFormat |
AlignmentMarker |
Class to do simple HTML colouring of sequence alignments.
AlignmentPair |
This class stores the result of an alignment procedure that creates a
pairwise alignment of two sequences.
AlignmentRenderer |
AlignmentStAXHandler |
AlignmentStAXHandler handles the BlastLikeAlignment
element of BioJava BlastLike XML.
Alphabet |
The set of AtomicSymbols which can be concatenated together to make a
AlphabetIndex |
Map between Symbols and index numbers.
AlphabetManager |
Utility methods for working with Alphabets.
AlphabetResolver |
AlphabetResolver s are helpers which determine which
type of sequence Alphabet to expect from a search
AlreadyExistsException |
Thrown to indicate that a term or triple can't be added to an ontology
because it is already present.
AlternateTokenization |
Implementation of SymbolTokenization which binds symbols to
strings of characters.
Annotatable |
Indicates that an object has an associated annotation.
Annotatable.AnnotationForwarder |
AnnotatedSequenceDB |
SequenceDB implementation which lazily applies a SequenceAnnotator
to sequences retrieved from a SequenceDB.
Annotation |
Arbitrary annotation associated with one or more objects.
AnnotationBuilder |
Builds an Annotation tree from TagValue events using an AnnotationType to
work out which fields are of what type.
AnnotationChanger |
AnnotationChanger remaps the values of an
Annotation to new values specified by a
ValueChanger .
AnnotationDB |
A database of Annotation instances.
AnnotationFactory |
AnnotationFactory is a utility class for making
Annotation s from Map s.
AnnotationRenamer |
AnnotationRenamer remaps the keys of an
Annotation to new keys specified by a
TagMapper .
AnnotationTools |
AnnotationTools is a set of static utility methods for
manipulating Annotation s and AnnotationType s.
AnnotationType |
A set of constraints on the data contained in an Annotation .
AnnotationType.Abstract |
An abstract base class useful for implementing AnnotationType
AnnotationType.Impl |
An implementation of AnnotationType .
App |
Hello world!
AppBeanRunner |
Create a bean from an XML file, then attempt to enter it.
AppEntry |
AppException |
ARAlignment |
ARAlignment is an interface that defines methods for adding and
removing seqeunces from an Alignment.
ArrayStateMachineToolkit |
ArrowedFeatureRenderer |
A Feature Renderer that paints the Feature as a right facing arrow Based heavily on
ArrowGlyph |
A Glyph that paints an arrow shape within the bounds.
AssembledSymbolList |
Support class for applications which need to patch together sections
of sequence into a single SymbolList.
AssertionFailure |
An unchecked exception representing an Assertion failure.
AtomicSymbol |
A symbol that is not ambiguous.
AutomatonException |
An exception thrown by classes of this package.
BackMatrixPairDPCursor |
BackPointer |
A backpointer.
BarLogoPainter |
A logo painter that paints in bars.
BaseXMLWriter |
Base XMLWriter class for writing XML representations of Java Value
Objects with bespoke architectures.
BasicFeatureRenderer |
BasicImapRenderer |
BasicImapRenderer is a decorator for
BasicFeatureRenderer which adds the ability to create
HTML image map coordinates which correspond to the feature
rendering produced by the BasicFeatureRenderer .
BasicXFFHelper |
BasisSymbol |
A symbol that can be represented as a string of Symbols.
BaumWelchSampler |
Train a hidden markov model using a sampling algorithm.
BaumWelchTrainer |
Train a hidden markov model using maximum likelihood.
BeadFeatureRenderer |
BeadFeatureRenderer s use a 'string of beads'
metaphor for displaying features.
BeanAsAnnotation |
Create an Annotation with properties matching those of a JavaBean instance.
BeanAsMap |
BetweenLocation |
Between view onto an underlying Location instance.
BiblioArticle |
It represents an article.
BiblioBook |
It represents a book.
BiblioBookArticle |
It represents a book article.
BiblioCriterion |
The criteria define how the matching or ordering should be done
during queries.
BiblioDescription |
It represents an account of the content of the cited resource.
BiblioEntryStatus |
It defines information related to the citation itself rather than to the cited resource.
BiblioJournal |
A class describing journals.
BiblioJournalArticle |
It represents a journal article.
BiblioOrganisation |
It represents an organisation dealing with the bibliographic
BiblioPatent |
It represents a patent.
BiblioPerson |
It represents a person dealing with the bibliographic resources.
BiblioProceeding |
It represents a conference proceeding.
BiblioProvider |
This class and its sub-classes define active participants of the process
of creation and dissemination of the bibliographic resources.
BiblioScope |
It represent an extent or scope of the content of the cited resource.
BiblioService |
It represents a service dealing with the bibliographic
BiblioSubject |
It represents the topic of the content of the cited resource.
BiblioTechReport |
It represents a technical report.
BiblioThesis |
It represents a thesis.
BiblioWebResource |
It represents a WWW resource.
BibRef |
This class is a core class of the bibliographic data model - it
represents a bibliographic reference, a citation.
BibRefException |
An exception raised when communciation with the BibRef APIs fails.
BibRefQuery |
The interface BibRefQuery is a fundamental part of the Bibliographic Query
BibRefSupport |
This interface defines supporting utilities for working with
bibliographic repositories.
BinarySearch |
solves y = f(x) = 0 by binary search.
BioEntry |
This class relates to the bioentry table in BioSQL.
BioEntryDB |
BioEntryDBLite |
A database of BioEntrys.
BioEntryIterator |
Essentially the same as SequenceIterator.
BioEntryRelationship |
Represents the relation between two bioentries.
BioError |
A nestable biological error.
BioException |
A nestable biological exception.
BioFetchSequenceDB |
Simple SequenceDB implementation backed by a BioFetch (HTTP)
BioFetchSequenceDBProvider |
Directory-services plugin for biofetch databases.
BioIndex |
The original object for indexing sequence files.
BioMatcher |
Interface for things that perform matches.
BioPattern |
BioRuntimeException |
A nestable biological exception.
BioSQLAcceptAllFilter |
The class that accepts all features.
BioSQLAcceptNoneFilter |
The class that accepts no features.
BioSQLBioEntryDB |
BioSQLCrossReferenceResolver |
A simple implementation of CrossReferenceResolver
BioSQLFeatureFilter |
A filter for accepting or rejecting a feature.
BioSQLFeatureFilter.And |
A filter that returns all features accepted by both child filter.
BioSQLFeatureFilter.ByName |
Construct one of these to filter features by display name.
BioSQLFeatureFilter.ByNote |
A filter that returns all features that have the given note, and
the value and rank is checked as well.
BioSQLFeatureFilter.ByNoteTermOnly |
A filter that returns all features that have a note with the given term.
BioSQLFeatureFilter.ByRank |
Construct one of these to filter features by rank.
BioSQLFeatureFilter.BySequenceName |
Accept features that reside on a sequence with a particular name.
BioSQLFeatureFilter.BySourceTerm |
Construct one of these to filter features by source.
BioSQLFeatureFilter.BySourceTermName |
Construct one of these to filter features by source (name only - parent ontology
is ignored).
BioSQLFeatureFilter.ByStrand |
A filter that returns all features having locations on a given strand.
BioSQLFeatureFilter.ByTypeTerm |
Construct one of these to filter features by type.
BioSQLFeatureFilter.ByTypeTermName |
Construct one of these to filter features by type (name only - parent ontology
is ignored).
BioSQLFeatureFilter.ContainedByRichLocation |
A filter that returns all features contained within a location.
BioSQLFeatureFilter.HibernateFeatureFilter |
A filter for Hibernate-BioSQL filters to extend.
BioSQLFeatureFilter.Not |
A filter that returns all features not accepted by a child filter.
BioSQLFeatureFilter.Or |
A filter that returns all features accepted by at least one child filter.
BioSQLFeatureFilter.OverlapsRichLocation |
A filter that returns all features overlapping a location.
BioSQLFeatureFilter.Tools |
A class representing some useful stuff you can do with BioSQLFeatureFilters,
for instance converting plain FeatureFilters into a their BioSQLFeatureFilter
equivalents (where possible).
BioSQLRichObjectBuilder |
Takes requests for RichObjects and sees if it can load them from a Hibernate
BioSQLRichSequenceDB |
BioSQLRichSequenceHandler |
A handler which loads sequence data from a BioSQL database, caching it where possible.
BioSQLSequenceDB |
BioSQLSequenceDBProvider |
BioStore |
BioStore s represent directory and file structures
which index flat files according to the OBDA specification.
BioStoreFactory |
BioStoreFactory creates BioStore
Blast2HTMLHandler |
Takes a SAX event stream and a HTMLRenderer to produce
a HTML Blast like program report.
BlastLikeHomologyBuilder |
BlastLikeHomologyBuilder populates a
List with Homology instances created from
SAX events supplied via a SeqSimilarityAdapter .
BlastLikeSAXParser |
A facade class allowing for direct SAX2-like parsing of the native
output from Blast-like bioinformatics software.
BlastLikeSearchBuilder |
BlastLikeSearchBuilder will create
SeqSimilaritySearchResult s from SAX events via a
SeqSimilarityAdapter .
BlastLikeSearchFilter |
A SearchContentHandler class that implements filtering
in chains of SearchContentHandler instances.
BlastLikeSearchFilter.AbstractBlastLikeSearchFilter |
BlastLikeSearchFilter.And |
BlastLikeSearchFilter.ByHitProperty |
Applies test to the value specified by the key in hit properties.
BlastLikeSearchFilter.BySearchProperty |
Applies test to the value specified by the key in search properties.
BlastLikeSearchFilter.BySubHitProperty |
Applies test to the value specified by the key in subhit properties.
BlastLikeSearchFilter.Node |
BlastLikeSearchFilter.Not |
BlastLikeSearchFilter.Or |
BlastLikeToXMLConverter |
A class that converts the raw output from a variety of bioinformatics
software and converts it to XML that will validate against the
biojava:BlastLikeDataSetCollection DTD.
BlastXMLParser |
This class parses NCBI Blast XML output.
BlastXMLParserFacade |
A facade class that wraps the NCBI Blast XML
parsing framework in a more user-friendly form.
BlockPainter |
BooleanElementHandlerBase |
StAX handler for any element which just contains a string representation of
an boolean.
BoundaryFinder |
BumpedRenderer |
ByLocationMinMaxComparator |
A Comparator similar to Feature.ByLocationComparator except that the min and max positions of
the location are both compared
ByLocationMinMaxFeatureComparator |
Comparator that compares the min and max positions of Features
Required by instances.
ByteCode |
Factory for objects which encapsulate individual Java bytecode instructions.
ByteElementHandlerBase |
StAX handler for any element which just contains a string representation of
a byte.
Cache |
Interface for managing caches of objects.
CacheMap |
Interface for managing caches of objects fetchable by key.
CacheReference |
Interface for a reference to an object, analogous to
java.lang.ref.Referencce , but more flexible.
CachingInputStream |
A wrapper around InputStream that provides in-memory
caching of the input data.
CachingKernel |
Caches the results of a nested kernel so that k(a, b) need only be calculated
CachingSequenceDB |
SequenceDB implementation that caches the results of another SequenceDB.
CandyEntry |
This is a basic container for a vocabulary entry.
CandyException |
CandyFinder |
This interface is a main entry point to a set of controlled
CandyVocabulary |
This interface defines functionality of a controlled vocabulary.
CardinalityConstraint |
A constraint on the number of values a property can have.
Cell |
A single cell in the DP matrix.
CellCalculator |
The interface for all functions that can calculate the 'scores' array for
a given cell.
CellCalculatorFactory |
CellCalculatorFactoryMaker |
The interface for all functions that can calculate the 'scores' array for
a given cell.
Changeable |
This is a flag interface that defines the common add/remove listener methods
for classes and interfaces that wish to indicate that they are sources of
ChangeableCache |
A cache that clears values as the keys fire ChangeEvents of a given type.
ChangeAdapter |
This is a ChangeListener that ignores everything.
ChangeEvent |
Event which encapsulates a change in any mutable BioJava object.
ChangeForwarder |
This is a ChangeListener that is designed to adapt events of one type from
one source to events of another type emitted by another source.
ChangeForwarder.Retyper |
A ChangeForwarder that systematically uses a given type and wraps the old
ChangeHub |
Interface implemented by ChangeHubs, i.e.
ChangeListener |
Interface for objects which listen to ChangeEvents.
ChangeListener.AlwaysVetoListener |
An implementation that always vetoes everything.
ChangeListener.ChangeEventRecorder |
A listener that remembers the ChangeEvent of the last change.
ChangeListener.LoggingListener |
A listener that writes information about the event stream to a PrintStream.
ChangeSupport |
A utility class to provide management for informing ChangeListeners of
ChangeTable |
A mapping between keys and actions to turn old values into new values.
ChangeTable.ChainedChanger |
An implementation of Changer that applies a list of Changer instances to
the value in turn.
ChangeTable.Changer |
Callback used to produce a new value from an old one.
ChangeTable.Splitter |
Callback used to produce a list of values from a single old one.
ChangeType |
Class for all constants which are used to indicate change
ChangeVetoException |
Exception which is thrown when a ChangeListener does not
wish a change to take place.
CharactersBlock |
Represents Nexus characters blocks.
CharactersBlockBuilder |
Builds Nexus characters blocks.
CharactersBlockListener |
Listens to events that represent Nexus characters blocks.
CharactersBlockParser |
Parses Nexus characters blocks.
CharacterTokenization |
Implementation of SymbolTokenization which binds symbols to
single unicode characters.
CharElementHandlerBase |
StAX handler for any element which just contains a string representation of
a char.
Chromatogram |
Encapsulates the basic information you would want from a chromatogram.
ChromatogramFactory |
A factory that creates Chromatogram objects from files or streams.
ChromatogramGraphic |
Encapsulates a configurable method for drawing a Chromatogram
into a graphics context.
ChromatogramGraphic.Option |
A typesafe enumeration of the options available for configuring
the behavior of a ChromatogramGraphic instance.
ChromatogramNonlinearScaler |
Provides the mechanism whereby a ChromatogramGraphic can display
a Chromatogram with a non-linear horizontal scale.
ChromatogramNonlinearScaler.Identity |
The default scaler that displays the chromatogram 1:1.
ChromatogramTools |
ChunkedSymbolList |
SymbolList implementation using constant-size chunks.
ChunkedSymbolListFactory |
class that makes ChunkedSymbolLists with the chunks
implemented as SymbolLists themselves.
CircularFeatureFilteringRenderer |
CircularFeatureRenderer |
CircularFeaturesRenderer |
CircularLocation |
Circular view onto an underlying Location instance.
CircularMLR |
Renders multiple renderers, each in their own concentric rings.
CircularPaddedRenderer |
CircularReferenceException |
CircularRenderer |
Render information from a CircularRendererContext onto a graphics context.
CircularRendererContext |
A context providing information for rendering sequences into circular coordinate systems.
CircularRendererPanel |
Renders a sequence as a circle using a CircularRenderer.
CircularView |
A circular view onto another Sequence object.
ClassifierExample |
A simple toy example that allows you to put points on a canvas, and find a
polynomial hyperplane to seperate them.
ClassifierExample.PointClassifier |
An extention of JComponent that contains the points & encapsulates the
Classify |
ClassTools |
Utility methods for manipulating class objects and resources.
ClustalWAlignmentSAXParser |
A SAX2 parser for dealing with a multiple sequence
alignment as produced by ClustalW outputing .aln format.
CodeClass |
Interface for Java classes within the bytecode generation framework.
CodeContext |
Interface which encapsulates the stream to which Java bytecode can
be written.
CodeException |
An exception indicating that something went wrong generating byte code.
CodeField |
Wrap up details about a field in a Java class file.
CodeGenerator |
Interface for an object which can produce Java bytecode.
CodeMethod |
Wrap up details about a method in a Java class file
CodeUtils |
Utility code for things you will frequently need.
CodonPref |
CodonPrefFilter |
CodonPrefFilter.AcceptAll |
CodonPrefFilter.ByName |
CodonPrefFilter.EverythingToXML |
CodonPrefTools |
An utility class for codon preferences
CollectionConstraint |
Used by AnnotationType to represent the constraint on
the collection of values in a property-slot.
CollectionConstraint.AllValuesIn |
CollectionConstraint which validates all members of a Collection.
CollectionConstraint.And |
A collection constraint that accpepts collections iff they are accepted by both
child constraints.
CollectionConstraint.Contains |
CollectionConstraint which validates a portion of a Collection.
CollectionConstraint.Or |
A collection constraint that accepts items iff they are accepted by either
child constraints.
ColourCommand |
Interface for specifying whether a particular pair
of residues/bases should be coloured.
Comment |
A simple ranked comment designed to be used for BioEntry comments
in BioSQL.
Commitable |
Implementations of Commitable support atomic changes
from one known state to another via commit/rollback semantics.
CommitFailure |
CompactedDataStore |
An implementation of DataStore that will map onto a file using the NIO
CompactedDataStoreFactory |
Builder for a data store that is backed by a java.nio.MappedByteBuffer.
ComparableOntology |
An Ontology that can be compared to another.
ComparableTerm |
Makes Term objects comparable properly and adds some extra features to them.
ComparableTriple |
Comparable triples, obviously.
ComponentFeature |
Feature which represents a component in an assembly (contig).
ComponentFeature.Template |
Template for constructing a new ComponentFeature.
Composition |
Computes composition statistics about a SymbolList .
CompoundRichLocation |
An implementation of RichLocation which covers multiple locations,
but on the same strand of the same (optionally circular) sequence.
ComputeObject |
interface for classes that return a single
double precision value for a single double
precision argument.
ConstantPool |
Build a Java class file constant pool.
Constants |
Some usefull constants for working with binary files.
Count |
An encapsulation of a count over the Symbols within an alphabet.
CountedBufferedReader |
CRC64Checksum |
Utility class that calculates a CRC64 checksum on a stream of bytes.
CrosshairRenderer |
CrosshairRenderer draws a crosshair, optionally
with coordinates.
CrossOverFunction |
Crosses two chromosomes.
CrossOverFunction.NoCross |
A place holder CrossOverFunction that doesn't perform cross overs
CrossProductTokenization |
Tokenization for cross-product alphabets.
CrossRef |
Represents a cross reference to another database.
CrossReferenceResolutionException |
An exception that indicates that an attempt to resolve a CrossRef
has failed.
CrossReferenceResolver |
This interface returns symbols or sequence for a given cross-reference.
DatabaseURLGenerator |
Takes a database ID and some configuration properties
( such as base URL ) and returns either a URL or
a full anchor tag.
DataBlock |
Represents Nexus data blocks.
DataBlockBuilder |
Builds Nexus characters blocks.
DataBlockListener |
Listens to events that represent Nexus data blocks.
DataBlockParser |
Parses Nexus data blocks.
DataStore |
A repository that can be searched with a sequence.
DataStoreFactory |
Builder for a data store.
DBHelper |
DBHelper.BioSequenceStyle |
DBHelper.DeleteStyle |
DBHelper.JoinStyle |
DebuggingRichSeqIOListener |
This is purely for debugging purposes.
DefaultOps |
Default implementation of OntologyOps.
DefaultURLGeneratorFactory |
A simple default URLGeneratorFactory which returns
a single NcbiDatabaseURLGenerator instance.
DelegationManager |
Interface which exposes delegation services offered by a StAX
event source.
DelegationManager |
Interface which exposes delegation services offered by a StAX
event source.
DfaBuilder |
DiagonalAddKernel |
Adds a class specific constant to k(x, x).
DiagonalCachingKernel |
Caches the leading diagonal of a kernel matrix.
Digest |
This class contains methods for calculating the results of proteolytic digestion
of a protein sequence
this class is not designed to be thread safe
DistanceBasedTreeMethod |
DistancesBlock |
Represents Nexus distances blocks.
DistancesBlockBuilder |
Builds Nexus distances blocks.
DistancesBlockListener |
Listens to events that represent Nexus distances blocks.
DistancesBlockParser |
Parses Nexus distances blocks.
DistDataSource |
Object which contributes data to a DistributedSequenceDB.
DistributedSequenceDB |
Sequence database from the meta-DAS system.
Distribution |
An encapsulation of a probability distribution over the Symbols within an
Distribution.NullModelForwarder |
DistributionFactory |
A thing that can make Distributions.
DistributionFactory.DefaultDistributionFactory |
The default DistributionFactory implementation.
DistributionLogo |
The GUI component for rendering a DistributionLogo.
DistributionTools |
A class to hold static methods for calculations and manipulations using
DistributionTrainer |
An object that can be used to train a distribution up.
DistributionTrainerContext |
A context within a group of DistributionTrainers can be trained together.
DivisionLkpReader |
DivisionLkpReader reads the "division.lkp" file of an
EMBL CD-ROM format binary index.
DNAAmbPack |
Packing utility class for DNA.
DNAComposition |
Computes composition statistics about a DNA SymbolList .
DNANoAmbPack |
A Packing implementation which handles the DNA alphabet, without any
support for ambiguity symbols.
DNAStyle |
A simple implementation of SymbolStyle optimized for DNA.
DNATools |
Useful functionality for processing DNA sequences.
DocRef |
Represents a documentary reference.
DocRefAuthor |
Represents an author of a documentary reference.
DocRefAuthor.Tools |
Useful tools for working with authors.
DotState |
A Dot state.
DoubleAlphabet |
An efficient implementation of an Alphabet over the infinite set of double
DoubleAlphabet.DoubleRange |
A range of double values.
DoubleAlphabet.DoubleSymbol |
A single double value.
DoubleAlphabet.SubDoubleAlphabet |
A class to represent a contiguous range of double symbols.
DoubleElementHandlerBase |
StAX handler for any element which just contains a string representation of
a double.
DoubleTokenization |
DP |
Objects that can perform dymamic programming operations upon sequences with
DP.ReverseIterator |
DPCompiler |
This is an implementation of CellCalculatorFactoryMaker that compiles the
HMM object down to Java byte-code that is equivalent in behaviour to the
DPCursor |
Encapsulates the dynamic programmming matrix, and the context within algorithms work.
DPFactory |
The interface for objects that can generate a DP object for a MarkovModel.
DPFactory.DefaultFactory |
DPInterpreter |
DPInterpreter.Maker |
DPMatrix |
DummyCrossReferenceResolver |
A simple implementation of CrossReferenceResolver.
DummyRichSequenceHandler |
DummySequence |
A Sequence implementation that has a name and URI but no features,
and a zero length symbol list.
DummySequenceDB |
DummySequenceDB is an implementation which contains
only a DummySequence .
DummySequenceDBInstallation |
DummySequenceDBInstallation is an implementation which
returns the same DummySequenceDB instance regardless
of the identifier used to retrieve a database.
DummySymbolList |
Symbol list which just consists of non-informative symbols.
DuplicateTaxonException |
EbiDatabaseURLGenerator |
Simple URL generator for EMBL at the EBI.
EbiFormat |
Echo |
A simple listener that just echoes events back to the console.
EcNumber |
An ec (enzyme classification) number.
EcNumber.Impl |
A simple implementation of EcNumber.
Edit |
Encapsulates an edit operation on a SymbolList.
EditableAlignment |
EditableAlignment is an interface that defines methods for
shifting bases within an Alignment.
ElementRecognizer |
Simple interface for filtering SAX/StAX startElement events.
ElementRecognizer |
This class is copied to agave package
Simple interface for filtering SAX/StAX startElement events
ElementRecognizer |
Simple interface for filtering SAX/StAX startElement events
ElementRecognizer.AllElementRecognizer |
ElementRecognizer.AllElementRecognizer |
ElementRecognizer.AllElementRecognizer |
ElementRecognizer.ByLocalName |
Filter elements by local name (not recommended).
ElementRecognizer.ByLocalName |
Filter elements by local name (not recommended).
ElementRecognizer.ByLocalName |
Filter elements by local name (not recommended).
ElementRecognizer.ByNSName |
Filter elements by name and namespace.
ElementRecognizer.ByNSName |
Filter elements by name and namespace.
ElementRecognizer.ByNSName |
Filter elements by name and namespace.
ElementRecognizer.HasAttribute |
Filter elements on the existence of a specified attribute.
ElementRecognizer.HasAttribute |
Filter elements on the existence of a specified attribute.
ElementRecognizer.HasAttribute |
Filter elements on the existence of a specified attribute.
EllipticalBeadRenderer |
EllipticalBeadRenderer renders features as simple
Embl |
Embl2AgaveAnnotFilter |
Map EMBL data into AGAVE format
EmblCDROMIndexReader |
EmblCDROMIndexReader is an abstract class whose
concrete subclasses read EMBL CD-ROM format indices from an
underlying InputStream .
EmblCDROMIndexStore |
EmblCDROMIndexStore s implement a read-only
IndexStore backed by EMBL CD-ROM format binary
EmblCDROMRandomAccess |
EmblCDROMRandomAccess is an abstract class whose
concrete subclasses can perform fast lookups in EMBL CD-ROM format
index files.
EmblFileFormer |
EMBLFormat |
Format reader for EMBL files.
EMBLFormat.Terms |
Implements some EMBL-specific terms.
EmblLikeFormat |
EmblLikeLocationParser |
EmblProcessor |
EmblProcessor.Factory |
Factory which wraps SequenceBuilders in an EmblProcessor
EmblReferenceComparator |
EMBLxmlFormat |
Format reader for EMBLxml files.
EMBLxmlFormat.Terms |
Implements some EMBLxml-specific terms.
EmissionCache |
Cache for columns of emission probabilities in pair-wise alignment
EmissionState |
A state in a markov process that has an emission spectrum.
EmptyRichAnnotation |
A place holder for a RichAnnotation that prevents null having to be used
EmptyRichLocation |
An Empty implementation of RichLocation.
EntryNamIdxReader |
EntryNamIdxReader reads the "entrynam.idx" file of an
EMBL CD-ROM format binary index.
EntryNamRandomAccess |
EntryNamRandomAccess objects provide random access to
records within the "entrynam.idx" file of an EMBL CD-ROM format
binary index.
Enzyme |
ExecRunner |
Makes running external executables easier, optionally under a watched thread.
ExternalProcess |
Utility class to execute an external process and to handle
the STDOUT , STDERR and STDIN streams
in multiple threads managed by a thread pool.
FastaAlignmentFormat |
This class implements the AlignmentFormat interface to read FASTA alignments.
FastaDescriptionLineParser |
FastaDescriptionLineParser.Factory |
Factory which wraps SequenceBuilders in a FastaDescriptionLineParser
FastaFormat |
FastaFormat |
Format object representing FASTA files.
FastaHeader |
This class is used by FastaFormat to determine which fields are in the
fasta header.
FastaSearchSAXParser |
FastaSearchSAXParser is a SAX2 compliant parser for
'-m 10' format output from the the Fasta search program (see the
Fasta documentation for details of this format).
FastaSequenceSAXParser |
A SAX2 parser for dealing with multiple sequences in
FASTA format.
Fastq |
FASTQ formatted sequence.
FastqBuilder |
Fluent builder API for creating FASTQ formatted sequences.
FastqReader |
Reader for FASTQ formatted sequences.
FastqTools |
Utility methods for FASTQ formatted sequences.
FastqVariant |
FASTQ sequence format variant.
FastqWriter |
Writer for FASTQ formatted sequences.
FastXMLWriter |
Simple implementation of XMLWriter, optimized for speed.
Feature |
A feature within a sequence, or nested within another feature.
Feature.ByLocationComparator |
ByLocationComparator compares
Feature s by the minimum base position of their
Location .
Feature.Template |
Template class for a plain feature.
FeatureBlockSequenceRenderer |
FeatureBlockSequenceRenderer forms a bridge between
Sequence rendering and Feature
FeatureFilter |
A filter for accepting or rejecting a feature.
FeatureFilter.And |
A filter that returns all features accepted by both child filter.
FeatureFilter.AnnotationContains |
Retrieve features that contain a given annotation, and that the set of values
contains the value given.
FeatureFilter.ByAncestor |
Filter by applying a nested FeatureFilter to all
ancestor features.
FeatureFilter.ByAnnotation |
Retrieve features that contain a given annotation with a given value.
FeatureFilter.ByAnnotationType |
A filter that returns all features that have an annotation bundle that is of a given
annotation type.
FeatureFilter.ByChild |
Filter by applying a nested FeatureFilter to the
child features.
FeatureFilter.ByClass |
Filter which accepts only those filters which are an instance
of a specific Java class
FeatureFilter.ByComponentName |
Accepts features which are ComponentFeatures and have a componentSequenceName
property of the specified value.
FeatureFilter.ByDescendant |
Filter by applying a nested FeatureFilter to all
descendant features.
FeatureFilter.ByFeature |
Accept only features which are equal to the specified feature
FeatureFilter.ByPairwiseScore |
ByPairwiseScore is used to filter
SimilarityPairFeature s by their score.
FeatureFilter.ByParent |
Filter by applying a nested FeatureFilter to the
parent feature.
FeatureFilter.BySequenceName |
Accept features that reside on a sequence with a particular name.
FeatureFilter.BySource |
Construct one of these to filter features by source.
FeatureFilter.ByType |
Construct one of these to filter features by type.
FeatureFilter.ContainedByLocation |
A filter that returns all features contained within a location.
FeatureFilter.FrameFilter |
Accept features with a given reading frame.
FeatureFilter.HasAnnotation |
Retrieve features that contain a given annotation with any value.
FeatureFilter.Not |
A filter that returns all features not accepted by a child filter.
FeatureFilter.OnlyChildren |
Accepts features where all immediate children meet the supplied filter.
FeatureFilter.OnlyDescendants |
Accepts features where all descendants meet the supplied filter.
FeatureFilter.Or |
A filter that returns all features accepted by at least one child filter.
FeatureFilter.OverlapsLocation |
A filter that returns all features overlapping a location.
FeatureFilter.ShadowContainedByLocation |
A filter that accepts all features whose shadow is contained by a specified
Location .
FeatureFilter.ShadowOverlapsLocation |
A filter that accepts all features whose shadow overlaps a specified
Location .
FeatureFilter.StrandFilter |
Accept features with a given strandedness.
FeatureHandler |
StAX handler for the basic feature type of XFF.
FeatureHolder |
The interface for objects that contain features.
FeatureHolder.EmptyFeatureHolder |
FeatureHolderUtils |
This class intendes to provide some FeatureHolder utilities.
FeatureImpl |
Wrap up default sets of Feature implementations.
FeatureLabelRenderer |
FeatureLabelRenderer.AnnotationLabelMaker |
FeatureLabelRenderer.LabelMaker |
FeatureLabelRenderer.SourceLabelMaker |
FeatureLabelRenderer.TypeLabelMaker |
FeatureRealizer |
Interface for translators which map from Feature.Template
instances to real Feature objects.
FeatureRenderer |
FeatureSource |
A closure that allows AbstractPeptideDigestRenderer implementations to obtain the features of the rendered sequence.
FeatureTableParser |
FeatureTree |
FeatureTree is GUI tree to display the features and annotations
of the sequences in a SequenceDB Nested Features are
displayed as expandable leaves.
FeatureTypes |
Registry of known types of features.
FeatureTypes.Repository |
A named collection of Types.
FeatureTypes.RepositoryImpl |
A simple implementation of a Repository.
FeatureTypes.Type |
A type of feature.
FetchURL |
FileAsList |
FileAsList creates a writable List
implementation backed by a random access file.
FilteringContentHandler |
FilteringRenderer |
FilterTest |
Class for implementing tests with BlastLikeSearchFilter
FilterTest.Equals |
Tests that the value associated with the specified
key is equal to the value supplied here by whatever
criterion of equality appropriate to those objects.
FilterTest.FindRegex |
Tests that the value associated with the specified
key contains a part matched by the supplied regex.
FilterTest.GreaterThan |
Tests that the value associated with the specified
key is greater than the specified threshold.
FilterTest.LessThan |
Tests that the value associated with the specified
key is less than the specified threshold.
FilterTest.MatchRegex |
Tests that the value associated with the specified
key is matched in its entirety by the supplied regex.
FilterTransformer |
Base-class for visitors that re-write a filter tree.
FilterUtils |
A set of FeatureFilter algebraic operations.
FilterUtils.FilterTransformer |
An object able to transform some FeatureFilter instances sytematically into others.
FiniteAlphabet |
An alphabet over a finite set of Symbols.
FiniteAutomaton |
Class for modelling finite automata.
FitnessFunction |
Calculates the fitness of an Organism in a
Population of Organisms
FixedBaseWidthScaler |
A ChromatogramNonlinearScaler that scales all the
base calls in a chromatogram to the same width in pixels,
optionally biasing the peak of the call to the center.
FixedSizeCache |
Cache which stores up to limit Objects.
FixedSizeMap |
A cache that only remembers a given number of keys.
FlatFileCache |
Provides a cache for storing multiple small files in memory.
FlatFileUnigeneFactory |
A UnigeneFactory that will use flat-file indexing of the unigene ascii-art
FlatSequenceDB |
FlatSequenceDB is an OBDA flatfile sequence databank
FlatSequenceDBProvider |
FlatSequenceDBProvider directory-services plugin for
flatfile databases.
FlexibleAlignment |
FlexibleAlignment is a class which implements UnequalLengthAlignment,
ARAlignment and EditableAlignment It places no restriction on where any
sequence can be in the alignment so there could be gaps in the alignment.
FloatElementHandlerBase |
StAX handler for any element which just contains a string representation of
a float.
Format |
A file format supported by the tag-value event-based parsing system.
Formats |
This is intended as a repository for tag-value and AnnotationType information
about common file formats.
FormatTools |
Frame |
Title: Frame.
FramedFeature |
Title: FramedFeature.
FramedFeature.ReadingFrame |
A singleton to hold the frame information
FramedFeature.Template |
FullHmmerProfileHMM |
This is a class for representing the full HMMER generated Profile HMM (including loop
states N and C terminal looping states).
FundamentalAtomicSymbol |
An atomic symbol consisting only of itself.
FuzzyLocation |
A 'fuzzy' location a-la Embl fuzzy locations.
FuzzyLocation.RangeResolver |
Determines how a FuzzyLocation should be treated when used
as a normal Location .
FuzzyPointLocation |
FuzzyPointLocation represents two types of EMBL-style
partially-defined locations.
FuzzyPointLocation.PointResolver |
Determines how a FuzzyPointLocation should be treated when used
as a normal Location .
GACross |
Holds the results of a CrossOver event, objects of this type are made by
GACrossResult |
Holds the results of a CrossOver event, objects of this type are made by
GAMEAnnotationHandler |
Handles the GAME <annotation> element
GAMEAnnotationHandler |
Handles the GAME <annotation> element
GAMEAspectHandler |
Handles the GAME <aspect> element
GAMEAspectPropHandler |
Handles the GAME <aspect> element
GAMEDbxrefHandler |
Handles the GAME <dbxref> element
GAMEDbxrefPropHandler |
Deals with database crossreferences
GAMEDescriptionPropHandler |
StAX handler for GAME <description> elements.
GAMEFeatureCallbackItf |
An interface that can be tested for by nested handlers
when trying to do a callback.
GAMEFeatureSetHandler |
Handles the <feature_set> element
GAMEFeatureSetHandler |
Handles the GAME <feature_set> element
this element is used to represent transcripts.
GAMEFeatureSetPropHandler |
Handles the GAME element
GAMEFeatureSpanHandler |
Handles the <feature_span> element
GAMEFeatureSpanHandler |
Handles the GAME <feature_span> element
GAMEFormat |
A rudimentary read-only GAME 1.2 Format object.
GAMEGeneHandler |
Handles the GAME <annotation> element
GAMEGenePropHandler |
Handles the GAME <gene> element
GAMEHandler |
Handles the root GAME element
GAMEHandler |
Handles the root GAME element
GAMEMapPosPropHandler |
Handles the GAME <map_position> element
Currently, it just ignores it!
GAMENameCallbackItf |
An interface that can be tested for by nested handlers
when trying to do a callback.
GAMENamePropHandler |
StAX handler for the GAME <name> element.
GAMEPropertyHandler |
Handles the GAME <dbxref> element
GAMEResiduesPropHandler |
StAX handler for GAME <residues> elements.
GAMESeqHandler |
Handles the GAME <seq> element
GAMESeqPropHandler |
Handles the GAME <seq> element
GAMESeqRelHandler |
Handles the GAME <> element
GAMESeqRelPropHandler |
Handles the GAME <aspect> element
GAMESpanHandler |
Handles the GAME <> element.
GAMESpanPropHandler |
Handles the GAME <span> element
Currently, it just ignores it!
GAMETranscriptCallbackItf |
An interface that can be tested for by nested handlers
when trying to do a callback.
GAMETypePropHandler |
StAX handler for GAME <type> elements.
GapDistribution |
This distribution emits gap symbols.
GappedRenderer |
A renderer that will display a gapped sequence as a discontinuous series of
GappedSequence |
Extension of GappedSymbolList which also projects features
into the gapped coordinate system.
GappedSymbolList |
This extends SymbolList with API for manipulating, inserting and deleting
GAStoppingCriteria |
Used by a method
to determine when the algorithm should stop
GAStoppingCriteria.MaximumGeneration |
Simple Implementation of GAStoppingCriteria, signals
a GeneticAlgorithm to stop after n generations
GATools |
Utility methods for the GA library
GenbankFileFormer |
GenbankFormat |
GenbankFormat |
Format reader for GenBank files.
GenbankFormat.Terms |
Implements some GenBank-specific terms.
GenbankLocationParser |
Parses Genbank location strings into RichLocation objects.
GenbankProcessor |
GenbankProcessor.Factory |
Factory which wraps sequence builders in a GenbankProcessor
GenbankRichSequenceDB |
This class contains functions accessing DNA sequences in Genbank format.
GenbankSequenceDB |
This class contains functions accessing DNA sequences in Genbank format.
GenbankXmlFormat |
GenEmblFeatureComparator |
GenEmblPropertyComparator |
GeneratedClassLoader |
A class loader that actually produces real Java classes from
GeneratedCodeClass instances.
GeneratedCodeClass |
A CodeClass implementation that is used to generate new classes.
GeneratedCodeMethod |
A method that will be generated.
GeneticAlgorithm |
The class that runs the cycles of reproduction, evolution and selection,
potentially on multiple Population s
GeneticCodes |
Collects the references to translation methods in one place.
GenpeptFormat |
GenpeptRichSequenceDB |
This class contains functions accessing Peptide sequences in Genpept format.
GenpeptSequenceDB |
GFF3DocumentHandler |
The interface for things that listen to GFF event streams.
GFF3Parser |
Parse a stream of GFF text into a stream of records and comments.
GFF3Record |
A record in a GFF3 formatted file.
GFF3Record.Impl |
GFFDataSource |
Use a GFFEntrySet as a DataSource for adding annotation to sequences.
GFFDocumentHandler |
The interface for things that listen to GFF event streams.
GFFEntrySet |
A set of entries and comments as a representation of a GFF file.
GFFErrorHandler |
Interface which captures any errors which occur when parsing
a GFF stream.
GFFErrorHandler.AbortErrorHandler |
GFFErrorHandler.SkipRecordErrorHandler |
GFFFilterer |
An object that filters a stream of GFF, forwarding some
GFFRecords to a
listening GFFDocumentHandler, and dropping others.
GFFParser |
Parse a stream of GFF text into a stream of records and comments.
GFFRecord |
A single GFF record.
GFFRecordFilter |
A filter that will accept or reject a GFFEntry.
GFFRecordFilter.AcceptAll |
Implementation of GFFRecordFilter that accepts everything.
GFFRecordFilter.FeatureFilter |
Implementation of GFFRecordFilter that accepts
records based upon the feature field.
GFFRecordFilter.FrameFilter |
GFFRecordFilter.NotFilter |
GFFRecordFilter.SequenceFilter |
Implementation of GFFRecordFilter that accepts
records based upon the sequence name.
GFFRecordFilter.SourceFilter |
Implementation of GFFRecordFilter that accepts
records based upon the source field.
GFFRecordFilter.StrandFilter |
GFFTools |
GFFWriter |
Listens to a stream of GFF events and writes the lines to a
Glyph |
The Glyph interface for painting a shape within bounds
GlyphFeatureRenderer |
A FeatureRenderer that renders a particular Glyph for Features accepted by a
particular FeatureFilter
GlyphUtils |
Utils class used by Glyph implementors.
GOParser |
Simple parser for the Gene Ontology (GO) flatfile format.
GUITools |
HashBioEntryDB |
An implementation of RichSequenceDB that uses an underlying HashMap to store the
RichSequence objects.
HashedFastaIterator |
Iterates over a Fasta file that is kept in memory for optimized access.
HashRichSequenceDB |
An implementation of RichSequenceDB that uses an underlying HashMap to store the
RichSequence objects.
HashSequenceDB |
An implementation of SequenceDB that uses an underlying HashMap to store the
sequence objects.
HeaderStAXHandler |
HeaderStAXHandler handles the Header element of
BioJava BlastLike XML.
HeadlessRenderContext |
A stand-alone SequenceRenderContext to make it easy to render to an image.
HelixGlyph |
A Glyph that paints a Helix within the bounds
HitMerger |
A listener that merges overlapping hits and culls all hits under a given
HitStAXHandler |
AlignmentStAXHandler handles the Hit element of
BioJava BlastLike XML.
HmmerProfileHMM |
This is a class for representing HMMER generated Profile HMM.
HmmerProfileParser |
A class for parsing in Hmmer markov models from HMM_ls files generated by HMMER training
note that this class is still currently experimental.
HMMTrainer |
interface implemented by objects that train HMMs.
HomologeneBuilder |
an interface for Homologene dataset Builders
HomologeneDB |
Homologene is a NCBI dataset that curates sets
of orthologues from the reference model organisms.
HomologeneTools |
Homologene is a NCBI dataset that curates sets
of orthologues from the reference model ogranisms.
Homology |
Signifies that two or more features are homologous.
HomologyDB |
HomologyFeature |
HomologyFeature.Template |
HSPStAXHandler |
HSPStAXHandler handles the HSP element of BioJava
BlastLike XML.
HSPSummaryStAXHandler |
HSPSummaryStAXHandler handles the HSPSummary element
of BioJava BlastLike XML.
HTMLRenderer |
Renders HTML version of blast-like output.
HypersonicDBHelper |
Identifiable |
Marks an implementor as having a LifeScienceIdentifier.
IDMaker |
Interface for objects that define how to make an ID for a sequence.
IDMaker.ByName |
IDMaker.ByURN |
IfExpression |
A CodeGenerator that provides something semanticaly identical to if.
IgnoreCountsTrainer |
A distribution trainer that just ignores all counts.
IgnoreRecordException |
Ignore this record in the stream.
IllegalAlignmentEditException |
The usual reason for throwing an IllegalAlignmentEditException is that you
trying to shift a group of bases in such a way that it would require deleting
IllegalAlphabetException |
The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.
IllegalIDException |
IllegalOrganismException |
Indicates an invalid organism
IllegalSymbolException |
The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.
IllegalTransitionException |
This exception indicates that there is no transition between two states.
IlluminaFastqReader |
IlluminaFastqWriter |
ImageMap |
ImageMap represents a collection of image map
ImageMap.ClientSide |
ClientSide represents a client-side style image
ImageMap.HotSpot |
HotSpot s represent an image map hotspot.
ImageMap.ServerSide |
ServerSide represents a server-side style image
ImageMapRenderer |
ImageMapRenderer s create strings representing
Feature s suitable for use in HTML image
Index |
This defines an index entry for an individual sequence within a set of
indexed files.
Index2Model |
IndexedAnnotationDB |
A database of Annotation instances backed by an indexed file set.
IndexedAnnotationDB.ParserListenerFactory |
A factory for retrieving parsers and listeners.
IndexedAnnotationDB.StaticMethodRPFactory |
An implementation of ParserListenerFactory that uses a static method.
IndexedChangeHub |
implements Changeable support with a ChangeHub that
stores ChangeListener by key.
IndexedCount |
An encapsulation of a count over the Symbols within a FiniteAlphabet using
an AlphabetIndex object.
IndexedSequenceDB |
This class implements SequenceDB on top of a set of sequence files
and sequence offsets within these files.
Indexer |
Listens to tag-value events and passes on indexing events to an IndexStore.
Indexer2 |
Listens to tag-value events and passes on indexing events to an IndexStore.
IndexStore |
IndexStore is an interface for indexing flatfiles
according to the OBDA specification.
IndexStore |
This defines the objects that IndexedSequenceDB uses to store all of the
database state, such as name, format, sequence builder and the actual file
IndexTools |
IndexTools contains static utility methods for
creating flatfile indices according to the OBDA standard.
InfinitelyAmbiguousSymbolList |
A symbol list that is Integer.MAX_VALUE long, never gives index out of
bounds and always returns ambiguity symbols for everything.
Initializable |
InputHandler |
InputStreamProvider |
A class that provides an InputStream from a File.
INSDseqFormat |
Format reader for INSDseq files.
INSDseqFormat.Terms |
Implements some INSDseq-specific terms.
Instruction |
Base class for java bytecode instructions.
InstructionVector |
A list of Instructions and/or other CodeGenerator objects.
IntegerAlphabet |
An efficient implementation of an Alphabet over the infinite set of integer
IntegerAlphabet.IntegerSymbol |
A single int value.
IntegerAlphabet.SubIntegerAlphabet |
A class to represent a finite contiguous subset of the infinite IntegerAlphabet
IntegerOntology |
IntegerTokenization |
IntElementHandlerBase |
StAX handler for any element which just contains a string representation of
an integer.
IntrospectedCodeClass |
CodeClass instances that represent normal Java Class objects.
InvalidTermException |
Thrown to indicate that an ontology term is not acceptable or
appropriate in a given context
IsoelectricPointCalc |
Class that computes isoelectric point for denaturated proteins.
ItemValue |
A simple Object-double tuple.
JDBCConnectionPool |
Really simple connection pool for JDBC databases.
JDBCPooledDataSource |
Returns a DataSource that implements connection pooling
Uses Jakarta Commons DBCP and Pool packages.
KeyedWeakReference |
Subclass of WeakReference which includes and extra field (the key)
which can be used to help cleanup once this reference has been
KnuthMorrisPrattSearch |
An object to find exact subsequences within a sequence.
Label |
A Label used to mark a position in byte code.
LabelledSequenceRenderer |
Renderer which draws a track of sequence with a textual label.
LabelRenderer |
The interface for things that can render labels for a line of information
about a sequence.
LabelRenderer.RenderNothing |
LargeBuffer |
Wrapper arround MappedByteBuffers to allow long-indexed access to files
larger than 2 gigs.
LayeredRenderer |
LayeredRenderer handles the lane offsets for
MultiLineRender s.
LazyFeatureHolder |
Wrapper implementation of FeatureHolder which calls a method
to create a contained FeatureHolder on demand.
LazyFilteredAnnotationDB |
An implementation of AnnotationDB that lazily applies a filter.
LazyFilterFeatureHolder |
FeatureHolder which lazily applies a specified filter to another FeatureHolder.
LazySearchedAnnotationDB |
An implementation of AnnotationDB that does a JIT search on another set.
LifeScienceIdentifier |
Life Science Identifier (LSID).
LifeScienceIdentifierParseException |
Exception thrown in the event of an error in
parsing a LSID-formatted string.
Ligand |
Ligand.Compound |
Ligand.Enzyme |
Ligand.Reaction |
LightPairDPCursor |
A LIGHT implementation of PairDPCursor.
LinearKernel |
LineInfo |
Encapsulates the rendering info for a single line of the display.
LineSplitParser |
A parser that splits a line into tag/value at a given column number.
ListSumKernel |
This kernel computes the sum of the dot products between items of two lists
at corresponding indexes.
ListTools |
ListTools.Doublet |
ListTools.Mapper |
Maps one object to another.
ListTools.SeriesList |
A list that represents a series of values.
ListTools.Triplet |
LocalVariable |
A local variable.
Location |
A set of integers, often used to represent positions on biological sequences.
LocationHandlerBase |
Handler to the XFF location type.
LocationTools |
Tools class containing a number of operators for working with Location objects.
LogoContext |
LogoPainter |
The interface for something that will draw the sequence logo for a state.
LongElementHandlerBase |
StAX handler for any element which just contains a string representation of
a long.
MagicalState |
Start/end state for HMMs.
ManyToOneTranslationTable |
A translation table that will handle the many-to-one mappings
that you see, for example, with genetic codes.
MappedDataStoreFactory |
Builder for a data store that is backed by a java.nio.MappedByteBuffer.
MarkLabel |
A CodeGenerator that just marks a label that can be used for jumps.
MarkovModel |
A markov model.
MassCalc |
MassCalc calculates the mass of peptides which for our
purposes are SymbolList s which contain
Symbol sfrom the protein Alphabet .
Matcher |
This class is analogous to java.util.Matcher except that it works
on SymbolLists instead of Strings.
MatrixPairDPCursor |
MaxMismatchMatcher |
A BioMatcher class returned by MaxMismatchPattern.matcher() that implements
searching of a SymbolList.
MaxMismatchPattern |
This class permits searching a SymbolList with another SymbolList while
permitting a specified number of mismatches.
Meme |
The results of a meme run.
MergeAnnotation |
Merged view onto a list of underlying Annotation objects.
MergeFeatureHolder |
FeatureHolder which exposes all the features in a set
of sub-FeatureHolders.
MergeLocation |
Produced by LocationTools as a result of union operations.
MergingAnnotationDB |
An AnnotationDB that provides a merged view of a list of underlying DBs.
MergingIterator |
MergingSet |
ModelInState |
A state that contains an entire sub-model.
ModelTrainer |
Encapsulates the training of an entire model.
MotifTools |
MotifTools contains utility methods for sequence
MSFAlignmentFormat |
MultiLineRenderer |
MultiLineRenderer is a SequenceRenderer
which collects a number of other SequenceRenderer s
each of which render their own view of a Sequence .
MultipleHitCorrection |
MultiSourceCompoundRichLocation |
An implementation of RichLocation which possibly covers multiple locations,
on different strands, different circular lengths, or different sequences.
MultiTagger |
Partician multiple values for a tag into their own tag groups.
MutationFunction |
A class that mutates a SymbolList
MutationFunction.NoMutation |
Place Holder class that doesn't mutate its SymbolLists
MySQLDBHelper |
Namespace |
The namespace of an entry in a database schema.
NameTokenization |
Simple implementation of SymbolTokenization which uses the `name'
field of the symbols.
NcbiDatabaseURLGenerator |
Simple URL generator for Entrez at the NCBI.
NCBISequenceDB |
NCBITaxon |
Represents an NCBI Taxon entry, a combination of the taxon and taxon_name
tables in BioSQL.
NCBITaxonomyLoader |
Implementors are able to load taxonomy files and generate sets of NCBITaxon objects
that represent them.
NeedlemanWunsch |
Needleman and Wunsch defined the problem of global sequence alignments, from
the first till the last symbol of a sequence.
NestedKernel |
Encapsulates a kernel that wraps another kernel up.
NewAssembledSymbolList |
Support class for applications which need to patch together sections
of sequence into a single SymbolList.
NewSimpleAssembly |
A Sequence which is assembled from other sequences contained
in a set of ComponentFeature objects.
NexusBlock |
Represents a Nexus block.
NexusBlock.Abstract |
NexusBlockBuilder |
Builds a Nexus block from listening to events.
NexusBlockBuilder.Abstract |
This abstract version knows how to build and add comments.
NexusBlockListener |
Listens to events from NexusBlockParser objects to create objects.
NexusBlockParser |
Parses Nexus blocks.
NexusBlockParser.Abstract |
All block parsers should derive from this abstract parser.
NexusComment |
Represents a Nexus comment, possibly nested.
NexusFile |
Represents Nexus files.
NexusFileBuilder |
Builds a Nexus file by listening to events.
NexusFileFormat |
Reads/writes Nexus files and fires events at a NexusFileListener object.
NexusFileListener |
Listens to events fired by the Nexus parser.
NexusFileListener.Abstract |
Example abstract implementation which all others should extend.
NexusObject |
Represents general info about nexus objects.
Nfa |
Class for modelling non-deterministic finite automata.
NfaBuilder |
NfaSubModel |
This class caches a reference to all objects that
it directs its delegate to make.
NIODataStoreFactory |
Builder for a datastore that has no practical file size limit.
NormalizingKernel |
Performs a normalization on the results of a nested kernel.
Note |
Note is a generic class intended to hold a term describing the note,
a value to associate with that term, and a rank.
NucleotideTools |
Useful functionality for processing nucleotide sequences.
ObdaContext |
ObdaInitialContextFactory |
OBDARegistryParser |
This class encapsulates all the parsing of the OBDA registry
configuration file.
ObdaUriParser |
Singleton class for parsers that understand OBDA URIs.
ObjectUtil |
utility methods for implementing the equals() and hashCode() methods of Objects.
OboFileEventListener |
an interface for events that occur during parsing of .obo files
OboFileHandler |
A file handler for .obo files
OboFileParser |
A class to parse the content of an OBO file.
OboFileParser.SOPair |
OboParser |
Parses an OBO file.
OffsetRulerRenderer |
OffsetRulerRenderer can render the ruler starting from an arbitrary offset from the sequence.
Ontology |
An ontology.
Ontology.Impl |
A basic in-memory implementation of an ontology
OntologyException |
Thrown to indicate an error in an Ontology object
OntologyFactory |
A factory for Ontology instances.
OntologyOps |
This is an interface for optimizing ontology operators.
OntologyTerm |
A term in an ontology which identifies another ontology.
OntologyTerm.Impl |
Simple in-memory implementation of a remote ontology term.
OntoTools |
Tools for manipulating ontologies.
OptimizableFilter |
The interface for filters that can potentialy optimize themselves, and
compare themselves with other filters.
OracleDBHelper |
OrderCrossover |
This does a 2-point-crossover on two chromosomes keeping the Symbols in each
chromosome constant.
OrderNDistribution |
Provides an N'th order distribution.
OrderNDistributionFactory |
Default factory for Order-N distributions.
Organism |
A GA 'organism' contains one or more Chromosomes
OrganismParser |
OrganismParser.Factory |
Factory which wraps SequenceBuilders in an OrganismParser.
Orthologue |
this entry contains data about the orthologue.
OrthologueFilter |
OrthologueFilter.AcceptAll |
OrthologueFilter.And |
OrthologueFilter.ByAccession |
OrthologueFilter.ByHomologeneID |
OrthologueFilter.ByLocusID |
OrthologueFilter.ByTaxon |
OrthologueFilter.ByTaxonID |
OrthologueFilter.ByTitle |
OrthologueFilter.Not |
OrthologueFilter.Or |
OrthologueFilter.Xor |
OrthologueSet |
Interface for classes that store and manipulate
OrthologueSet.Iterator |
An iterator for the contents of
an OrthologueSet.
OrthoPair |
Each HomologeneEntry represents a single
Homologene record that relates two
presumptive orthologues.
OrthoPairCollection |
Interface for a Set of OrthoPairSets
OrthoPairCollection.Iterator |
Iterator for a OrthoPairCollection
OrthoPairFilter |
OrthoPairFilter.AcceptAll |
OrthoPairFilter.And |
OrthoPairFilter.ByMaxIdentity |
OrthoPairFilter.ByMinIdentity |
OrthoPairFilter.ByRef |
OrthoPairFilter.BySimilarityType |
OrthoPairFilter.Not |
OrthoPairFilter.Or |
OrthoPairFilter.Xor |
OrthoPairSet |
represents the Homologene Group.
OrthoPairSet.Iterator |
OrthoPairSetFilter |
OrthoPairSetFilter.AcceptAll |
OrthoPairSetFilter.AllPairsInCollection |
all OrthoPairs must meet the requirement
defined by filter.
OrthoPairSetFilter.And |
OrthoPairSetFilter.ByMinIdentity |
OrthoPairSetFilter.ByTaxon |
OrthoPairSetFilter.Not |
OrthoPairSetFilter.Or |
OrthoPairSetFilter.SomePairsInCollection |
at least one OrthoPair must meet the requirement
defined by filter.
OrthoPairSetFilter.Xor |
OutputHandler |
OverlayAnnotation |
Annotation implementation which allows new key-value
pairs to be layered on top of an underlying Annotation.
OverlayMap |
Overlap one map onto another.
OverlayMarker |
This is a dummy interface to permit identification of renderers whose
output is to be overlaid along the lines of the Marker Interface
OverlayRendererWrapper |
This class wraps SequenceRenderer classes to present
an Overlay Marker interface that will indicate to
LayeredRenderer that subsequent renderers should overdraw
the same space as the wrapped renderer.
PackedSymbolList |
A SymbolList that stores symbols as bit-patterns in an array of longs.
PackedSymbolListFactory |
This class makes PackedSymbolLists.
Packing |
An encapsulation of the way symbols map to bit-patterns.
PackingFactory |
A factory that is used to maintain associations between alphabets and
preferred bit-packings for them.
PaddingRenderer |
A renderer that adds padding before and after a delegate renderer.
PairDistribution |
Class for pairing up two independant distributions.
PairDPCursor |
A cursor over a DP matrix.
PairDPMatrix |
Storage structure for intermediate values from a pairwise
dynamic programming run.
PairwiseDiagonalRenderer |
PairwiseDiagonalRenderer renders a region of
similarity between two sequences as a straight line.
PairwiseDP |
Algorithms for dynamic programming (alignments) between pairs
of SymbolLists.
PairwiseFilteringRenderer |
PairwiseFilteringRenderer wraps a
PairwiseSequenceRenderer and filters the
PairwiseRenderContext s passed to it.
PairwiseOverlayRenderer |
PairwiseOverlayRenderer allows a list of other
PairwiseSequenceRenderer s to superimpose their
PairwiseRenderContext |
PairwiseRenderContext encapsulates information
required for the rendering of a pair of sequences.
PairwiseSequencePanel |
A PairwiseSequencePanel is a panel that displays a
pair of sequences; one sequence (the primary) may be either
left-to-right (HORIZONTAL) or from top-to-bottom (VERTICAL).
PairwiseSequenceRenderer |
PairwiseSequenceRenderer s render information about the
relationship between two sequences.
PairwiseSequenceRenderer.PairwiseRendererForwarder |
PairwiseRendererForwarder forward events to other
ParametricCodeGenerator |
ParametricType |
A template type.
ParseErrorEvent |
Event which signals a bad line when parsing a record.
ParseErrorListener |
Listener for a ParseErrorEvent.
ParseErrorSource |
Source for a ParseErrorEvent.
ParseException |
ParseException should be thrown to indicate that there was a problem with
parsing sequence information.
ParseListener |
Low-level event based parser callback.
Parser |
Encapsulate the parsing of lines from a buffered reader into tag-value
ParserException |
Exception thrown when an error occurs in document parsing.
ParserListener |
ParserListener is an immutable pairing of a parser and
ParsimonyTreeMethod |
Pattern |
A class analogous to java.util.regex.Pattern but for SymbolLists.
PatternBlitz |
PatternFactory |
A class that creates Patterns for regex matching on
SymbolLists of a specific Alphabet.
PatternListener |
PatternMaker |
PdbSAXParser |
A SAX2 parser for dealing with native PDB files.
PdbToXMLConverter |
A class that converts Protein Data Bank (PDB) to
XML that will validate against the biojava:MacromolecularStructure DTD.
PeptideDigestRenderer |
A concrete AbstractPeptideDigestRenderer.
PhredFormat |
Format object representing Phred Quality files.
PhredSequence |
PhredSequence is an extension of SimpleSequence that implements
Qualitative to hold Phred quality scores.
PhredTools |
PhredTools contains static methods for working with phred
quality data.
PHYLIPFileBuilder |
Builds a PHYLIP file by listening to events.
PHYLIPFileFormat |
Reads PHYLIP interleaved alignment files and fires events at a PHYLIPFileListener object.
PHYLIPFileListener |
Listens to events fired by the PHYLIP parser.
PlainBlock |
A painter that just draws a block (or bar).
PlainStyle |
A simple implementation of SymbolStyle that just uses a single paint for
outlines and a single paint for filling.
PointLocation |
A location representing a single point.
PolynomialKernel |
This kernel computes all possible products of order features in feature
Population |
A collection of GA organisms
Position |
Holds info about base positions.
PositionResolver |
Resolves a position that is fuzzy or covers a range of bases by
converting it to a single base.
PositionResolver.AverageResolver |
The minimal resolver returns the base which provides the
average range, halfway between maximal and minimal.
PositionResolver.MaximalResolver |
The maximal resolver returns the base which provides the
largest possible range.
PositionResolver.MinimalResolver |
The minimal resolver returns the base which provides the
smallest possible range.
PostgreSQLDBHelper |
PParametricCodeGenerator |
PrettyXMLWriter |
Implementation of XMLWriter which emits nicely formatted documents
to a PrintWriter.
ProcessTimeoutException |
Exception which is thrown if a child process managed by ProcessTools
exceeds a specified time limit.
ProcessTools |
ProfileEmissionState |
A state in a HMMer model.
ProfileHMM |
ProjectedFeature |
Internal class used by ProjectionEngine to wrap Feature objects.
ProjectedFeatureHolder |
Helper class for projecting Feature objects into an alternative
coordinate system.
Projection |
Interface implemented by all projected feature objects.
ProjectionContext |
Interface that defines the projection between original features and
projected features.
ProjectionEngine |
Factory for proxy objects which project BioJava features
into alternate coordinate systems.
ProjectionEngine.Instantiator |
Internal helper class.
ProjectionEngine.TemplateProjector |
This is an interface for things that project feature templates.
ProjectionUtils |
Some common things you want to do while projecting features.
PropDetailHandler |
StAX handler for xff:prop detail elements.
PropertyChanger |
Interface for objects that change tag names or properties systematically.
PropertyConstraint |
PropertyConstraint s describes a constraint applied
to the members of an annotation bundle.
PropertyConstraint.And |
A property constraint that accpepts items iff they are accepted by both
child constraints.
PropertyConstraint.ByAnnotationType |
ByAnnotationType accepts a property value if it
belongs to type defined by AnnotationType.
PropertyConstraint.ByClass |
ByClass accepts a property value if it is an
instance of a specific Java class.
PropertyConstraint.Enumeration |
Enumeration accepts a property if it is present
in the specified set of values.
PropertyConstraint.ExactValue |
Matches properties if they have exactly this one value.
PropertyConstraint.Or |
A property constraint that accepts items iff they are accepted by either
child constraints.
PropertyWriter |
ProportionalSelection |
A Selection function that determines the proportion of individuals in a new
population proportionally to their fitness.
Protease |
The protease class stores parameters needed by Digest to digest a protein sequence.
ProteaseManager |
Registry and utility methods for Proteases.
ProteinRefSeqFileFormer |
ProteinRefSeqProcessor |
ProteinRefSeqProcessor.Factory |
Factory which wraps sequence builders in a ProteinRefSeqProcessor
ProteinTools |
The central port-of-call for all information and functionality specific to
SymbolLists over the protein alphabet.
ProviderNotFoundException |
ProviderNotFoundException is thrown when a sequence
database provider can not be located.
Qualitative |
Qualitative is an interface for classes wanting to hold quality
data in symbolic form such as Phred scores.
QualitativeAlignment |
RadialBaseKernel |
This kernel computes the radial base kernel that corresponds to a gausian
RandomAccessReader |
RandomAccessReader extends Reader to
provide a means to create buffered Reader s from
RandomAccessFile s.
RangeLocation |
A simple implementation of Location that contains all points between
getMin and getMax inclusive.
RankedCrossRef |
Allows cross-references to other databases to be ranked.
RankedCrossRefable |
Defines an object as being able to have ranked cross references associated
with it.
RankedDocRef |
Represents a documentary reference.
ReaderInputHandler |
ReaderWriterPipe |
A multi threaded class
which pipes the contents of an input reader to an output
RealizingFeatureHolder |
Interface for FeatureHolder objects which know how to
instantiate new child Features.
Record |
Record represents a record within an indexed flat file
databank as defined by the OBDA standard.
Record.Impl |
Impl is the default implementation of Record.
RectangleGlyph |
A Glyph that paints a rectangle shape within the bounds.
RectangularBeadRenderer |
RectangularBeadRenderer renders features as simple
RectangularImapRenderer |
RectangularImapRenderer is a decorator for
RectangularBeadRenderer which adds the ability to
create HTML image map coordinates which correspond to the feature
rendering produced by the RectangularBeadRenderer .
ReferenceAnnotation |
RegexChanger |
A ValueChanger.Changer that returns a specific match value using a regex
RegexException |
An exception thrown by classes of this package.
RegexFieldFinder |
RegexParser |
A TagValueParser that splits a line based upon a regular expression.
RegexSplitter |
A ValueChanger.Splitter that splits a line of text using a regular
expression, returning one value per match.
Registry |
Registry is a factory which gets implementations of
the BioJava SequenceDBLite interface.
RegistryConfiguration |
The BioDirectory Registry is a simple system for specifying
where to find services which provide sequence databases.
RegistryConfiguration.Composite |
A RegistryConfiguration that allows you to treat other
configurations as providing important or default configuration
RegistryConfiguration.Impl |
A simple implementation of RegistryConfiguration backed by a Map.
RegistryException |
A RegistryException thrown when the registry cannot
find an implementation of a requested SequenceDB .
RelabeledAlignment |
An alignment that relabels another alignment.
RemoteFeature |
A feature that indicates that there is some remote feature that can't be
represented entirely on a single Sequence.
RemoteFeature.Region |
A tuple of Location and sequence ID.
RemoteFeature.Resolver |
The interface for objects that actually can take a RemoteFeature and
return a Sequence object with the feature resolved into a real feature.
RemoteFeature.Template |
RemotePairwiseAlignmentOutputProperties |
RemotePairwiseAlignmentOutputProperties: the simplest representation of an object capable of holding
output formatting informations to be fed to a RemotePairwiseAlignmentService-implemented object.
RemotePairwiseAlignmentProperties |
RemotePairwiseAlignmentProperties is a interface that contains the barest of
methods for setting and getting Alignment properties.
RemotePairwiseAlignmentService |
This interface specifies minimal information needed to execute a pairwise alignment on a remote service.
RemoteQBlastAlignmentProperties |
This class implements RemotePairwiseAlignmentProperties by specifying several
convenient methods used to wrap the addition of Blast alignment parameters.
RemoteQBlastOutputFormat |
The RemoteQBlastOutputFormat enum acts like static fields for specifiying various
values for certain output options.
RemoteQBlastOutputProperties |
The actual implementation of the RemotePairwiseAlignmentOutputProperties
interface for the QBlast service.
RemoteQBlastService |
RemoteQBlastService - A simple way of submitting BLAST request to the QBlast
service at NCBI.
RemoteTerm |
A term in another ontology.
RemoteTerm.Impl |
Simple in-memory implementation of a remote ontology term.
ReparentContext |
A good base class to implement ProjectionContext from.
RepeatedCharSequence |
ResourceEntityResolver |
SAX EntityResolve which looks up system IDs as resources
from a Java ClassLoader.
RestrictionEnzyme |
RestrictionEnzyme represents a restriction enzyme
according to the REBASE standard.
RestrictionEnzymeManager |
RestrictionEnzymeManager manages collections of
static RestrictionEnzyme instances.
RestrictionMapper |
RestrictionMapper is a class for annotating
Sequence s with Feature s which represent
restriction sites.
RestrictionSite |
RestrictionSite represents the recognition site of a
restriction enzyme.
RestrictionSite.Template |
Template for construction of
RestrictionSite s.
RevCompSequence |
A reverse complement view onto Sequence interface.
ReversibleTranslationTable |
A translation table that can also translate from the target to source
RichAnnotatable |
Annotatable objects that can have rich annotations.
RichAnnotation |
An annotation collection which stores annotations as Note objects.
RichFeature |
Represents a feature that can be given name and rank and be
moved from one sequence to another.
RichFeature.Template |
Added-value extension of Feature.Template including bits we're
interested in, eg. featureRelationshipSet for relationships with
other features, and rankedCrossRefs for lookups into other databases.
RichFeature.Tools |
Some useful tools for working with features.
RichFeatureRelationship |
Represents the relation between two features.
RichFeatureRelationshipHolder |
Holds feature relationships.
RichLocation |
Describes locations, and adds the concepts of circularity, fuzziness,
annotations, and cross-references to other databases.
RichLocation.Strand |
This class represents a strand on which a location may lie.
RichLocation.Tools |
Some useful tools for working with Locations.
RichObjectBuilder |
This interface allows a class to generate Rich objects based on a class
name and some parameters.
RichObjectFactory |
Runs a service that builds rich objects, and provides some default values
for things like default ontology, default namespace, etc.
RichSeqIOAdapter |
This class implements all methods of RichSeqIOListener and takes no action.
RichSeqIOListener |
An interface for classes that listen to BioEntry or
RichSequence I/O streams.
RichSequence |
A rich sequence is a combination of a and a
RichSequence.IOTools |
A set of convenience methods for handling common file formats.
RichSequence.IOTools.SingleRichSeqIterator |
Used to iterate over a single rich sequence
RichSequence.Terms |
Stores a number of useful terms used across many sequence formats for
consistency's sake.
RichSequence.Tools |
Some useful tools for working with RichSequence objects.
RichSequenceBuilder |
An interface for objects that can build RichSequences.
RichSequenceBuilderFactory |
Simple factory for constructing new RichSequenceBuilder objects.
RichSequenceDB |
A database of RichSequences with accessible keys and iterators over all
RichSequenceDBLite |
A database of RichSequences.
RichSequenceFormat |
Allows a file format to be read/written as RichSequences.
RichSequenceFormat.BasicFormat |
Provides a basic format with simple things like line-widths precoded.
RichSequenceFormat.HeaderlessFormat |
Provides the basic implementation required for simple header/footer-less files such as Genbank.
RichSequenceHandler |
An interface for classes that know how to handle subsequence operations.
RichSequenceIterator |
Essentially the same as SequenceIterator.
RichStreamReader |
Parses a stream into sequences.
RichStreamWriter |
Writes all of the sequences from a SequenceIterator to a stream with a
particular format.
RNATools |
Useful functionality for processing DNA and RNA sequences.
RoundRectangularBeadRenderer |
RoundRectangularBeadRenderer renders features
as rectangles with rounded corners.
RulerRenderer |
RulerRenderer renders numerical scales in sequence
SangerFastqReader |
SangerFastqWriter |
SAX2StAXAdaptor |
Lightweight adaptor which translates SAX content events into
StAX form, and provides delegation services.
SAX2StAXAdaptor |
Lightweight adaptor which translates SAX content events into
StAX form, and provides delegation services.
ScoreType |
This class computes the score that is used to be used
in a DP optimisation.
ScoreType.NullModel |
In this class, calculateScore returns the probability of
a Symbol being emitted by the null model.
ScoreType.Odds |
In this class, calculateScore returns the odds ratio
of a symbol being emitted.
ScoreType.Probability |
In this class, calculateScore returns the probability
of a Symbol being emitted.
Search |
A utility class to make searching a Sequence with many regex patterns
Search.Listener |
Interface for a class that will recieve match information
from this class.
SearchBuilder |
The SearchBuilder interface is to be used by objects
which accumulate state via a SearchContentHandler and
then construct a SeqSimilaritySearchResult object.
SearchContentAdapter |
An adapter for SearchContentHandler.
SearchContentFilter |
Filtering implementation of SearchContentHandler that by default passes
all messages on to the next delegate in the chain.
SearchContentHandler |
SearchContentHandler is a notification interface for
objects which listen to search stream parsers.
SearchContentHandlerDebugger |
This class prints to a PrintStream
calls to the SearchContentHandler interface
in human readable form.
SearchException |
There has been some failure that prevents a search from completing.
SearchListener |
The interface used to inform interested parties that some sequence has
been searched and something found.
SearchListener.Echo |
A SearchListener that prints events out to a PrintStream.
SearchListener.FilterByLength |
A simple listener that filters out all hits that are too short.
SearchListener.Tee |
A SearchListener that passes events on to two delegate listeners.
SearchListener.Wrapper |
A simple wrapper implementation.
SecondaryStructureFeatureRenderer |
A GlyphRenderer subclass that specificatlly handles Features pertaining to Secondary Structure
(Helices, Turns and Strands).
Seekable |
This interface provides a collective name for IO classes that implement a
seek function (e.g., RandomAccessFile ).
SelectionFunction |
Selects Organisms for Replication and returns the offspring.
SelectionFunction.SelectAll |
SelectionFunction.Threshold |
Selects individuals who's fitness exceeds a threshold value.
SeqContentPattern |
A pattern that can be used to find regions with given sequence content.
SeqFileFormer |
SeqIOAdapter |
Adapter class for SeqIOListener that has empty methods.
SeqIOConstants |
SeqIOConstants contains constants used to identify
sequence formats, alphabets etc, in the context of reading and
writing sequences.
SeqIOEventEmitter |
SeqIOFilter |
Base-class for listeners that pass filtered events onto another listener.
SeqIOListener |
Notification interface for objects which listen to a sequence stream
SeqIOTools |
SeqSimilarityAdapter |
A SeqSimilarityAdapter converts SAX events into method
calls on a SearchContentHandler implementation.
SeqSimilaritySearcher |
Objects of this type represent one particular installation (not
just implementation) of a sequence similarity searcher such as
SeqSimilaritySearchHit |
Objects of this type represent one particular hit (sequence and
associated information) from a sequence similarity search.
SeqSimilaritySearchHit.ByScoreComparator |
ByScoreComparator compares
SeqSimilaritySearchHit s by their score.
SeqSimilaritySearchHit.BySubHitCountComparator |
BySubHitCountComparator compares
SeqSimilaritySearchHit s by their number of
SeqSimilaritySearchResult |
Objects of this type represent one particular result of a sequence
similarity search.
SeqSimilaritySearchSubHit |
Objects of this type represent one particular sub-hit (one concrete
sequence stretch within a sequence and associated information) from
a sequence similarity search hit.
SeqSimilaritySearchSubHit.ByScoreComparator |
ByScoreComparator compares
SeqSimilaritySearchSubHit s by their score.
SeqSimilaritySearchSubHit.BySubjectStartComparator |
BySubjectStartComparator compares
SeqSimilaritySearchSubHit s by their start position
on the subject sequence.
SeqSimilarityStAXAdapter |
SeqSimilarityStAXAdapter is a handler for XML
conforming to the BioJava BlastLike DTD.
SeqSimilarityStAXHandler |
SeqSimilarityStAXHandler is a base class for creating
modular StAX handlers which send callbacks to a
SeqSimilarityStAXAdapter .
Sequence |
A biological sequence.
SequenceAlignmentSAXParser |
A SAX2 parser for dealing with a sequence alignments.
SequenceAnnotator |
An object which adds some additional information to a Sequence.
SequenceBuilder |
Interface for objects which accumulate state via SeqIOListener,
then construct a Sequence object.
SequenceBuilderBase |
Basic SequenceBuilder implementation which accumulates all
notified information.
SequenceBuilderFactory |
Simple factory for constructing new SequenceBuilder objects.
SequenceBuilderFilter |
Base-class for builders that pass filtered events onto another builder.
SequenceContentHandlerBase |
StAX handler for elements containing sequence
SequenceDB |
A database of sequences with accessible keys and iterators over all
SequenceDBDataSource |
Turn an entire SequenceDB instance into a DistDataSource.
SequenceDBInstallation |
A SequenceDBInstallation has the functionality of a factory for
SequenceDB objects and additionally manages the SequenceDB objects
created by itself such that the minimum number of SequenceDB
objects is created by a particular SequenceDBInstallation
SequenceDBLite |
A database of sequences.
SequenceDBProvider |
Interfaces for named resources that can provide sequences via a
database given some configuration information as defined by the
OBDA standard.
SequenceDBSearchHit |
SequenceDBSearchResult |
SequenceDBSearchSubHit |
SequenceDBSequenceBuilder |
This SequenceBuilder has a variety of modes of operation.
SequenceDBWrapper |
An abstract implementation of SequenceDB that wraps up another database.
SequenceFactory |
SequenceFormat |
Defines what a sequence format does.
SequenceHandler |
mark interface
SequenceIterator |
An iterator over a bag of sequences.
SequencePanel |
A panel that displays a Sequence.
SequencePanelWrapper |
Handles multiple SequencePanels and Ranges so that a Sequence can be wrapped
over more than one line on screen.
SequencePoster |
SequenceRenderContext |
A context within which sequence information may be rendered.
SequenceRenderContext.Border |
The metric object for the 'border' area - the area between the extent of
the rendered area and the beginning or end of the sequence.
SequenceRenderer |
The interface for things that can render a line of information about a
SequenceRenderer.RendererForwarder |
SequenceRendererWrapper |
An implementation of SequenceRenderer that delegates rendering to another
SequencesAsGFF |
Turns a sequence database into a GFF event stream.
SequenceStreamer |
SequenceStreamer.FileStreamer |
SequenceStreamer.SequenceDBStreamer |
SequenceTools |
Methods for manipulating sequences.
SequenceViewerEvent |
An event indicating that a mouse gesture was recognised within a widget that
renders sequences.
SequenceViewerListener |
SequenceViewerMotionListener |
SequenceViewerMotionSupport |
SequenceViewerSupport |
Services |
Utility methods for handling META-INF/services files
SigmoidKernel |
This kernel implements a three layer neural net.
SimilarityPairBuilder |
SimilarityPairBuilder annotates query and subject
Sequence with SimilarityPairFeature s
created from SAX events supplied via a
SeqSimilarityAdapter .
SimilarityPairFeature |
SimilarityPairFeature describes a pairwise
similarity between two nucleotide sequences (as it extends
StrandedFeature ).
SimilarityPairFeature.EmptyPairwiseAlignment |
EmptyPairwiseAlignment empty pairwise alignment
which has labels to empty symbol lists.
SimilarityPairFeature.Template |
Template for construction of
SimilarityPairFeature s.
SimilarityType |
Each HomologeneEntry represents a single
Homologene record that relates two
presumptive orthologues.
SimilarityType.PlaceHolder |
SimpleAlignment |
A simple implementation of an Alignment.
SimpleAlignmentElement |
SimpleSimpleAlignment is a simple implementation of
SimpleAlignmentStyler |
Simple implementation for specifying markup styles.
SimpleAlphabet |
A simple no-frills implementation of the FiniteAlphabet interface.
SimpleAnnotation |
A no-frills implementation of Annotation that is just a wrapper
around a LinkedHashMap .
SimpleAnnotationDB |
A no-frills implementation of AnnotationDB.
SimpleAnnotFilter |
Basic implementation of AGAVEAnnotFilter
SimpleAssembly |
A Sequence which is assembled from other sequences contained
in a set of ComponentFeature objects.
SimpleAssemblyBuilder |
Basic SequenceBuilder implementation which accumulates all
notified information and creates a SimpleAssembly.
SimpleAtomicSymbol |
A basic implementation of AtomicSymbol.
SimpleBioEntry |
Reference implementation of a BioEntry object which has no features or sequence.
SimpleBioEntryRelationship |
Represents a relationship between two bioentries that is described by a term
and given a rank.
SimpleChromatogram |
A basic chromatogram implementation which provides public mutators
for setting the various attributes of the chromatogram.
SimpleCodonPref |
a simple no-frills implementation of the
CodonPref object that encapsulates
codon preference data.
SimpleComment |
An implementaion of Comment.
SimpleComparableOntology |
Represents an ontology that can be compared to other ontologies.
SimpleComparableTerm |
A Term object that can be compared and thus sorted.
SimpleComparableTriple |
Basic comparable triple, BioSQL style.
SimpleCrossOverFunction |
Simple Implementation of the CrossOverFunction interface
SimpleCrossRef |
A basic CrossRef implementation.
SimpleDistribution |
A simple implementation of a distribution, which works with any finite alphabet.
SimpleDistributionTrainer |
SimpleDistributionTrainerContext |
A no-frills implementation of DistributionTrainerContext.
SimpleDocRef |
A basic DocRef implementation.
SimpleDocRefAuthor |
Represents an author of a documentary reference.
SimpleDotState |
A Dot state that you can make and use.
SimpleEmissionState |
SimpleFeature |
A no-frills implementation of a feature.
SimpleFeatureHolder |
A no-frills implementation of FeatureHolder.
SimpleFeatureRealizer |
FeatureRealizer which uses a lookup table to map template classes
to implementations.
SimpleFramedFeature |
Title: SimpleFramedFeature.
SimpleGACrossResult |
Simple implementation of the GACross interface.
SimpleGappedSequence |
Simple implementation of GappedSequence.
SimpleGappedSymbolList |
This implementation of GappedSymbolList wraps a SymbolList, allowing you to
insert gaps.
SimpleGappedSymbolList.Block |
An aligned block.
SimpleGeneticAlgorithm |
A simple implementation of the GeneticAlgorithm interface it
is not intended that this class be overidden, hence it is final.
SimpleGeneticCodeTable |
A genetic code translation table representing a translation table in the
DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank Feature Table (appendix V).
SimpleGFFRecord |
A no-frills implementation of a GFFRecord.
SimpleHMMTrainer |
SimpleHomologeneBuilder |
A simple no-frills implementation of the HomologeneBuilder interface.
SimpleHomologeneDB |
SimpleHomology |
A no-frills implementation of Homology.
SimpleHomologyFeature |
SimpleIndex |
This is a no-frills implementation of the Index interface.
SimpleInputHandler |
SimpleItemValue |
A no-frills implementation of ItemValue.
SimpleLabelRenderer |
SimpleManyToOneTranslationTable |
A no-frills implementation of a translation table that
maps between two alphabets.
SimpleMarkovModel |
SimpleModelInState |
SimpleModelTrainer |
SimpleMutationFunction |
Simple no frills Implementation of the MutationFunction interface
SimpleNamespace |
A basic Namespace implemenation.
SimpleNCBITaxon |
Reference implementation of NCBITaxon.
SimpleNCBITaxonName |
Represents a name class plus name combination for an NCBITaxon object.
SimpleNCBITaxonomyLoader |
Loads NCBI taxon information from names.dmp and nodes.dmp, which are
two of the files in the archive downloadable at .
SimpleNote |
Simple implementation of Note.
SimpleOrganism |
A Simple Haploid Organism implementation
SimpleOrthologue |
this entry contains data about the orthologue.
SimpleOrthologueSet |
SimpleOrthoPair |
A no-frills implementation of the OrthoPair interface
SimpleOrthoPairCollection |
SimpleOrthoPairSet |
a no-frills implementation of a Homologene Group
SimpleOutputHandler |
SimplePopulation |
Simple concrete implementation of the Population interface
SimplePosition |
A simple implementation of the Position interface.
SimpleRankedCrossRef |
Simple implementation of RankedCrossRef.
SimpleRankedDocRef |
Represents a documentary reference.
SimpleRemoteFeature |
A no-frills implementation of a remote feature.
SimpleRemoteFeature.DBResolver |
SimpleRestrictionSite |
SimpleRestrictionSite represents the recognition site
of a restriction enzyme.
SimpleReversibleTranslationTable |
A no-frills implementation of TranslationTable that uses a Map to map from
symbols in a finite source alphabet into a target alphabet.
SimpleRichAnnotation |
Simple annotation wrapper.
SimpleRichFeature |
A simple implementation of RichFeature.
SimpleRichFeatureRelationship |
Represents a relationship between two features that is described by a term.
SimpleRichLocation |
A simple implementation of RichLocation.
SimpleRichObjectBuilder |
Creates objects and returns them, and stores them in an internal
map of singletons for reference.
SimpleRichSequence |
A simple implementation of RichSequence.
SimpleRichSequenceBuilder |
Constructs BioEntry objects by listening to events.
SimpleRichSequenceBuilderFactory |
Generates RichSequenceBuilder objects.
SimpleSeqSimilaritySearchHit |
SimpleSeqSimilaritySearchHit objects represent a
similarity search hit of a query sequence to a sequence referenced
in a SequenceDB object.
SimpleSeqSimilaritySearchResult |
SimpleSeqSimilaritySearchResult objects represent a
result of a search of a SymbolList against the
sequences within a SequenceDB object.
SimpleSeqSimilaritySearchSubHit |
SimpleSeqSimilaritySearchSubHit objects represent
sub-hits which make up a hit.
SimpleSequence |
A basic implementation of the Sequence interface.
SimpleSequenceBuilder |
Basic SequenceBuilder implementation which accumulates all
notified information and creates a SimpleSequence.
SimpleSequenceDBInstallation |
This class is an implementation of interface SequenceDBInstallation
that manages a set of SequenceDB objects.
SimpleSequenceFactory |
A no-frills implementation of SequenceFactory that produces SimpleSequence
SimpleSimilarityPairFeature |
SimpleSimilarityPairFeature represents a similarity
between a query sequence and a subject sequence as produced by a
search program.
SimpleStatePath |
A no-frills implementation of StatePath.
SimpleStrandedFeature |
A no-frills implementation of StrandedFeature.
SimpleSVMClassifierModel |
A no-frills implementation of an SVM classifier model.
SimpleSVMTarget |
No-frills implementation of SVMTarget.
SimpleSymbolList |
Basic implementation of SymbolList.
SimpleSymbolListFactory |
This class makes SimpleSymbolLists.
SimpleSymbolPropertyTable |
Class that implements the SymbolPropertyTable interface
SimpleSymbolPropertyTableDB |
A simple implementation of a symbol property table database.
SimpleSymbolStyle |
A no-frills implementation of SymbolStyle.
SimpleTagValueWrapper |
Helper class to wrap one TagValueListener inside another one.
SimpleTaxon |
SimpleTaxonFactory |
SimpleThreadPool |
SimpleThreadPool is a basic implementation of
ThreadPool for use where we don't wish to introduce a
dependency on a 3rd-party pool.
SimpleTrackLayout |
A TrackLayout implenentation that wraps the sequence smoothly after a set number of residues
SimpleTranslationTable |
A no-frills implementation of TranslationTable that uses a Map to map from
symbols in a finite source alphabet into a target alphabet.
SimpleWeightMatrix |
SimpleXMLEmitter |
A simple XML DocumentHandler that processes SAX2 events
to create a sensibly formatted XML as it parsed
without populating objects with data.
SingleDP |
An implementation of DP that aligns a single sequence against a single model.
SingleDPMatrix |
The dynamic programming matrix for a single sequence.
SingletonAlphabet |
An alphabet that contains a single atomic symbol.
SingletonList |
SixFrameRenderer |
Class that handles drawing in six frames for other
SixFrameZiggyRenderer |
A feature renderer that computes the data necessary to render
multi-exon transcripts without CDS data.
SmallAnnotation |
Annotation that is optimized for memory usage.
SmallCursor |
Constant-memory implementation of single-head DP cursor.
SmallMap |
Lightweight implementation of Map which uses little memory to store a
small number of mappings, at the expense of scalability.
SmallSet |
Lightweight implementation of Set which uses little memory to store a small
number of items, at the expense of scalability.
SmartSequenceBuilder |
Basic SequenceBuilder implementation which accumulates all
notified information and chooses a sequence implementation
suited to the size of the sequence.
SmithWaterman |
Smith and Waterman developed an efficient dynamic programming algorithm to
perform local sequence alignments, which returns the most conserved region of
two sequences (longest common substring with modifications).
SMORegressionTrainer |
Train a regression support vector machine using the Sequential Minimal
Optimization algorithm.
SMOTrainer |
Train a support vector machine using the Sequential Minimal
Optimization algorithm.
SoftHashMap |
A in memory cache using soft references.
SoftMaskedAlphabet |
Soft masking is usually displayed by making the masked regions somehow
different from the non masked regions.
SoftMaskedAlphabet.MaskingDetector |
Implementations will define how soft masking looks.
SoftMaskedAlphabet.MaskingDetector.DefaultMaskingDetector |
SoftReferenceCache |
Cache which is cleared according to memory pressure.
SolexaFastqReader |
SolexaFastqWriter |
SparseVector |
An implementation of a sparse vector.
SparseVector.NormalizingKernel |
A version of the standard dot-product kernel that scales each column
SQLUnigeneFactory |
An implementatoin of UnigeneFactory that manages it's data in an SQL
StackedFeatureRenderer |
Allows you to stack multiple feature renderers up (for example a label renderer and
a beaded renderer) and have them treated as a single renderer for layout.
StackedLogoPainter |
A logo painter that paints in stacked areas.
State |
A state in a markov process.
StateMachine |
This class implements a state machine for parsing events from
the Parser class.
StateMachine.ExitNotification |
Interface implemented by State listeners that
want notification when a transition leaves the State.
StateMachine.State |
Interface for a State within this StateMachine
StateMachineFactory |
Class that produces StateMachineInstance objects.
StateMachineInstance |
StatePath |
Extends the Alignment interface so that it is explicitly used to represent
a state path through an HMM, and the associated emitted sequence and
StaticMemberPlaceHolder |
StAXContentHandler |
Interface for StAX content handlers.
StAXContentHandler |
Interface for StAX content handlers.
StAXContentHandlerBase |
Simple implementation of the StAXContentHandler
interface, with empty implementations for all the methods.
StAXContentHandlerBase |
Simple implementation of the StAXContentHandler
interface, with empty implementations for all the methods.
StAXFeatureHandler |
StAX handler shamelessly ripped off from Thomas Down's
StAXFeatureHandler |
StAX handler shamelessly ripped off from Thomas Down's
StAXFeatureHandler |
StAX handler shamelessly ripped off from Thomas Down's XFFFeatureSetHandler.
StAXHandlerBinding |
StAXHandlerBinding s associates an
ElementRecognizer with a factory which creates
StAXContentHandler s for elements which it the
ElementRecognizer accepts.
StAXHandlerFactory |
StAXHandlerFactory is an interface for factories
producing StAXContentHandler s which are used by the
SeqSimilarityStAXAdapter .
StAXHandlerFactory |
Factory for StAX content handlers.
StAXHandlerFactory |
Factory for StAX content handlers.
StAXHandlerFactory |
Factory for StAX content handlers.
StAXPropertyHandler |
StAX handler shamelessly ripped off from Thomas Down's
StAXPropertyHandler |
StAX handler shamelessly ripped off from Thomas Down's
StoppingCriteria |
A callback that is invoked during the training of an HMM.
StopRenderer |
Compute sites of stop codons.
StrandedFeature |
Adds the concept of 'strand' to features.
StrandedFeature.Strand |
Class to represent the 'strandedness' of a feature.
StrandedFeature.Template |
Template class for parameterizing the creation of a new
StrandedFeature .
StrandedFeatureHandler |
StAX handler for XFF strandedFeature type.
StrandParser |
Process strings and return strand objects.
StreamListener |
Event based parser callback.
StreamParser |
Parse a stream of characters into BioJava symbols.
StreamPipe |
A multi threaded class
which pipes the contents of an input stream to an output stream.
StreamReader |
Parses a stream into sequences.
StreamWriter |
Writes all of the sequences from a SequenceIterator to a stream with a
particular format.
StringElementHandlerBase |
StAX handler for any element which just contains a string.
StringTools |
Utility class for formatting strings into regular-sized blocks.
StructureTools |
Simple access to protein seccondary structure assignments.
SubCircularRendererContext |
A renderer context that allows some or all properties of another context to
be over-ridden.
SubIntegerTokenization |
SubPairwiseRenderContext |
SubPairwiseRenderContext is a rendering context
which wraps a delegate context and effectively hides some of the
delegate's properties with its own.
SubSequence |
View a sub-section of a given sequence object, including all the
features intersecting that region.
SubSequence.SubProjectedFeatureContext |
TargetContext that implements the mapping between the parent sequence and this
SubSequenceDB |
SubSequenceRenderContext |
Allows a new renderer to "wrap" another one, replacing one or more values.
SubstitutionMatrix |
This object is able to read a substitution matrix file and constructs a short
matrix in memory.
SuffixTree |
Suffix tree implementation.
SuffixTree.SuffixNode |
A node in the suffix tree.
SuffixTreeKernel |
Computes the dot-product of two suffix-trees as the sum of the products
of the counts of all nodes they have in common.
SuffixTreeKernel.DepthScaler |
Encapsulates the scale factor to apply at a given depth.
SuffixTreeKernel.MultipleScalar |
Scale using a multiple of two DepthScalers.
SuffixTreeKernel.NullModelScaler |
Scales by 4^depth - equivalent to dividing by a probablistic flatt prior
null model
SuffixTreeKernel.SelectionScalar |
Scale using a BitSet to allow/disallow depths.
SuffixTreeKernel.UniformScaler |
Scale all depths by 1.0
SVM_Light |
SVM_Light.LabelledVector |
SVMClassifierModel |
An SVM classifier model.
SVMKernel |
Kernel for support vector machines and related methods.
SVMRegressionModel |
SVMTarget |
An SVM classifier model.
SwapMutationFunction |
This class does a sort of mutation by exchanging two positions on the
Swissprot |
SwissprotFileFormer |
SwissprotProcessor |
SwissprotProcessor.Factory |
Factory which wraps SequenceBuilders in a SwissprotProcessor
SwissprotSequenceDB |
This class contains functions accessing sequences in swiss-prot.
Symbol |
A single symbol.
SymbolList |
A sequence of symbols that belong to an alphabet.
SymbolListCharSequence |
SymbolListCharSequence is a CharSequence
implementation which wraps a SymbolList .
SymbolListFactory |
This interface exists to hide implementational details
of SymbolLists when making chunked symbol lists.
SymbolListViews |
Tools class for constructing views of SymbolList objects.
SymbolPropertyTable |
class for maintaining properties associated with a symbol
SymbolPropertyTableDB |
SymbolPropertyTableIterator |
SymbolReader |
Encapsulate a stream of Symbols being parsed from some input
SymbolSequenceRenderer |
SymbolSequenceRenderer renders symbols of a
SymbolList .
SymbolStyle |
The interface for things that say how to paint a symbol.
SymbolTokenization |
Encapsulate a mapping between BioJava Symbol objects and
some string representation.
SymbolTokenization.TokenType |
Synonym |
SystemRegistry |
A registry that loads up the standard biodirectory files.
TabDelimParser |
Parse tab-delimited ontology files into Ontology objects.
TabIndexStore |
Implements IndexStore as a serialized file for the java data and a
tab-delimited file of offsets.
TagDelegator |
Pushes a new parser and listener, or delegate to a listener depending on the
TagDropper |
Silently drop all tags except those specified, and pass the rest onto a
TagMapper |
TagMapper maps arbitrary object keys to new keys.
TagRenamer |
Rename tags using a TagMapper.
TagValue |
Utility class for representing tag-value pairs for TagValueParser
TagValueContext |
Communication interface between Parser and a TagValueListener that allows
listeners to request that a parser/listener pair be pushed onto the stack to
handle the current tag.
TagValueListener |
An object that wishes to be informed of events during the parsing of a file.
TagValueParser |
Tokenize single records (lines of text, objects) into a tag and a value.
TagValueWrapper |
Interface for TagValueListeners that wrap other TagValueListeners
TaxaBlock |
Represents Nexus taxa blocks.
TaxaBlockBuilder |
Builds Nexus taxa blocks.
TaxaBlockListener |
Listens to events that represent Nexus taxa blocks.
TaxaBlockParser |
Parses Nexus taxa blocks.
Taxon |
Taxon |
Taxon.TaxonStub |
TaxonFactory |
TaxonParser |
TaxonSQL |
TemplateUtils |
Common things you may want to do with feature templates.
Term |
A term in an ontology.
Term.Impl |
Simple in-memory implementation of an ontology term.
TextBlock |
A BlockPainter that renders letters in proportion to the size of the signal.
TextLogoPainter |
A logo painter that paints in stacked letters.
ThinRichSequence |
A simple implementation of RichSequence.
ThreadPool |
ThreadPool specifies basic thread-pooling
operations such that third-party implementations may be used
without requiring changes to BioJava.
TickFeatureRenderer |
TournamentSelection |
Tournament Selection chooses the best organisms from n random subsets of a
given population.
TrackLayout |
An interface for the handling of the layout of a WrappedSequencePanel.
Train |
Trainable |
Flags an object as being able to register itself with a model trainer.
TrainerTransition |
This is a small and ugly class for storing a trainer and a transition.
TrainingAlgorithm |
TrainingContext |
TrainingEvent |
TrainingListener |
TrainRegression |
Transition |
This is a small and ugly class for storing a transition.
TransitionTrainer |
An object that can be used to train the transitions within a MarkovModel.
TranslatedDistribution |
A translated view of some underlying distribution.
TranslatedSequencePanel |
TranslatedSequencePanel is a panel that displays a
TranslateFlipContext |
A ProjectionContext that translates and optionaly flips features.
TranslationTable |
Encapsulates the mapping from a source to a destination
TreesBlock |
Represents Nexus trees blocks.
TreesBlock.NewickTreeString |
A simple representation of a Newick tree as a single string.
TreesBlockBuilder |
Builds Nexus taxa blocks.
TreesBlockListener |
Listens to events that represent Nexus trees blocks.
TreesBlockParser |
Parses Nexus taxa blocks.
Triple |
A triple in an ontology.
Triple.Impl |
Basic in-memory implementation of a Triple in an ontology
This can be used to implement Ontology.createTriple
TriState |
Class that represents the tristate values possible in
a logical operation: true, false and indeterminate.
TurnGlyph |
A Glyph that paints a wide 'H' line within the bounds
TwoHeadedArrowGlyph |
A Glyph that paints a two headed arrow within the bounds
TypedProperties |
a sub-class of java.util.Properties that provides the same constructors, adds two convenient load methods to load
the properties from files and, most importantly, adds getPropertyAsXXX() methods to get a property as an object of
type XXX.
UkkonenSuffixTree |
A suffix tree is an efficient method for encoding the frequencies
of motifs in a sequence.
UkkonenSuffixTree.SuffixNode |
end Tree modification methods
Unchangeable |
This is a utility implementation of Changeable that doesn't fire any events
or keep references to any listeners.
UncompressInputStream |
This class decompresses an input stream containing data compressed with
the unix "compress" utility (LZC, a LZW variant).
UnequalLengthAlignment |
UnequalLengthAlignment has the following behavior.
UniformDistribution |
An implementation of an uniform distribution
UnigeneCluster |
A single unigene cluster.
UnigeneDB |
A database of Unigene clusters.
UnigeneFactory |
Objects that can be used to produce a UnigeneDB instance
given a URL.
UnigeneTools |
Usefull tools for working with Unigene.
UniProtCommentParser |
UniProtCommentParser.Event |
A class to describe events for alternative product comments.
UniProtCommentParser.Interaction |
A class to describe protein-protein interactions.
UniProtCommentParser.Isoform |
A class to describe isoforms for alternative product comments.
UniProtCommentParser.SeqCaution |
A class to describe seq caution entries.
UniProtFormat |
Format reader for UniProt files.
UniProtFormat.Terms |
Implements some UniProt-specific terms.
UniProtLocationParser |
Parses UniProt location strings into RichLocation objects.
UniProtXMLFormat |
Format reader for UniProtXML files.
UniProtXMLFormat.Terms |
Implements some UniProtXML-specific terms.
UnknownDBHelper |
UnsupportedChromatogramFormatException |
Exception indicating that some provided data does not represent
a supported chromatogram format.
UntrainableDistribution |
A distribution which does not interact with the training framework.
URLFactory |
URLFactory defines a means of obtaining a URL
associated with an object.
URLGeneratorFactory |
Interface for a factory method to return a list of
0, 1 or more DatabaseURLGenerator instances.
UserDefinedTrackLayout |
An implementation of TrackLayout that that wraps a sequence over an arbitrary set of ranges
UtilHelper |
Just make the property follow the common case
ValueChanger |
Intercept the values associated with some tags and change them
Variable |
Variable.Impl |
ViewingSequenceDB |
SequenceDB implementation that returns new SequenceView instances
wrapping the sequences in an underlying database.
ViewSequence |
A view onto another Sequence object.
ViewSequenceFactory |
ViewSequenceFactory is a base class for creating
search handlers which create and cache views on the query and
subject sequences.
Visitor |
Things that will be shown filters.
Walker |
Objects that can walk over a filter expression, showing each element to a
WalkerFactory |
WeakCacheMap |
A cache which retains weak references to objects
WeakTaxon |
WeakTaxonFactory |
WeakValueHashMap |
Map implementation which keeps weak references to values.
WebSequenceDB |
Functions for access to a web based database that returns sequences
in a variety of formats.
WeightedSet |
Inspred by the BioJava Distribution objects the WeightedSet is a map from
a Key to a Weight.
WeightMatrix |
A log odds weight matrix.
WeightMatrixAnnotator |
Annotates a sequence with hits to a weight-matrix.
Wraps a weight matrix up so that it appears to be a very simple HMM.
WobbleDistribution |
an object to return statistics about
the frequency of the wobble base
in a set of synonymous codons.
WordTokenization |
Base class for tokenizations which accept whitespace-separated
WriterOutputHandler |
XFFFeatureSetHandler |
StAX handler which converts and stream of parse events for an XFF
featureSet element into BioJava SeqIO events.
XFFHelper |
XFFPartHandlerFactory |
Factory for StAX content handlers.
XFFTools |
Common functionality for manipulating XFF.
XFFWriter |
Simple XFF writing code, ripped off from Dazzle 0.08.
XMLAnnotationTypeHandler |
StAX handler for parsing AnnotationTypes in FilterXML documents.
XMLAnnotationTypeHandler.CollectionConstraintHandler |
Handler for an individual CollectionConstraint in an AnnotationType.
XMLAnnotationTypeHandler.CollectionConstraintHandlerFactory |
Handler Factory for a CollectionConstraint in an AnnotationType.
XMLAnnotationTypeHandler.PropertyConstraintHandler |
Handler for an individual PropertyConstraint in an AnnotationType.
XMLAnnotationTypeHandler.PropertyConstraintHandlerFactory |
Handler Factory for a PropertyConstraint in an AnnotationType.
XMLAnnotationTypeWriter |
Main class for writing AnnotationTypes as XML.
XMLAnnotationTypeWriter.XMLCollectionConstraintWriter |
Writer for types of CollectionConstraint.
XMLAnnotationTypeWriter.XMLPropertyConstraintWriter |
Writer for types of PropertyConstraint.
XMLBeans |
Construct java beans from XML elements
XMLDistributionReader |
A SAX parser that reads an XML representation of a
Distribution from a file and recreates it as a Distribution Object.
XMLDistributionWriter |
Writes an OrderNDistribution or simple Distribution to an XML file.
XMLFilterHandler |
Factory producing content handlers for parsing FilterXML elements.
XMLFilterHandler.FilterHandler |
StAXContentHandler for a particular type of FeatureFilter.
XMLFilterHandler.FilterHandlerFactory |
Factory of StAXContentHandlers for a particular type of FeatureFilter.
XMLFilterWriter |
Write FeatureFilters in XML format.
XMLFilterWriter.FilterWriter |
Interface for an object which can write a FeatureFilter as XML.
XmlMarkovModel |
XMLTools |
Utility class for reading chunks of XML files and feeding them to SAX.
XMLWritable |
Object which knows how to represent itself as an XML element.
XMLWriter |
Simple interface for building XML documents.
ZiggyFeatureRenderer |
A feature renderer that draws non-contiguous features as a set of boxes
joined by zig-zags.
ZiggyImapRenderer |
ZiggyImapRenderer is a decorator for
ZiggyFeatureRenderer which adds the ability to create
HTML image map coordinates which correspond to the feature
rendering produced by the ZiggyFeatureRenderer .